Building A Green Equestrian Facility

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Submitted by: Martin Webbster
Buying a horse property presents immense opportunities for the owner. Aside deriving pleasure from the presence of the animals on your compound, you can also resell the property at a much later date for higher profits. It is becoming increasingly common for property owners to diversify into horse properties as that part of the real estate industry looks promising. Though many horse properties are built or purchased for ranching reasons, you can also have one mainly for equestrian activities.
Equestrian enthusiasts are gowning by the numbers everyday and so is the demand for such facilities. But the increase in demand also means that there is pressure on the land. Raw land is now been developed at a rapid rate and that has been of concern to the government and environmentalists. This situation has led to the concept of green equestrian facilities. These properties are ordinary horse properties but are more environmentally oriented. The rationale behind this type of property is, the owner will be developing his horse ranching business and at the same time caring for the environment. He is conducting his management in such a way that business and protection of the environment go together and does not negate each other.
Green equestrian development consists of assigning large portions of the land to environmental development. This type of facility incorporates meaningful planning and sustainable land use. The general idea is to use the land for the sports and at the same time be able to ensure that it is t0 degraded. This means, you will take steps to protect the vegetative cover by planting more trees and grass to check erosion, protect wetlands by leaving it intact and doing everything possible to make sure that the land is not degraded after you set up your facilities. I other words, your property must coexist with the natural topology of the place and all that it is endowed with that makes the place natural.
A green equestrian property involves much work. You will need to install rain gutters so that water does not hit the ground directly to cause erosions or gullies in topsoil. You will also have to set up a water catchment area to collect all the water that drains trough the plot to serve as reservoir for the horses. Many people have used rain barrels to collect all the rain that comes down the rain gutter and use that for feeding the horses. This way, they are able to conserve water and protect the streams, wells or other water sources they have. It also means you will not just be doing concrete but rather apply alternative methods to construct such that it you will not severely damage the environment.
Aside environmental benefits, the green equestrian provides money saving opportunities for the owner. Because you are able to do hay and compost production on the facility, you are able to keep costs low. Again, the amount of money that could have been used to draw water to the place will be saved with the construction of the rain gutter and the reservoir.
Going green benefits the property owner in many ways. He can receive rebates in tax for been responsible about the environment. In some cases, the volume of benefits could go as high as 30%. In addition, the owner is able to conserve the land and make it sustainable for other uses. He is able to control erosion and other forms of land degradation. Ultimately, the greenery augments the value of the property making it appreciate for maximum gains at resale.
It has been suggested by analysts that interest in green-based properties will double over the years. As the need for environmentally responsible programs become common, so will their equestrian equivalent. Many see a green-oriented property as something recommendable.
About the Author: Martin Webbster is a writer for Horse Clicks – horse property classifieds of
equestrian property sale
farms for sale
ranches for sale
and other horse real estate. Martin is also a featured author at
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