How To Recover E Mail Deleted Due To ‘Empty The Deleted Items Folder Upon Exiting’ Setting?

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MS Outlook Deleted Items folder retain your e-mail messages until you remove it from the folder. An e-mail is termed as ‘Permanently Deleted’ if it has been removed from Deleted Items folder or the folder has been emptied. The application provides you an automatic way to delete the Deleted Items folder e-mail items through ‘Empty the Deleted Items folder upon exiting’ setting. If the option is enabled, Outlook deletes the Deleted Items folders’ e-mails automatically at exit. But this can create accidental e-mail loss conditions too. If you delete an e-mail item accidentally and the folder has been emptied by the application, there is no way other than backup or using a Deleted Email Recovery utility.
To illustrate such problems, consider you use MS Outlook and delete one or more e-mail items accidentally. Then, you close the application. Later, you realize that deleted e-mails were important. You open the application to restore the items from Deleted Items folder, but you find the folder empty.
The ‘Empty the Deleted Items folder upon exiting’ setting is enabled.
To recover from such problems, you can opt for any of the solutions discussed below:
(1) You can check if a backup of your Outlook data file is available. If it is, you can restore the lost e-mails from it.
(2) If no suitable backup is present, you should Recover Deleted Email using a specific e-mail recovery utility. However, it is strictly recommended not to compact the PST after deleting the e-mails.
Deleted Email Recovery software can recover the deleted PST components and provide you an interactive user-interface to work with. These software utilities are designed on the basis that a PST object once deleted is only marked as deleted and the actually data still exists until you overwrite it. Outlook just marks the associated space as available.
The third-party e-mail recovery tools use intensive set of algorithms to recover accidentally deleted e-mails from an Outlook PST. The software are easy to install and use. Also, they ensure data safety with read-only design.
Stellar Phoenix Deleted Email Recovery is a powerful recovery utility that examines, locates and recovers deleted Outlook PST emails. The software utilizes advanced, yet safe, algorithms to Recover Deleted Email It supports Outlook 2007, 2003, 2002 and 2000. It is a secure tool that preserves the original formatting and contents of deleted emails.
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About The Author: Mohit Mathur has passion for writing Technical articles. He is right now writing articles related to Product like Deleted Email Recovery and Pst Repair and has now become a professional writer.Author: Mohit Mathur