Bankruptcy Clearwater What To Do When Filing For Bankruptcy In Clearwater

By William Perry

If you are applying for bankruptcy in Clearwater, there are certainly many different ways to go. There are three main forms of bankruptcy are chapter 7, 11, and 13, although 11 only applies to businesses.

Hopefully this article will provide you the info you need to make a well informed decision about not only which chapter to file for, but how to find the best lawyer to guide you through this process, and anything you need to know about the bankruptcy process. If you make the wrong decision, you could end up sending a lot of money on court and legal fees, and still not get the settlement you need.

The first thing you need to do is take stock of before applying for bankruptcy in Clearwater is your current income levels, as well as debt, and of course, your assets and liabilities. The reason this is important is that you need to determine if you are going to file for chapter 7, which required you to use your non exempt assets to pay off your creditors.


Obviously, for many people this would not be a wise choice, as they very likely would have to give up their house, car, and other very important items. However, if you have many exempt items (items that can’t be taken away during bankruptcy) this might be an option to go, assuming your assets will cover the expenses needed to pay off your creditors.

The best part about chapter 7 is that all your debts are competed discharged upon sale of your assets. The worst part, of course, is that you usually have to give up some very valuable assets to achieve this. However, once this painful process is over, you can essentially receive a clean slate, and the bankruptcy is not listed on your credit report for very long.

Again, this can be a very complex process, and the best method to find out whether chapter 7 is right for you is to hire the right bankruptcy attorney in Clearwater to help you take stock of your current situation, and therefore determine which chapter is best for you to file for. Get this part wrong by trying to do it yourself, and you will be in far deeper trouble than simply filing.

The next area of bankruptcy in Clearwater to look at is chapter 11. As I alluded to earlier, this only applies to business and not individuals, so if you are applying on an individual level, you can skip this part. Chapter 11 mandates that you need a steady amount of income and reasonable debt levels, and is somewhat similar to chapter 13.

Where it defers, however, is that you need to come up with a plan yourself to show the court how you will pay off your creditors.

If you are unable to provide a detailed plan thoroughly outlining how you plan to eliminate your debt over the next several years to the bankruptcy court in Clearwater, or are unable to proof you currently have enough income to do so, you will probably have to resort to either chapter 7 or 13, again depending on your situation.

About the Author: For more info on bankruptcy in Clearwater, check out This is a popular site where you can learn about anything related to bankruptcy, and get all your bankruptcy questions answered.


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