Empty Your Cup

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Submitted by: Wong Jia Jun
I always told myself, if it is to be, then be the strongest! Better and better each day, keep improving, and one day I will be standing on the peak and receiving massive success.
If you re going to do it, why not make it the best? Put all your heart in and make it outstanding? Or everything around you, achieve half way down the road, and that is enough? In this world, there are so much different between number 1 and number 2, whether you notice or not. Have you ever seen contest that the winner will get let say US$ 50,000, while others don t get even a single cent?
Let s take a reality game show – Fear Factor as example: only the best contestant will take home US$ 50,000, while all other contestants back home with nothing. No matter you are second fastest or the last, you are still back home with empty hand. This is the different between the best and others. Let s talk about another most popular show American Idol and its ads revenue. It is a reality television show that receives more than 37 million viewers during the peaks. In its eighth season, the popular singing competition series lures some 6 million more viewers than second most-watched series which is ABC s Dancing with the Stars, according to Nielsen Media Research. The result is that American Idol receive average of $623,000 for a 30-second spot while the gain average of $205,000.
Furthermore the winners of American Idol gain different treatment between number 1 and number 2 onward. Only the best will offer to release album and become a true singer and their future are really bright ahead, receiving lots of opportunities out there. If you re advertisers, would not you looking for the best to help promote your products? These usually happen as the best gain the most opportunities and chances because they are the best.
Who is the first person to the moon? Neil Armstrong. Who is second? Nobody knows, and nobody even bother to know and care. Again, if it is to be, then be the strongest!
The ladder of success is never crowded at the top. David Beckham, one of the best soccer players earns $48.9 million. If you are just another player on town that plays mediocre skills on soccer game, will you be making that much of money and achievement? If you are going to play soccer, then be the strongest, not just another player in team. It will result in very much different in your life. Even in World Cup, only the best team will win home the title and the honor of Champion. What about other teams? Probably back home with disappointment and full of sadness. They are fighting to be the best, are you? If you are the manufacture of smart phone, produce the best phone in town, and you will make a huge success and profits, compare with just a lousy and not too good phone produce by you, who will be interest on it?
People will always looking for the best, if you are the best on specific industry, people will seek for you automatic. I want the best doctor to cure my daughter! No matter how much it cost, I will pay! . Have you heard these kinds of words? Even when people looking for services, they seek for the best, when they seek for advice, they consult the best people on the specific profession. If it is to be, then be the strongest! People willing to pay any price just to get your product/service if you are the best, that makes a huge different between you and mediocre people in the same field or industry!
By standing on the highest peak, you will see the most beautiful scenes ever.
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JTP | Journey to Peak blog.A personal growth and development blog that provide a place for people to seek for continuous inspiration and motivation through out the journey to peak.Pursuing success, freedom & happiness in life.
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