Author: Admin

The Important Considerations Of Major Event Risk Management

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Brand Reputation Monitoring And Management Software byadmin Large gatherings of people at public meetings, conferences, concerts, sporting events, political or social rallies or for any other reason are always potential places for attacks, threats or potential problems. Utilizing specific technology for major event risk management is something any […]

Wikinews interviews Duncan Campbell, co-founder of wheelchair rugby

Friday, September 7, 2012 London, England — On Wednesday, Wikinews interviewed Duncan Campbell, one of the creators of wheelchair rugby. ((Laura Hale)) You’re Duncan Campbell, and you’re the founder of… Duncan Campbell: One of the founders of wheelchair rugby. ((Laura Hale)) And you’re from Canada, eh? Duncan Campbell: Yes, I’m from Canada, eh! (laughter) ((Laura […]

Gambling sites favor Cardinals Marc Ouellet, Peter Turkson, Francis Arinze as next Pope

Monday, February 11, 2013 With news of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation only hours old, online gambling sites have already published odds for who will become the next leader of the Roman Catholic Church, with Cardinals Marc Ouellet and Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson as early odds-on favorites. Online Australian gambling site SportsBet has Canadian Cardinal Marc […]

Slim Down And Get Fit Through Water Aerobics

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Pharmacy Technician Van Nuys By Gloria Fanz In this creative and advanced world we all share, it is important for us to stay fit and on top of our everyday challenge. When it comes to ways to keep fit, there are certainly infinite things to choose from. Some […]

Immediate life insurance website launched, first in world

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 The first website in the world allowing consumers to buy life insurance online instantly has been launched today, targeting specifically New Zealanders. The website, run by life insurance company Pinnacle Life, allows New Zealanders in many countries in the world to buy life insurance online without the need for a medical […]

Total evacuation of New Orleans planned

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 A state of emergency has been enacted in New Orleans in the U.S. state of Louisiana today, after the devastating Hurricane Katrina made landfall on Monday. There were earlier erroneous reports by the news media that martial law had been imposed. Mayor Ray Nagin fears that there may be “thousands” of […]