Rhinoplasty Makeover For The New Centruy

Rhinoplasty Makeover For The New Centruy


Dave Stringham

Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery operation designed to improve the appearance of the nose. Breathing and sinus function can also be improved using nasal plastic surgery. The term rhinoplasty means to mold or shape the nose. Many Plastic Surgeons are skilled and experienced, and each nasal plastic surgery procedure is individualized to accomplish the goals set forth by the patient and physician. A rhinoplasty can include a full rhinoplasty, open rhinoplasty, closed rhinoplasty, reduction rhinoplasty and or tip rhinoplasty.

A nose is tailored to fit as best as possible with your face. A truly beautiful nose is in harmony with the rest of your face. This may require nasal plastic surgery to reduce or enhance the size and shape of the nose, including the width of the bony base, tip and nostrils. Nasal plastic surgery can correct birth defects or injury and help relieve some breathing problems. The exact appearance of the nose cannot be determined before surgery.


Some of the reasons that you may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty are, a nose that appears too large for your face, to remove a bump on your nose, to reduce a nose that appears too wide on front view, for a nasal tip that droops or plunges, to reduce a nasal tip that is thickened or enlarged, to reduce excessively wide nostrils, to straighten a nose that is off-center or crooked, to improve an injured nose, to improve anatomic nasal blockages and breathing.

The goal of surgery is to achieve a natural-looking nose as opposed to one that appears operated upon. Each nose is shaped to fit in with the distinctive features of the patient and their face. The shape of the nose should be improved, and importantly, the appearance of the entire face should be enhanced. Medical grade photographs will be taken to be analyzed in planning for surgery and to define the unique characteristics of your nose and face. Your plastic surgeon will discuss the steps involved in your individualized rhinoplasty with you. This discussion includes a disclosure of risks, benefits, imponderables and expected outcomes after surgery. When both parties agree on the operative plan, schedule surgery.

Patients usually go to the outpatient surgery center or hospital the morning of surgery. Immediately before surgery, medications are given to promote healing and to keep swelling and discoloration to a minimum. Following surgery, the average patient is able to be discharged to an appropriate recovery facility. Plastic Surgeons encourage patients traveling from far away to stay nearby for three to seven days following surgery. Plastic Surgeons generally prefer general anesthesia in which the patient receives sleeping medications supplemented by local anesthetics to fully relax them. In most cases, the length of time required to perform the operation is 1 to 3 hours. Additional time is required to properly prepare the patient and for a recovery room stay.

The surgical procedure is done through incisions inside and or under the nose. In general, scars are not visible. When work on the nasal tip is necessary, as in revision surgery, it is frequently helpful to expose the cartilages of the nose and repair them directly. Modern concepts in rhinoplasty include building up the nose to achieve an aesthetically pleasing form, rather than just breaking the bones and removing tissue. With plastic surgeon techniques, they reposition the nasal bones after incising and releasing their attachment, I do not actually break the bones, eliminating a lot of the discomfort, bruising, swelling and anxiety. Plastic Surgeons feel this technique allows for better control of the operation and makes recovery easier for most patients.

Dave Stringham, the President of LookingYourBest.com writes about

plastic surgery in Phoenix

, Arizona and plastic surgery procedures such as

Phoenix Rhinoplasty

, tummy tuck, facelift, ear pinning, arm lift, liposuction, and nasal surgery.

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