Author: Admin

Sirius CEO visits congress

Friday, March 2, 2007 Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin appeared before a newly formed Antitrust Task Force, a sub-committee of the House Judiciary Committee, on Wednesday last week in Washington, D.C. to defend the proposed U.S. merger between XM and Sirius satellite radio services. The hearing, carried live on C-SPAN, was attended by representatives from various […]

Benefits Offered By Electronic Locks

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Child Modeling byAlma Abell Electronic versions of deadbolts and other residential entry locks are nothing new. In most cases, Electronic Locks will use a keypad or push buttons to open. However, a homeowner may wonder what the benefits of these locks are, over traditional key locks. After all, […]

Russians protest against pension reform

Tuesday, September 11, 2018 On Sunday, reportedly over a thousand Russians were arrested for illegally protesting against government plans for pension age adjustment. The protest spanned several regions across the country. The plan would raise the retirement age an additional five years, with new age for men at 65, for women at 60. According to […]

Parents arrested after putting baby on Craigslist

Sunday, June 1, 2008 A couple from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada has been arrested on charges of public mischief after listing their seven day old baby girl on the popular Internet classified ads website Craigslist. The listing claimed that the baby was unexpected, “healthy and very cute”. It asked CAN 10 000 for the baby. […]

Category:Iain Macdonald (Wikinewsie)/Aviation

Aviation articles by Wikinewsie Iain Macdonald. Power firm helicopter strikes cables, crashes near Fairfield, California Germany bans Mahan Air of Iran, citing ‘security’ Lion Air disaster: Crashed jet’s voice recorder recovered from Java Sea Iranian cargo plane crashes into Karaj houses Police warn new drone owners to obey law after disruption at UK’s Gatwick Airport […]

New denunciations of Brazilian deputy and evidence make things difficult for Lula

Sunday, July 3, 2005 São Paulo, Brazil —On June 30, in Brazil, deputy Roberto Jefferson testified to deputies and senators of a Commission that is investigating the alleged Post Office Service scandal. Jefferson’s testimony along with new evidence supporting his testimony are putting the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in a difficult […]

On the campaign trail in the USA, October 2020

Monday, November 2, 2020 The following is the sixth and final edition of a monthly series chronicling the 2020 United States presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after an overview of the month’s biggest stories. This month’s spotlight on the campaign trail: the Free and Equal Elections Foundation holds two […]

Exceptional Benefits Of Email Marketing

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Accounting Firms Brisbane Submitted by: Scott J Bradley As a business owner, the choices of media available to communicate your message to your target market can be confusing. Media Representatives will cite statistics to support their argument that you should use their particular medium and faced with data […]