‘Davos man’ versus ‘Camp Igloo’; 42nd World Economic Forum convenes in Swiss alps

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel gave yesterday’s opening address to the 42nd meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is facing a distinctly different geo-political landscape from twelve months ago. Outside the WEF security cordon, in the sub-zero temperatures of Davos’ train station car park, the local incarnation of the Occupy movement are setting up ‘Camp Igloo’; but, with little hope of the archetypes of the 1%, ‘Davos Man’, arriving by public transport and seeing their sub-zero protest.

David Roth, heading the Swiss centre-left’s youth wing — and an organiser of ‘Camp Igloo’, echoes much of the sentiment from ‘Occupy’ protests around the world; “[a]t meetings the rest of society is excluded from, this powerful ‘1 percent’ negotiates and decides about the fate of the other 99 percent of this world, […] economic and financial concentration of power in a small, privileged minority leads to a dictatorship over the rest of us. The motto ‘one person, one vote’ is no longer valid, but ‘one dollar, one vote’.”

Roth’s characterisation of ‘Davos Man’, a term coined by the Professor Samuel Huntington of Harvard University, is more emotive than that of the late professor who saw ‘Davos man’ as “[having…] little need for national loyalty, view[ing] national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see[ing] national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the elite’s global operations”.

As Reuters highlights, many attendees will opt to make their way from Zurich to Davos by private jet, or helicopter, and the WEF itself provides handouts indicating the cost of such is 5,100 Swiss francs (approx. 5,500 USD, 3,500 GBP, 4,200 EUR). In contrast: travelling by rail, even when opting for first class — without an advance booking, is 145 Swiss francs (approx. 155 USD, 100 GBP).

Shifting fortunes see several past attendees missing this year’s exclusive get-together in the alpine resort; for a second year running — and now caught up in the UK phone hacking scandal being scrutinised by Lord Leveson’s inquiry — media mogul Rupert Murdoch will not be attending. Nor will the former head of financial services company UBS Oswald Gruebel, who resigned in the wake of US$2.3 billion losses incurred through unauthorised trading; likewise, Philipp Hildebrand, the ex-head of the Swiss National Bank, is absent following scandal associated with his wife’s currency trading activities; and, although the sexual assault charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn were dropped, having stepped down as managing director of the International Monetary Fund Strauss-Kahn will also be absent.

As the #OccupyWEF protesters were building igloos last weekend, an anti-WEF protest in the Swiss capital Berne was broken up by police, who stated their intent to prosecute participants in the illegal protest. Allegations of calls for violent protest action led to a high number of officers being involved. In the aftermath, charges of breach of the peace are to be brought against 153 people, with some targeted for more serious offences. At least one group involved in the protest described the police response as “disproportionate”.

At ‘Camp Igloo’ Roth says he is seeking discussions with the WEF’s expected 2,000 attendees; but his voice, and that of others in the worldwide ‘Occupy’ movement, is unlikely to be given a platform in the opening debate, “Is 20th-century capitalism failing 21st-century society?” He, and others taking part in this Swiss incarnation of the ‘Occupy’ movement, are still considering an invite to a side-session issued by the World Economic Forum’s founder, Klaus Schwab; commenting on the invite Roth told the Associated Press they would prefer a debate at a more neutral venue.

As has been the case for several years now, the annual Forum meeting in Davos was preceded with the release of a special report by the World Economic Forum into risks seen as likely to have an impact the in the coming decade. The 2012 Global Risks Report is a hefty document; the 64-page report is backed with a variety of visualisation tools designed to allow the interrelations between risks to be viewed, how risks interact modelled, and their potential impacts considered — as assessed by the WEF’s panel of nearly 500 experts.

As one would expect, economic risks top both the 2012 impact and likelihood charts. Climate change is pushed somewhat further down the list of concerns likely to drive discussions in Davos. “Major systemic financial failure” — the collapse of a globally important financial institution, or world currency, is selected as the risk which carries the most potential impact.

However, “Chronic fiscal imbalances” — failing to address excessive government debt, and “Severe income disparity” — a widening of the the gulf between rich and poor, top the list of most likely risks.

At the other end of the tables, disagreeing respectively with the weight last year’s Wikinews report gave to orbital debris, and the Motion Picture Association of America’s (MPAA) fight with the Internet over copyright legislation, the 2012 Global Risks Report places “Proliferation of Orbital Debris” and “Failure of intellectual property regime” bottom of the league in terms of potential impact.

In 2011, with the current global economic crisis well under-way, “Fiscal crises” topped the WEF risks with the largest potential impact in the next ten years. However, perceived as most likely a year ago, “Storms and cyclones”, “Flooding”, and “Biodiversity loss” — all climate-change related points — were placed ahead of “Economic disparity” and “Fiscal crises”.

More mundane risks overtake the spectre of terrorism when contrasting this year’s report with the 2011 one; volatility in the prices of commodities, consumer goods, and energy, and the security of water supplies are all now ranked as more likely risks than terrorism — though the 2011 report did rank some of these concerns as having a higher potential impact. A significant shift in perception sees the 2012 report highlight food shortages almost as likely a risk the world will face over the next decade; and, one with a far more significant impact.

Attending the World Economic Forum at Davos is more than just an opportunity to discuss the current state of the global economy, and review the risks which face countries around the world. With such a high number of political and business leaders in attendance, it is an ideal opportunity to pursue new trade deals.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is, in addition to being a keynote speaker, expected to pursue improved relations with European and Asian trade partners at private meetings on the Forum sidelines. The Toronto Star reports Harper is likely to push forward an under-negotiation Canadian-European free-trade agreement, and hold closed-door discussions prior to next month’s planned trip to China.

Similarly, Canadian trade minister Ed Fast is expected to meet South Korean counterparts to discuss an equivalent deal to the preferential ones between the Asian nation and the US and Europe. Fast’s deal does, however, face opposition at home; the Canadian Auto Workers union asserts that such a deal would put 33,0000 jobs at-risk.

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British Prime Minister David Cameron and chancellor George Osborne are expected to discuss a possible increase of UK funding to the International Monetary Fund (IMF); however, with the UK responsible for 4.5% of the US$400 billion in the IMF’s lending fund, backbench MPs have warned that committing any additional funds could provoke a Conservative revolt in parliament. Tuesday’s IMF cut of predicted global growth from 4% to 3.3%, warnings of a likely Eurozone recession in 2012, and ongoing problems with Greek financial restructuring, are likely discussion topics at Davos — as well as amongst UK backbench MPs who see adding to the IMF war-chest as bailing out failed European economies.

South Africa, less centre-stage during the 2011 Forum, will be looking to improve relationships and take advantage of their higher profile. President Jacob Zuma and several cabinet members are attending sessions and discussions; whilst former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown is to moderate a session, “Africa — From Transition to Transformation“, with Nigeria, Guinea, and South Sudan’s presidents on the panel. Wal-mart’s CEO Doug McMillon is to lead a dinner session, “Shared Opportunities for Africa’s Future” — highlighting larger multinationals looking towards the continent for new opportunities.

Davos may also serve as a place to progress disputes out of the public eye; a high-profile dispute between Chile’s state-owned copper mining business, Codelco, and Anglo American plc over the 5.39 billion USD sale of a near-quarter stake in their Chilean operations to Japan’s Mitsubishi, prompted the Financial Times to speculate that, as the respective company chiefs — Diego Hernández and Cynthia Carroll — are expected to attend, they could privately discuss the spat during the Forum.

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Relax And Enjoy Food Delivery In Oahu On Your Vacation

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byAlma Abell

One of the best parts about being on vacation is that you get to take a break from your everyday life. You do not have to get up early every morning and go to work. You do not have to come home and cook dinner and clean every night. It can be nice to go out to dinner while you are on vacation. However, sometimes it is just as nice to sit back and relax in your hotel room and enjoy some food delivery in Oahu.

For example, think about the first night you get into the hotel, and you are fresh off the plane and just into your hotel. It’s dark outside and you’re in no position to go anywhere to find a hot meal. Instead of paying outrageous hotel rates for room service, you can enjoy many food delivery choices from the comfort of your bedroom while you are vacationing on the island of Oahu. If you want to keep it simple, you can always order in pizza. Papa John’s delivers throughout Oahu and you can always count on them to deliver a great, hot pizza, cheesy bread sticks, wings and some Pepsi. Because most hotels have free wi-fi, just search online for the location nearest you or ask your hotel for the number to the closest Papa John’s. While you’re in Hawaii, you’re certainly not going to want to have pizza every night, but when you do, it’s nice to know the same pizza you can get at home is available on the islands, too

On your next vacation to Oahu, remember to take time to relax. Stay up late and enjoy the nightlife. Sleep in one morning. Wake up early one morning and catch the sunrise. Go out to dinner and enjoy some unique restaurants. Relax in your hotel room and skew all responsibility by ordering in dinner one evening. Relax by the pool with a pizza and Pepsi, soaking in the sun. It’s all up to you. In Oahu, you can have almost any kind of food you can think of delivered right to your hotel room door.

Jermaine Pennant jailed for drink-driving

Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Aylesbury, England — The Arsenal F.C. midfielder Jermaine Pennant, currently on loan to Birmingham City, has today pleaded guilty to drink-driving, driving while disqualified, and driving without insurance by Aylesbury magistrates court. Pennant received a sentence of three months imprisonment. Pennant’s lawyer, Bary Warbutton, has said that the footballer will appeal against the severity of the sentence.

The incident occurred on January 23 of this year, Pennant was arrested after crashing teammate Ashley Cole’s car into a lamppost. The 22-year-old claimed that he crashed the car after attempting to operate the car’s Satellite navigation system.

Despite the claim by Warbutton that imprisonment “could completely destroy his career”, Birmingham City have said that they will stand by the player, and help to rehabilitate him. Arsenal released a statement saying that the sentence would not impact the player’s future with the club; his contract with club expires in the summer, at the same time as his loan-spell with Birmingham ends.

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Insider Tips: Selecting A Go Zone Property Manager

Submitted by: Michael Zari


In Part 1 of this series, we went over some of the basics for getting an tenant into your newly purchased GO Zone property. Then in Part 2 of this series, we detailed the different options for marketing, getting a tenant, and managing your property and also went into the situation where you have a builder leaseback presented to you. In this part of the series, we discuss the steps involved with finding and hiring a GO Zone Property Manager.


When hiring a full service Property Manager to help lease-up and manage your GO Zone property, you will always face the inevitable chicken and egg situation. This situation holds true even outside of the GO Zone. Typically, you will need to sign a property management agreement with the group. This is typically for a 1-year period. Once this agreement is in place, then the property manager will start to market your property for you.

Hence the chicken and egg scenario. How do you know how good they will be at quickly finding you a quality tenant before you sign the agreement with them and become fully committed to them. Wearing the hat of the property manager now, they are typically not willing to expend efforts marketing your property and finding potential tenants for you unless you have fully committed to using their services.

The way to mitigate this as best you can it to do your homework in advance. Some of the suggested steps to help you in this situation include:

1. Connect with other GO Zone investors;

2. Get suggestions from GO Zone property experts and other professionals in the area;

3. Research available GO Zone property managers; and

4. Select your GO Zone property manager, get under contract, and have them working on your property as soon as possible.



One of the best ways to start the process in selecting a GO Zone property manager is to as others who have already done their homework and have had some experience along these lines. This may include other GO Zone investors that you already know. If you do not know of any off the top of your head, ask the real estate broker (if you used one) who first introduced you to the GO Zone property you are considering.

Another option here would be to go to the GO Zone experts. With the shameless self-plug of being in the GO Zone since day 1, you need to get with a group who knows the area and knows who the best managers are in a certain locale. As part of our due diligence in the Mississippi GO Zone, for example, we at GoZoneOnline.com have interacted with almost every property manager in the area. We know who the pros are and who to avoid.


As part of your due diligence and selection process, you should have narrowed down the field to your top 2 or 3 GO Zone property managers. In order to select the GO Zone property manager that will work for you, I strongly recommend that you talk with your candidates and find out the more information on each of them. Suggested topics include

1. Their GO Zone property management experience;

2. The number of properties under management;

3. Are they locally based in your property’s locale;

4. The number of vacant properties they currently have;

5. How they will advertise your property;

6. How do they interact with you as a client (reporting, payments, etc.)

7. How many new properties do they envision adding in the next few months

8. What are their fees/charges to lease-up and manage your GO Zone property.

** The last point is somewhat unique to the GO Zone. Given the investor interest in the area (50% bonus depreciation, etc.), there are a lot of investors who will be purchasing in the area. The overwhelming majority of investors are then going to property managers and getting their help in leasing up their GO Zone property. As a result, the timing of the available inventory plays a part in your selection.

If you have a property manager who is faced with filling 50 or more properties at one time may be overwhelmed with inventory; A property manager with too many properties on the table may struggle to focus on your property unless they have adequate personnel to do so.


Once you have selected your GO Zone property manager, it is time to then get them under contract. Make sure that you read through all the agreements before committing to a group. And, as part of a normal list of things to do, make sure that you keep a copy of all signed contracts or agreements that you enter into. This should be part of your standard “to do” list.


In one of the previous parts of this series, we mentioned the need to “materially participate” in the management of your GO Zone property. This can not be stressed enough, especially to get the GO Zone tax benefits.

While this is definitely a discussion for you and your CPA, many GO Zone investors are keeping an active hand in all key decisions and updates so that they can actually materially participate in the overall process. Make sure that you discuss this with your GO Zone property manager as they may also have some suggestions for you along these lines.


Another option that is available for you would be to get a Rent-2-Own tenant in place. Also know as a Lease-Option tenant, renting the property to someone who would ultimately like to own the property definitely has its advantages. Make sure to also discuss these possibilities with your GO Zone property manager early on as it may change how they market your property for you.


We have touched on this topic previously and it is worth mentioning here again. With this option, you have the lease-up and management all in place and lined up before you even close on your GO Zone property. In addition to cash flow from day 1 (i.e. nor rent-up period) and no need for GO Zone property management fees (since working direct with a builder), there are distinct advantages to having the ultimate tenant in your property; you have someone in your property paying you to use your home as a model home.

Said another way, your GO Zone property is now being visited by people who want to purchase homes in that very area. Think that they may be interested in purchasing yours as well? Consider it as a added option for your GO Zone property exit strategy.


Throughout this series, we went over some of the key points and insider tips to putting your GO Zone property into rental service and, more importantly, getting the most out of your investment and putting cash flow into your pockets as soon as possible.

For more information on GO Zone property options, please feel free to contact the author directly.

About the Author: Michael C. Zari leads


, a free real estate investing club without the hype. His works have been referenced in venues including NY Times and USA Today. To get his thought-provoking articles, go to




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Cyclone Clare batters Western Australia

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The eye of Cyclone Clare, a category three storm hit the Western Australian coastline at 11PM AWST on Monday (3PM Monday UTC).

Cyclone Clare crossed the coast 100Km north of Karratha, battering the Pilbara region with winds up to 195 km/h.

Initially it was predicted that the storm would hit the coast at around 9PM local time, but the storm slowed from 18 to 12 km/h delaying its arrival for two hours.

A large storm surge had been predicted, but forecasters say it is unlikely to eventuate. The sea is predicted to swell by only two to three metres.

Reports from the area advise that electricity supply has failed, but there has been no major structural damage to buildings and no injuries. Crews are assessing damage in Karratha and Dampier following Clare. Work teams are in the process of restoring electricity and telephone services.

Earlier today residents of Karratha and Dampier were advised to stay indoors due to flying debris caused by strong winds and the possibility of power lines being down. This advisory has since been lifted. The Bureau of Meteorology has advised residents to “proceed with caution”.

As the storm moves inland it continues to lose strength, being downgraded to a category two storm earlier today (10:00AM AWST) when it neared the town of Pannawonica. Winds were up to 140 km/h. The storm has since been downgraded again, to a category one storm.

The main concern now is for flooding due to heavy rain.

Lynne Nanini from Main Roads’s Pilbara office said the rain that follows may be more troublesome than the cyclone itself.

“We’re mainly concerned about any rainfall that may eventuate out of Tropical Cyclone Clare and as in the past, a few cyclones that we’ve had, most of our damage is actually caused by flooding.” she said.

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News briefs:August 27, 2006

The time is 18:00 (UTC) on August 27th, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs.


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Best Ideas &Amp; Tips To Keep Your Lawn And Garden Free Of Weeds}

Submitted by: Phil Maunder

You’re thinking of throwing a party over the weekend and while looking over your property, notice your garden could do with some urgent de-weeding. A few weeds here and there will go unnoticed but a lot of it will mar the beauty of your lawn. Here are a few best ideas and tips to keep your lawn and garden free of weeds.

Tip # 1 to keep lawn free of weeds: Apply Weed-suppressing mulch

Weed suppressing mulch should be applied to the ground prior to seeding the soil for the lawn.

All garden nurseries in Australia stock weed-suppressing mulch. Some brands come mixed with chemical fertiliser and anti-weed agents while others have natural, bio-friendly ingredients. But remember, if you already have a fully grown lawn; do not apply weed-suppressing mulch as it will also kill the grass. Along the same lines as, you could use a contact weedkiller (prior to sowing).

Tip # 2 manual de-weeding

You can either catch the weed by its main stock or pull it out gently but firmly (so as not to break the plant and leave the roots in the soil). Removing the weed along with the root is vital. To accomplish this, some folks prefer to use a fork (or Gardening Franchises Businesses For Sale de-weeding available at the local green nursery).

Gently push the fork (or whatever tool you are using), about an inch-and-a-half into the soil roughly a centimetre away from base of the weed. Then press your hand downwards so the fork (or tool) lifts out the weed along with the root.

Tip # 3 Home Remedies – Salt and Vinega

If you are the Earth-friendly type and hate to use chemicals, then this remedy is for you. Salt and Vinegar makes an excellent weed killer. Just combine one cup of salt (table salt will do), with 2 cups of Vinegar, stir the mixture well and then pour it directly on weeds.

The acidity in the vinegar helps eliminate the weeds. You can also directly spray white vinegar or apple-cider vinegar on the weed stems, leaves and weed flowers.

Tip # 4 Home Remedies Vodka and soap

If you have some poor quality Vodka in the house, combine 1 ounce of vodka with 2 cups of water and add a few drops of liquid dish-washing soap. Put the mixture into a spray bottle. The Vodka dissolves the waxy coating on their leaves. Once the coating is gone, the weed dehydrates and dies. Best time to apply this home-made Lawn And Garden Business For Sale for killing remedy is, in the afternoon.

He subsequently sold over 500 franchises over the next 15 years, before selling the Jims Mowing South Australian Regional Franchise in 2005. Philip also developed the second largest Jims Customer Contact Centre in Adelaide servicing five States and Territories and over 600 franchisees before selling this in early 2007. From May 2007 thru to October 2009, Philip worked for Jim’s Group as the Divisional Manager for Jim’s Mowing. Philip also consulted to the Jims Group National Office from September 2011 thru to February 2012.

About the Author: Philip purchased a Jims Mowing franchise in Melbourne in 1989, before purchasing the Regional Franchise for South Australia in 1990, becoming the first ever Regional Franchisor in the Jims Group.Visit Here For More Information :




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Report urges Kenya to ban plastic bags

Wednesday, March 9, 2005File:Plastic bag stock sized.jpg

They are cheap, useful, and very plentiful, and that is exactly the problem, according to researchers. A report issued on Feb. 23 by a cadre of environment and economics researchers suggested that Kenya should ban the common plastic bag that one gets at the checkout counter of grocery stores, and place a levy on other plastic bags, all to combat the country’s environmental problems stemming from the bags’ popularity.

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5-year old American girl dies after visiting the dentist

Friday, September 29, 2006

Diamond Brownridge, a 5-year old girl from Chicago, Illinois, has died after a visit to the dentist. Children’s Memorial Hospital officials say that the girl was rushed to the hospital when she never woke up after being sedated for a dental procedure. She had been in a coma, on life support, since being admitted to the hospital early in the weekend.

“She passed very peacefully and beautifully,” said the hospital in a statement that the family issued.

Ommettress Travis, the mother of the girl, was asked not to remain inside the room while dentists were operating on the girl to repair two cavities and to have at least two caps replaced. Travis says after thirty minutes she was asked to come back in and found Brownridge not breathing, in the dentist chair.

Hicham Riba, a specialist and professional in anesthesia, who was also licensed, was the dentist in charge of the procedure.

“My family and I are so sad. May God bless Diamond and her family. Every time you have a tragedy like this, you pray more. I don’t think I will ever go back to a normal life after an experience like this,” Riba said in a statement on Wednesday, September 28.

According to the family, the girl had been given at least a triple dose of medicine that sedated her. Those drugs include: nitrous oxide gas, a single dose of an “oral agent” and an IV.

A judge has ordered that all equipment and materials used during the operation be protected and examined. The girl’s medical records have also been ordered to be examined.

There is no word on whether or not any charges will be filed against Riba or any of the dentist’s staff.

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Four feared dead in Ireland helicopter crash

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A helicopter crash in the Mourne Mountains is believed to have killed four people in Northern Ireland.

Just before 4 pm local time (1500 UTC) the police received reports of a “plane in distress” from residents. The helicopter is believed to have crashed in an area called Leitrim Lodge located between Hilltown and Rostrevor. The Democratic Unionist representative for the region has said “the local community was shocked and now feared the worst.”

The local fire services, police and the Mourne Mountain Rescue Team are currently combing the area from the wreckage. The Air Accident Investigation Branch has been notified about the incident.

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