Air Conditioning System Maintenance

Submitted by: Fiona Baron

Just what would summer be like without central air? In most parts of the country, central air is not a luxury, it s a necessity. Your central air conditioning system is your lifeline during hot weather, and when it goes on the fritz, no one is happy. Most central air units are connected directly to your home s forced-air distribution system. The same blower, motor, and ducts that are used to distribute heat are also used to distribute your cool air. Hot air from inside your home flows through your furnace via a return-air duct, and is then moved by the blower across the evaporator coil in your unit and then delivered throughout your vents in order to cool the home. If the air conditioning unit is working but the house isn t cool, then you likely have a problem in your distribution system. Your evaporator and condenser to your central air conditioning unit are sealed, which is one of the reasons that a qualified technician must be called out for any maintenance other than the routine cleaning that you can perform to keep your unit running in top shape. There are few repairs that the average homeowner can make on their own when it comes to central air, but there is specific maintenance tasks that you can undertake to make certain that your system does its job like it should.

Replacing Air Filter

The filter of your central air unit should be changed at least once a month, and more often during peak periods of use in order to allow air to properly circulate through the blower. A dirty filter can cause a host of problems for your central air unit. To replace the air filter, locate the filter in your unit. Some may be located on the condenser, while others may be found around the evaporator. Remove any grilles or housing that must be removed in order to access the filter and remove it. Replace the filter with the exact same type of filter. You can find the part number for the filter on the old filter, or simply take the old filter with you to the store when replacing it. Reinstall your central air unit filter, and make certain that the area around the filter is clean and free of debris and dust.


Cleaning the Condenser Coils

The condenser coils on your air conditioning unit should be cleaned at least once each year, preferably at the beginning of the cooling season, but they can be cleaned more often if they are dirty. To begin, shut of the power to the central air unit and turn the thermostat up. Remove the exterior metal grille if necessary, which is usually held on with bolts or screws. Use plastic bags to cover the compressor, motor, and other electrical parts, and then seal them with tape. Gently brush off any visible dirt from the condenser coils, and then use a garden hose to wash the coils from the inside. Allow the unit to dry before taking the plastic bags off of the compressor, motor, and other electrical parts.

Cleaning the Evaporator Drain

The evaporator coils on most central air conditioning units are sealed and can only be accessed by a licensed technician. But you can keep the evaporator drain clean. This is the drain that carries away moisture from the evaporator coils. If you see that there are puddles of water beneath the coils, then the drainpipe is likely clogged with bacteria and algae. Simply disconnect this drainpipe and flush the trap with a hose. Then pour in a tablespoon of bleach and reattach.

About the Author: Fiona Baron is a writer who loves home improvement. If you’re looking to get a new

Sacramento air conditioning system installed


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a call at 916-344-6625.


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An Affordable Vacation In A Beachfront Hotel On Ambergris Caye Belize

Submitted by: Jim Brown

Want to go to Ambergris Caye, and not wanting to spend too much money, then check out Belizean Shores Resort, which is beachfront and affordable

An affordable vacation on Ambergris Caye, with rates varying between USD105 to USD180 per night double occupancy sounds about right, but what do you get for your money. The beachfront hotel is called Belizean Shores Resort, and it has a good location on the beach just north of San Pedro, so it s a fairly short water taxi ride from their shops and restaurants.

The Belizean Shores Resort boasts the best swimming pool and ambience on Ambergris Caye, and is a well established favourite beachfront property with a great reputation for ots fantastic views, and totally relaxed atmosphere. A real getaway type of place.

The accommodation is spacious, with each suite with a separate master bedroom, fully equipped kitchen, dining and living areas and a terrace. They all are air conditioned, have ceiling fans, Cable TV, and daily housekeeping. The villas, really condominiums are all privately owned so perhaps Belizean Shores Resort should really be called a villa hotel or a condominium hotel, but whatever it is somewhere to be enjoyed.


The Belizean Shores Resort gets a high rating from its guests, with few grumbles, but be warned if you go in the season of tropical storms then the electricity isn t that reliable and their will be power cuts. Most guests will tell you it is a beautiful place, and strangely enough for a beachfront hotel on Ambergris Caye, they all comment on how much fun the pool at the hotel is, with the swim up bar.

Another important comment is that there are plenty of sunbeds and even more important umbrellas.

There seem some doubts about the hotel restaurant, although the food is hot, served quickly, it perhaps just doesn t suit everyone s palate. Fortunately by walking down the beach you can find alternatives, or go by water taxi to San Pedro.

Another generally agreed point was that Belizean Shores Resort is a great place to kick back and relax, giving you an affordable vacation, so don t necessarily expect luxury. Having said that the rooms are clean and nice, and the full kitchen is handy for snacks, breakfast, and possibly lunch. The official rating is three stars so if you go expecting that you will actually be more than pleased with what you are getting for your money.

There is no doubt the staff are friendly and helpful at Belizean Shores Resort, and will take you over the water to San Pedro for free if they are going that way, but you will need a water taxi back which you have to pay for. This is a little pricey, somewhat irritating, but in truth there isn t that much worth going to in San pedro, and the local restaurants on Ambergris Caye are perfectly OK.

For shopping for food and stuff there is a small minimart down the road at a resort called Captain Morgan s, but be aware that you won t get sunscreen here with an SPF of over 15, so you need to bring your own, and as almost everywhere in Belize you will need a good supply of insect repellent.

At the end of the day Belizean Shores Resort will give you a great affordable vacation, but without too many frills. It has a lovely beachfront position, it is very quiet, so not for nightlife lovers, but that is one of its charms.

About the Author: Jim Brown recently began developing

Belize Vacation Spots

as well as contributing several articles about

Worldwide Vacation Spots

and he recommends

Caribbean Vacation Spots

but given a choice he would choose Belize before anywhere else.


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How To Choose A Pediatric Dentist

byAlma Abell

If you are a child, you know the importance of taking care of his or her teeth. It is also essential that you take them to visit a dentist. If you want them to have a positive experience in New York State, locating the right pediatric dentist in Massapequa becomes vital.

You do not want them to have a negative experience the first time around. This means, you need to carefully research the dentists in your area. You need to compile a list, check it twice and make sure the dentist qualifies before you make the visit a reality.

The Dentist

When you start looking at dentists, find the answers to these basic questions:

  • Is the dentist a pediatric dentist?

  • What are his or her qualifications?

  • Where did he or she obtain their degree?

  • Is he a specialist? If so, in what?

  • Does he have the support of local associations as well as national dental associations?

  • How involved is he or she in the community? This will indicate a sense of belonging and concern for where he lives that extends outside of the office

  • How long has the pediatric dentist been in practice?

Once you know this information, it is time to make a personal visit to the office. While there you can find the answers to the next set of questions.

The Office

Take the time to visit the offices of the pediatric dentists you are considering. This will give you an idea of how the office staff operates as well as the general atmosphere of the working environment. Consider the following:

  • What is the general appearance of the office? Is it comfortable, clean and child friendly? Are there toys, games and other items to occupy waiting children?

  • Does the staff take the time to talk to you and answer your questions or are they “too busy” to bother?

  • Are they willing to provide you with information on the office as well as educational material on preventing dentist visits? Instead, do they seem focused on getting children in and out?

  • Do they appear interested in the overall health of your child?

  • Does the staff seem approachable? Do they mind you asking about fees, and availability after hours and during emergencies?

  • How do they seem to be with children? How does the pediatric dentist appear to react to and interact with his patients?

  • Do you think you can trust the staff and the pediatric dentist with your child?

It is important to know the answers to all these questions before you make an appointment. It is also beneficial to your child if you can bring him or her in for a sort of “meet-and-greet” prior to the appointment. This will remove some of the fear and anxiety from the impending visit.

How important is the first visit of any child to a pediatric dentist? In Massapequa, professional dentists agree you need to do your research before you make an appointment. While this may involves some legwork, it will be beneficial for you and your child in the long run.

A Comprehensive Anti Aging Product For Fountain Of Youth | Mardy Eger}

Submitted by: John Shealey

Instantly Ageless the new face of Jeunesse Global took over the industry! Jeunesse Global is now making its way through a vast area in this field. Its an awesome product that works 100% of the time on 100% of persons that uses it within 2 minutes has been dubbed the 2 minute miracle, as can be seen here at

The product of charmfades away 10 plus years off a person’s appearance instantly with its priority blend of special minerals. Instantly ageless is an all-natural product that has absolutely no animal fat or any unnatural additives. The product has been in existence for the more than 4 years and has had a stellar track record of 100%. The company and product was purchased by Jenuesse Global in 2014 and released in November. The company sold over 500,000 units of this amazing product in only 26 minutes; it was a black Friday when the company experienced record-breaking sales.

Jenuesse Global, an Orlando Florida company founded and owned by Randy Ray, and Wendy Lewis has experienced massive success and growth internationally for 5 years with production doubling each and every year. Numbers have been reported at 28 million first years, 56 million second year, 119 million third year, 227 million fourth year and now over 400 million dollars in sales in 2014.

Jenuesse Global with its trend is expected to do 700 million dollars in sales in 2015. These numbers were speculated based upon facts of growth trends the company has already experienced. These numbers however due to the official launch of the US, Canadian and Latin American markets are now expected to surpass the billion dollar mark during the 2015.Wendy Lewis and Randy Ray have exceptional experience at running large direct sales companies, having developed and administered the back offices, compensation plans, shipping and customer service systems for several companies. Randy has a background in the computer industry and designed, sold and installed over $300 Million worth of computer hardware and software to organizations like NASA.


The companys global mission is to feed the hungry and make a huge difference to all that are in needy worldwide, and has been doing just that, taking a major leap.

A most-awaiting opportunity is for any direct sales professional or MLM professional and even the new comer to the industry. Again with trends that have already taken place with the company having over 50 persons already earning over 1 million dollars per year, with two persons earning 700k per month, and one person earning 400k per month, and all in the international markets, with the US now open this means with this company the amount of wealth created for individuals will be staggering.

The different area having explosive potential is retail, having a product that is this effective and instantly, sales have already exploded to the general markets as well as providers of youth treatments and Botox.

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About the Author: For more information Jeunesse Global:


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What Are The Causes And Treatment Of Autism?

People with autism hear, see and feel differently from others. If you are autistic, you will have autism all your life. This is not a disease and cannot be cured. Even autistic people face some difficulties but it affects everyone in different ways. Some autistic people have learning disabilities, mental health problems, or other conditions, which means that people need a variety of support. When assisted properly, an autistic person can be of great help.

How many types of Autism?

There are three types of autism spectrum disorder

Autistic disorder

Most people think of this type of autism as soon as they hear the word autism. People with autistic disorder usually speak late and face social and communication challenges and also have unusual behaviors and interests. Many people with autistic disorder also have intellectual problems.

Asperger Syndrome

People with Asperger’s syndrome usually have some symptoms of autistic disorder. They may face social challenges and may also have unusual behaviors and interests. However, they do not usually have language-related or intellectual problems.

Peripheral developmental disorder

People who have some symptoms of autistic disorder or Asperger’s syndrome may have a perversive developmental disorder. Such people usually have fewer symptoms or have a lower intensity than people with autistic disorder. Symptoms can only cause social and communication challenges.

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Symptoms of Autism

What are the symptoms of autism?

Social communication and contact problems

  • Failing to respond to your name.
  • Resist hugging or holding and like to play alone.
  • Avoiding eye contact and no face guardians.
  • Not speaking or delaying speaking or not being able to speak the words or sentences that were previously spoken properly.
  • Unable to initiate or continue the conversation or to initiate a conversation only for request.
  • Speaking with an unusual rhythm, using the sound of a song or a robot-like voice.
  • Repeating words or phrases but not understanding their use.
  • Inability to understand simple questions or directions.
  • Not expressing your feelings and being ignorant of others’ feelings.
  • Avoiding social contact by being passive, aggressive or disruptive.

Behavioral characteristics

  • Repeating certain activities, such as shaking, walking or flapping hands, or self-inflicted sings (such as head banging).
  • Developing specific routines or rituals and getting annoyed with just a few changes.
  • To move continuously
  • Behave uncooperatively or be resistant to change.
  • Coordination problems or performing strange activities (such as walking on toes).
  • Being unusually sensitive to light, sound, and touch and not feeling pain.
  • Non-participation in artificial sports.
  • Keep doing any work or activity with unusual intensity or focus.
  • Having a strange choice of food, such as eating only certain foods or consuming only certain foods.

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Causes and Risk Factors of Autism

Why does autism occur?

There is no known cause of autism spectrum disorder. The complexity and intensity of the disorder vary from person to person and that is why there are many reasons. Both genetic and environmental factors play an important role in autism.

Genetic problems

Autism spectrum disorder involves many different genes. In some children, autism may be related to a genetic disorder. For others, genetic changes can make a child susceptible to autism or create environmental risk factors. Some genetic problems are family, while others occur on their own.

Environmental factors

Researchers are currently exploring whether viral infections, pregnancy complications, or air pollution cause autism spectrum disorder.

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What are the risk factors for Autism?

Autism spectrum disorder affects children of all races and nationalities, but some factors increase their risk. like –

Gender – Boys are four times more likely to have autism than girls.

Family History – If a child in a family suffers from autism, the other child is also at greater risk of suffering from it.

Other disorders – Children with certain medical problems are at higher risk of autism.

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Acupuncture And Arthritis

Acupuncture And Arthritis


Patricia Tierinni

If you suffer from a form of arthritis, then you are not alone. According to the arthritis foundation, over 50 million adults in the United States suffer from a form of arthritis; that’s about 1 in 5 adults in this country. Arthritis is a complex and painful disorder, and is the nation’s leading cause of disability. Unfortunately, arthritis is chronic, and there is currently no cure. While this may sound bleak, there are valid holistic treatments that can help reduce the pain of arthritis and enhance functionality. One such treatment is acupuncture.

Scientific studies have shown that acupuncture can decrease the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis as well as increase flexibility and functionality at the affected joint. We see the truth of these studies every day in our clinic. Many of our clients suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. The most typical areas of pain are the knee, the hips and the thumbs.


When administering acupuncture to a patient suffering from arthritis, the acupuncturist will place thin needles just below the surface of the patient’s skin at very specific points along their body. Some of these points will be localized to the area of pain, but other points will be in areas that may seem irrelevant to the injury. All parts of the body are connected, and a pain in one joint or bone can have causes in different parts of the body. Sometimes a needle at the ankle is just what a patient needs to help relieve pain in the wrist. At our practice, we also provide topical herbal liniments that we massage into the affected area, which our clients highly appreciate.

The needles do not hurt, and the treatment usually visibly reduces swelling. Most of our patients feel pain relief almost immediately upon receiving the acupuncture treatment. In fact, our clients typically report an 80% reduction in arthritis pain and tenderness after receiving an acupuncture treatment which can last up to 3 – 5 days afterward.

Unfortunately, one acupuncture session cannot permanently relieve arthritis pain. To get the most benefit from acupuncture, those suffering from arthritis pain will likely require multiple sessions followed by a maintenance program or appointments when the pain flares up.

At Eastlake Acupuncture & Massage we welcome the opportunity to help individuals suffering from arthritis. While we cannot get rid of your arthritis, we can use the ancient art of acupuncture to help lessen your pain and improve your functionality. We can also prescribe herbal remedies that can help relieve the pain between treatments using natural, non-harmful ingredients.

Patricia Tierinni writes for Eastlake Acupunture in Eastlake, Chula Vista, East Asian medicine and

acupuncture in Bonita

clinic providing

low back pain relief

as well as shoulder pain, anxiety, allergies, migraines, insomnia, depression, sports-related injuries relief.

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Acupuncture And Arthritis

How To Celebrate Your Dog S Birthday

How to Celebrate Your Dog s Birthday


Ron Ayalon

If you want to treat your dog to something special, then the best way to thank your best friend is to give them a birthday party. You do not really need to know your dog’s real birth date to give them a birthday. Just choose a date sometime soon in the future, preferably the date of your party.

A dog birthday party can be a lot of fun for your furry friend. It can be a special occasion where you invite their puppy friends to come along and have a good romp around in the back yard. You can plan party games for them to play and even have prizes in the form of special treats or toys.

If you are not sure how to throw a dog a party and you want some guidance, then you can find help with dog birthday party planners. They can help you throw the best birthday party for your dog and even help you choose a birthday party theme. Popular dog party themes include Scooby Doo, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Lassie and the Wild Wild West.


If you do not want to hold your dog’s birthday party at home, consider going to a local park. Be sure to check park regulations first. You can invite all your dog’s friends down to romp around in the sun together in a wide open space. Do not be surprised though if you have uninvited guests of the furry kind. Be prepared for dog party crashes if you throw your dog’s birthday party at your local dog park and take extra food and gifts.

Dog birthday parties must involve invitations. You can be creative and send it with a good doggy bone, that your dog’s friends are sure to remember. And parties mean doggy decorations and presents. Make sure to have some doggy bags ready with special treats and a simple toy or two for your guests to take home. Your dog will love you for inviting his friends and making his birthday that extra special.

At your dog’s birthday party, you can organize some doggy things to do along with the usual romping. Taking photos in costume can be fun for both you and your dog, and it will provide your dog and you with wonderful memories. You can also reward your dog and his friends for completing tricks like lie down, roll over, stay and heel. If your dog and his friends like to play fancy dress, a door prize for the dog with the best birthday hat can give your dog’s birthday party some extra fun.

Of course, there is the birthday cake and the song, happy birthday where you can reward the best howl. You can make your dog a birthday cake that they will thoroughly enjoy. There are many recipes for dog birthday cakes online. Some are of the sweet variety such as Peanut Butter Carrot Cake or the more savory flavours of Pumpkin and Sweet Potato or Bacon and Chicken Layers. Most of all though do not forget the humans, the other dog owners who might want to have a drink and a nibble of human food and a chance to share their best doggy stories.

Dogs are much more than pets. Dogs are part of the family, which is why your dog deserves to celebrate every birthday in style. Make sure to take many photos. You can make many dog memories for a picture album of your dog’s birthday party. Make sure to show the album off and share its enjoyment with your dog and his friends when they next come to visit.

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How to Celebrate Your Dog s Birthday

How Do You Wire An Rcbo?

By Richard.E Davies

A residual circuit breaker (RCB) is an electrical wiring device that disconnects a circuit when the electrical current is not balanced, between the energized conductor and the neutral conductor. This imbalance can be caused by current leakage, through the body of a person who is grounded and accidentally touching the energised part of the circuit.

A lethal shock can be obtained in these conditions. The device disconnects the circuit quickly enough to mitigate the harm caused by such shocks. However they are not intended to provide protection against overload or short circuit conditions.

Residual current and over current protection can be combined in the same device for installation into the service panel. This device is known as a GFCI in the United States, and an RCBO (Residual Circuit Breaker Overload) in Europe. Once the device is purchased, a common problem for customers is how to correctly wire the device into the breaker box.

Please be advised that the description below is generic information of basic wiring for an RCBO. Anyone who does not have a good knowledge of electrical wiring should hire a professional to carry out their installation.


The first step is to open your breaker box and make sure there is sufficient room to install the RCBO. You are going to be using a device, which is plugged where a standard breaker would usually be fitted.

Turn off the breaker to check you have the correct circuit. Once you have the right circuit, turn off the main circuit breaker to the box and disconnect the wire leading from it. There will be only one wire leading from the breaker as it is a twenty amp 110 volt circuit.

The main breaker has by this point already been disconnected, so you will been a torch or flashlight to carry out the next step. Trace the other wires in your cable, one will be bare and the other is white. The lead that connected the breaker should be black. The white wire will be connected to the bus bar. Disconnect the white and black wires and prepare the ends.

As the ends are now clear, is it time to connect the RCBO device. The blue or green wire from the top of the device needs to be connected to the neutral bus bar. The bottom of the device will read L out and N out. The black wire connects to L out and the white wire connects to N out. The bare wire is to stay in its original position.

You can wire the device plugged or wire it before you plug it in. This type of device is fed by the hot bar inside the box, which will make contact with the back of the device when plugged in. You can place the device in the main breaker, or at the control box for the area you are protecting.

Once the device is installed test the neutral and check there is no voltage reading. Cut off the power before wiring it up and testing. You should consult you instruction manual when testing.

About the Author: Richard E.Davies – Neweys Online offers a range of products from cable management, to lighting peripherals such as emergency lighting, and

thorn lighting

peripherals, and other items such as fans and a range of other cable and electrical products such as

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and rcbo items from top manufacturers, as well as Newey & Eyre’s own brand range – Newlec.


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Getting To Know The Satellite Tv System

By Mark Woodcock

We are living in the information age, with access to anything at our fingertips via the Internet and our televisions. With cable television and satellite TV systems, we have access to hundreds of channels that are address just about every interest: sports, music, cooking, home decorating, children’s shows, movies, cars, history, and many more. Satellite TV systems in recent years have stolen some of cable TV’s thunder in their ability to offer more channels, for a better price, and often with better reception than standard cable TV. But, cable TV is striking back, and has leveled the playing field in recent years. Since its inception, satellite TV has provided a viable option to the television consumer.

Satellite TV is brought into the home via communications satellites high in the atmosphere, as opposed to cable TV, which brings its service into the home via underground cables. Home satellite TV service began in the 1980’s with the introduction of systems that received the same signals used for cable TV distribution. Early satellite TV systems were quite expensive, and the satellite dishes were often as large as 12 feet in diameter.

DBS, or direct broadcast satellite, is known commonly as “mini-dish systems”, and is what is available to consumers today. DBS requires special equipment for the home (a satellite dish and a receiver box) that is encrypted by the specific service provider chosen by the customer. The satellite equipment uses a special card to decode the signal in order to allow viewing access to the paying customer. The card is used to permit only the customer paying for that specific service to view the premium channels (if subscribed to), as well as the free channels available to everyone.


In the infancy of satellite TV systems, all channels for free an open for public consumption, including what we know today as premium channels, such as HBO. This was highly appealing and gave satellite TV systems a huge opportunity for growth. However, when HBO decided to encrypt their signal in 1986, other cable services followed suit, and satellite sales plummeted. There was simply too much expensive equipment to purchase in addition to paying monthly fees for TV channels. Thus cable TV moved in.

Satellite TV saw a resurgence in the 1990’s when the mini-dish systems became an affordable and reliable alternative to cable TV. Cable TV costs were climbing due to lack of competition, and consumers took advantage of the new choice they were offered. DirecTV was the first high-capacity home satellite TV system, and it was made available in 1994. Several other services, like Dish Network and Primestar followed soon after, creating competition among satellite TV service providers, as well as competition with the cable TV industry. So much competition was good news for consumers. Prices came down, and incentives were offered to lure customers from one service provider to another.

Cable TV has since leveled the playing field with the introduction of digital cable, offering even more reliable reception, more reasonable costs, just as many channels, and such perks as no contract obligations.

Satellite TV systems do have their drawbacks for the consumer. Though the high-quality picture is a definite bonus, the reception is highly subject to atmospheric interference, such as bad weather and sunspots. This can knock out service for hours at a time, and can be very frustrating. In addition, if you subscribe to a satellite TV system because you live in a remote location, and cable TV is not available to you, you might not have access to local TV channels. This might require using an antenna to try to get local network broadcasts. Further, the lure that satellite TV once had, that being the quantity of additional channels available over cable TV, is a thing of the past. Digital cable has opened more options to consumers, offering them just as many, and sometimes more, channels as a satellite TV system.

A satellite TV system is an affordable and often reliable alternative to cable TV. Sometimes satellite TV is the only alternative, due to location. Satellite TV offers the same extras as cable TV, with DVR (Digital Video Recorder) capabilities, pay-per-view channels, and music choice channels. And because of the competition among the satellite TV service providers themselves, the equipment prices are often greatly reduced, and sometimes even free of charge. A satellite TV system can be a viable alternative to cable TV.

About the Author: Learn the essential information for picking the right satellite system at

Satellite TV System


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What Is Kidney Infection?

By Lauretta Forday

Millions of people around the world suffer from kidney Infections every year. Women are more likely to suffer from kidney or urinary tract infections because their urethra is shorter which makes it easier for bacteria to travel faster to the bladder and kidneys. Although fewer men suffer from kidney infection, it can be serious when they get an infection because it is much harder to treat.

Kidneys are very important organs for the urinary system. They keep the balance of fluids because they filter and secrete metabolites and minerals. They also eliminate them as urine. They control blood pressure, glucose metabolism and production of erythrocytes. For all these reasons good function of the kidneys is extremely important.

Kidney infection may be caused by different factors and it is important to give a general explanation about this infection. Its medical name is pyelonephritis. It is generally caused by cystitis which is a urinary tract infection. Bacteria reach the kidneys as a result of an infection in the bladder such as cystitis and inflammation occurs. If the infection is not treated promptly, it may damage the kidneys permanently or spread to other organs or to the bloodstream, causing a life threatening infection.


The signs and symptoms of kidney infection are usually easy to recognize. Pain in the back or side (flank pain), fever, frequency of urination or blood in the urine means that bacteria has traveled up your kidneys to cause an infection. If you experience any of these symptoms, you must seek medical help straight away as untreated kidney infection can lead to many health complications. In some cases, the infection progresses without severe symptoms but after some years the kidneys can stop functioning properly and dialysis or a kidney transplant may be required. If you suffer from kidney infection then you can try the following tips to reduce the severity of your symptoms.These recommendations can also be useful to aid a faster recovery:

Put a heating pad on your abdomen, back or side in order to avoid or reduce pain or discomfort.

Use painkillers for reducing fever and discomfort. Only use a non-aspirin tablet or solution

Drink plenty of water or any other natural fluid to flush the infection from your urinary tract. Do not drink orange juice, coffee, alcohol or soft drinks.

If you are one of those people who suffer from recurrent kidney infection, consult your doctor for a plan to avoid recurrences.

The most common antibiotics used to treat kidney infection are: amoxicillin, quinolones (ciprofloxacin) and the combination of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim.

When talking about the drug therapy you will need to treat kidney infection, tell your physician of any other medication you may be using to avoid adverse effects. Generally, symptoms start reducing after a few days of treatment. You must continue taking all prescribed antibiotics until you finish the course even if symptoms subside after a few days. After completing your course of antibiotics, your doctor should repeat the urine tests to be sure that the infection has been cured.

About the Author: Lauretta is a Registered Nurse, Midwife and Public Health Practitioner with a special interest in finding natural remedies for many health problems.

uncovers ways to treat kidney and urinary tract infections using 100% natural herbs and remedies.


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