Author: Admin

Cat Acne Treatment And Prevention}

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Fashionable Nurses Uniforms Cat Acne Treatment and Prevention by Alicia Friend Your cats skin has two types of glands in the dermal layer. The sweat glands that keep the body temperature in check and the sebaceous glands that secrete a greasy substance called sebum. The sebum is a […]

Las Vegas ‘chili finger’ woman arrested

Story sources NBC 11 News San Jose Mercury News Friday, April 22, 2005 Las Vegas, Nevada — The San Jose Police Department has announced that Anna Ayala, the woman who claims to have found a human finger in a bowl of chili at a Wendy’s restaurant in San Jose, California, was arrested at or near […]

American politician Augustus F. Hawkins dies at 100

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 Augustus Freeman Hawkins, a prominent U.S. figure in Civil Rights and Organized Labor history, has died at the age of 100, just three days ago, on November 10. Born on August 31, 1907, Shreveport, Louisiana, he served as the first African American from California in the United States Congress, where he […]

Student faces expulsion over blog post

Sunday, May 28, 2006 A 17-year-old student faces expulsion by the Plainfield School District in Plainfield, Illinois as a result of blog posts he made on which were critical of the school staff, alleging bullying and intimidation. The student has already been suspended for 10 days for the “inappropriate comments” and “threats” the school […]

Activists claim police harrassment as G20 summit nears

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 Two days before the beginning of the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania activists are already claiming harassment from police officers. The ACLU is filing charges against the Pittsburgh Police Department after claiming that “more than 30 Pittsburgh police officers with semi-automatic weapons” raided a Seeds for Peace food truck in the […]