Cartoon Cars Drawings It’s Easy To Get Started

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By Tapan Sarkar
If you feel a talented cartoonist inside yourself then do not hesitate and just go on with your talent. You will find cartoon drawing is an easy and fun work and after some practice you will get your skills more polished making you almost a professional cartoonist.
Most of the cartoons that youngsters make are cartoon cars. If you too want to draw a cartoon car then here are some simple steps for you to easily make a cartoon car.
First of all you need to gather drawing material. Do not go for the top quality material that is available in market. Pick some standard drawing kit and concentrate more on developing your drawing skill instead.
Choose a model of car from electronic images in magazines or simple pictures. If you can grab a model of the car that you want to draw then by all means get one. There are many hobby shops that sell 16:1 model of many popular car models. When you will gather all stuff you will be ready for your first efforts.
The model you took from magazine [or the toy model from hobby store] needs your observation. Concentrate on its structure, its design, the way car is overall built and colors used in it. This observation will give you a clear idea to develop your own cartoon vehicle.
You idea about the car will be even more solid once you observe the headlights, hood and the grill of the car image/model. Think of your own addition to the cartoon car like adding a mouth and eyes to the cartoon vehicle. After thinking all this, the task will become very clear to you.
According to the professional cartoonists, the first draft of your drawing is not too easy. But if you do make your rough sketch of the cartoon wagon then the rest of work will be very easy. Actually your rough sketch lays down the foundation of your cartoon car and then you can add or make modifications in different parts of its body.
Now you need to filter the design and come back after some time to have a fresh look on your refined design. You may discover that it needs some modifications in it and some additions as well to make really alive.
Now the last step is to color your cartoon vehicle. Remember that color is a significant tool in making the image of your cartoon car. So choose nice colors for your car and enjoy your cartoon car by sharing it with your friends.
Here few words of caution I would like for you, The first time You draw your drawing may not look great. But do not be disheartened if you keep at it the drawing will improve. Another thing to keep in mind do not start with a very complex car model.
Your goal should be starting with a simple car model and drawing that many times and once you feel comfortable with the simple model you should plan for gradually taking up more complex work. And do not confine yourself in car drawing only. Learn other aspects of cartoon drawing to really become a master cartoon maker.
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