Wikinews interviews Democratic candidate for the Texas 6th congressional district special election Daryl Eddings, Sr’s campaign manager

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Wikinews extended invitations by e-mail on March 23 to multiple candidates running in the Texas’ 6th congressional district special election of May 1 to fill a vacancy left upon the death of Republican congressman Ron Wright. Of them, the office of Democrat Daryl Eddings, Sr. agreed to answer some questions by phone March 30 about their campaigns and policies. The following is the interview with Ms Chatham on behalf of Mr Eddings, Sr.

Eddings is a federal law enforcement officer and senior non-commissioned officer in the US military. His experience as operations officer of an aviation unit in the California National Guard includes working in Los Angeles to control riots sparked by the O. J. Simpson murder case and the police handling of Rodney King, working with drug interdiction teams in Panama and Central America and fighting in the Middle East. He is the founder of Operation Battle Buddy, which has under his leadership kept in touch with over 20 thousand veterans and their families. He was born in California, but moved to Midlothian, Texas. He endeavours to bring “good government, not no government”. Campaign manager Faith Chatham spoke to Wikinews on matters ranging from healthcare to housing.

An Inside Elections poll published on March 18 shows Republican candidate Susan Wright, the widow of Ron Wright, is ahead by 21% followed by Democrat Jana Sanchez with 17% and Republican Jake Ellzey with 8% with a 4.6% margin of error among 450 likely voters. The district is considered “lean Republican” by Inside Elections and voted 51% in favour of Donald Trump in last year’s US presidential election. This is down from 54% for Trump in 2016’s presidential election, the same poll stated.

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Bankruptcy Rules}

bankruptcy rules


skandarajah&coYou could lose your job, your freedom, your reputation and possibly even the right to child custody or visitation. When facing a difficult legal matter, from Criminal Charges to Divorce, you need an effective Criminal Lawyer or Divorce Lawyer working for you. Whether in settlement talks or in the courtroom, we at S SKANDARAJAH and CO who are lawyers in Singapore have a reputation for being fair, yet tough advocates for our clients.We are always mindful of the fact that the consequences of divorce or a criminal conviction or even bankruptcy for example, will change the course of people’s lives; we therefore very carefully consider the way in which we conduct our cases.We pride ourselves on our high level of client care, aiming to keep our clients fully informed of the options and the implications of each stage of their case as well as the emerging developments. Call us for an appointment and you will not be disappointed.We are a Singapore based law firm established to offer committed and personalized legal service on a wide range of legal issues. Our clients come from all walks of life and range from corporate entities to common men. We believe in justice and dedication to all clients regardless of case size.At SKANDARAJAHLAW &Co we recognize that our clients rely on us and we do our utmost best to live up to this responsibility by constantly striving for excellence in our service.We are dedicated in providing you the best quality of service specially customised to address your legal concerns whilst adhering to the highest ethical and professional standards. We take pride in gaining a deep understanding of your legal problems and proposing the most practical solutions at affordable rates making us an outstanding choice for all your legal concerns.Our firm is principally managed by SKANDARAJAH who is extensively qualified and skilled in civil litigation having fought cases in the High Court, Subordinate Courts, Family Courts, and the Labour Courts of the Ministry of Manpower.In a recent case involving a foreign couple, we represented a home maker wife. Her husband, being a vice-president of a foreign bank, was financially able and ready for a long drawn litigation. Our client’s reasonable desires included care and control of the children, maintenance and equitable division of the matrimonial assets which were all contested by the husband. Multiple interlocutory applications were filed by the husband to wear our client and force her into a settlement. Divorce and Family Lawhaving represented local and international clients in divorce proceedings. We understand that marital disputes often place much emotional and financial stress on an individual. As such, though we practise sensitivity to our clients’ needs, we are equally professional in resolving our clients’ issues amicably and swiftly without compromising our clients’ interests and financial standing. We are experienced in drafting marital agreements, pre-marital agreements, deeds of separation and successfully assisted many clients in variation of family orders.Probate, Administration and Resealing of Foreign GrantsMuch may be at stake with a death in the family. Apart from dealing with the loss of a loved one, certain legalities will need to be addressed for the family to move on. We work to understand the family’s needs at this time of grief and assist them to make the appropriate applications to Court where the value of the estate is more than $50,000, be it an application for Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration (when there is no will). We take pride in being expeditious and try as much as possible to inconvenience the family during the time of bereavement.

Probate, Administration and Resealing of Foreign Grants

Much may be at stake with a death in the family. Apart from dealing with the loss of a loved one, certain legalities will need to be addressed for the family to move on. We work to understand the family’s needs at this time of grief and assist them to make the appropriate applications to Court where the value of the estate is more than $50,000, be it an application for Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration (when there is no will). We take pride in being expeditious and try as much as possible to inconvenience the family during the time of bereavement.

Article Source:}

On the campaign trail, January 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

The following is the third in a monthly series chronicling the U.S. 2012 presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after a brief mention of some of the month’s biggest stories.

In this month’s edition on the campaign trail, the challengers to President Barack Obama react to the results of the New Hampshire Democratic Party primary, two new political parties choose their first presidential nominees, and an economist who announced his intentions to seek the nomination of Americans Elect answers a few questions for Wikinews.

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Pope visits homeland in Germany

Monday, September 11, 2006

Pope Benedict XVI went to visit his homeland in Marktl-am-Inn, Germany today. The Pope celebrated Mass in front of 70,000 people, at Kapellplatz square. Benedict had a six-day homecoming tour of his native Bavaria, a state in Germany. He said a prayer remembering 9/11 victims.

Benedict also planned to make visits to where he was born, and to Freising, where he was ordained a priest. He will also visit Regensburg, where he once taught theology; he still has a house in the city, and his brother Georg, a retired priest and choir director, lives there as well.

“This is the mother that generations have come to Altoetting to visit,” he said. “To her we entrust our cares, our needs and our troubles.”

He visited his first house, which he lived till he was two years old. The house had to be cleaned after it was spattered with blue paint early on Sunday. The police described it as vandalism.

“This is a really big thing — I’ve never seen a pope before,” said Juergen Tauer, a 38-year-old computer technician from the Bavarian town of Degendorf who took the day off to travel to Altoetting with his wife and three children. “It’s great that the pope is coming to Altoetting.”

Everyone was excited about the chance to see the pope.

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Fiji makes progress on gender roles according to 2012 Report on Gender Equality and Development

Friday, September 27, 2013

On Tuesday the World Bank released the 2012 World Development Report on Gender Equality and Development. For Fiji, the report focused on progress being made in the country as it relates to gender roles and the local impact of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.

Girls from Fiji believe they can attain a university education. In contrast, boys from rural areas in Fiji generally do not believe they will stay in school past the primary level. The report attributes this to the need for boys to contribute to the family income. This pushes them out of school and into the workforce.

It also says girls have less free time than boys. Girls have specific household chores that limit their free time. Boys, in contrast, have fewer structured household tasks, and the tasks they do have require less time. Boys also have greater ability to leave the house than girls. The report says these differences play a role in defining gender roles. This can lead boys into engaging in bad behavior and increase their exposure to drugs and alcohol. The report says this pattern exists elsewhere in countries like Yemen, Sudan, Bhutan, India, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Dominican Republic, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Liberia, and Papua New Guinea. The report quotes a Fijian boy as saying, “Boys, they take their bikes and scoot off and roam around in villages here and there”.

Fijian girls are beginning to challenge these traditional cultural gender norms. While they acknowledge and admire the hard work their mothers have done in the domestic sphere, they seek better education and opportunities.

While the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in 1979, Fiji did not ratify it until August 1995. They were the 139th country to do so. At first, Fiji objected for cultural reasons to one part of CEDAW, and said Constitutional sections containing different rules for men and women on their ability to marry foreigners was incompatible with another part.

These objections were eventually dropped and constitutional changes were made between 1997 and 1999. CEDAW helped bring about family law reform in 1995. A civil uprising in 2000 stalled some iniatives, but the 2002 CEDAW review assisted in reviving efforts. In 2009, the minimum age allowed for both men and women to marry was raised to 18 years.

Since the introduction of CEDAW, reforms have been made that allowed for more equal partners, make divorces easier to get, make it harder for women to be excluded from the home, and improve the amount, and enforced the payment, of spousal support and following a divorce. The report notes that a 2010 review of CEDAW said there is still room for improvement in terms of inheritance rights for women.

Fiji has a population of 854,000, with an annual average percentage population growth of 0.6%. 31% of the population is aged 0 to 14. The average life expectancy for men is 67 years and for women is 71 years.

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Hiring Civil Engineers In Austin For Construction Developments

byAlma Abell

Civil Engineers in Austin provide you with effective designs in areas such as technology and educational services. They develop projects based on the requirements of the hiring company to meet and exceed expectations. Engineers within this field often perform construction services such as creating roadways and a full scale developments. These engineers provide clients with complete plans with milestones and reports after all requirements are gathered. To learn more about engineering processes, contact Baker-Aicklen and Associates.

Construction Developments


With construction developments it is necessary to analysis the entire area based on the type of properties you intend to build. For instance, if you want to develop a subdivision it is conducive to this venture to allow an engineer to examine this area to determine the probability of issues that might hinder the stability of these buildings. A civil engineer can provide you with a full report based on this examination of the entire location. They additionally determine whether it is possible to develop this land based on the requirements of the subdivision project including utilities, structures, and other fixtures such as club houses and swimming pools.

Local Engineering Firm

Baker-Aicklen and Associates Inc. present you with a feasibility studies based on the location of your project to determine whether it is possible to construct the required structure in the desired location. These engineers present you with developments in the areas of construction, technology, and educational services. They provide analysis for floodplains, FEMA permitting, and site engineering. These engineers also present you with engineering services for subdivision developments. If you require any of these brilliant services or others, contact Baker-Aicklen today or visit their website at


Civil Engineers in Austin present you with a multitude of design services related to technological and construction-based projects. They analysis locations for construction purposes to determine whether the site is viable and sound for the desired project. For instance, they determine whether it is possible to construct an entire subdivision within a local region based on the stability of the area. They present feasibility reports for these projects to determine if it is possible to develop the area in question.

Three dead in murder-suicide shooting at Southern California fast food restaurant

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A 6-year-old boy and his father were shot and killed Saturday afternoon while eating inside a busy Del Taco fast food restaurant in San Bernadino, California, before the shooter turned a gun on himself.

According to the San Bernadino Police Department, 56-year-old Jimmy Schlager arrived at the Del Taco at 1:15pm PST (2015 UTC) on a bicycle, and, armed with two semi-automatic guns, entered the restaurant and opened fire on a family of four who were dining together. The employees and other customers all ran out of the restaurant and escaped without injury.

The father of the family, identified as 33-year-old Alex Trujillo, was declared dead at the scene, said the San Bernadino Fire Department. His wife and two sons were taken to Loma Linda University Medical Center in critical condition. His 6-year-old son, Adrian, died shortly after. The victims each suffered two bullet wounds, except the mother, who police say received up to ten gunshots. The names of the 29-year-old woman and her 5-year-old son have not been released. Both remained in critical condition on Saturday night.

After shooting the family, Schlager, later identified as the woman’s step-father, shot himself in the head. He was taken to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, where he later died from the self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Police said Schlager had previously been arrested a number of times, on charges that included theft and assault with a deadly weapon.

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Scientists find key human language gene

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Researchers have found a crucial genetic difference between humans and chimps that could help explain our language and speech abilities. The difference lies in a gene called FOXP2 which encodes for a protein of the same name. This acts as a transcription factor, controlling the activity of other genes.

The human and chimp versions of the protein differ in only two of their 740 amino acid components, but when researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, replaced the human gene with the chimp version in neurons grown in the laboratory, they found it affected the expression of at least 116 other genes.

The results are detailed in a paper published on Thursday in the scientific journal Nature.

Author of the study Dr. Daniel Geschwind, of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, said the gene had a “major role” in differences between chimps and humans. “We showed that the human and chimp versions of FOXP2 not only look different but function differently too.”

We believe FOXP2 is not only important for the higher order cognitive aspect of language but also for the motor aspect of speech and language

Some of the affected genes control the formation of connections in the brain, whilst others relate to facial movements. Several have already been found to be involved in language disorders. Mutations in FOXP2 itself were also known to affect speech and language; the gene was first identified in members of a family suffering from language problems who were found to share a genetic mutation.

Frances Vargha-Khadem at University College London has studied patients with FOXP2 mutations, and agrees with the new research. As well as language problems, some of her subjects have changes in the shape of their jaws, mouths and tongues. She thinks that chimps may also have these differences.

“We believe FOXP2 is not only important for the higher order cognitive aspect of language but also for the motor aspect of speech and language,” said Genevieve Konopka, one of the authors of the paper at UCLA.

Previous research indicates that the changes in FOXP2 occurred around 200,000 years ago with the rise of modern humans. Geschwind also suggests that several of the related genes may have evolved together. Preliminary studies have shown signs that they too emerged relatively recently.

Scientists are now keen to further study FOXP2 and the genes that it affects. Geschwind believes this could eventually lead to breakthroughs in treatment for disorders such as autism and schizophrenia, which affect language skills.

The study was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, the A.P. Giannini Foundation and the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression.

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Bangkok hit with further New Year bomb blasts

Monday, January 1, 2007

More bombs went off just after midnight (0500 GMT) on New Year’s Day in Bangkok, injuring eight people near a shopping mall where hours before a New Year’s Eve countdown was cancelled due to a string of six bombings earlier in the evening.

The first bomb exploded at a seafood restaurant on the Saen Saeb Canal near Pratunam Pier just seconds after midnight.

Three foreigners and two Thais were injured. One of the foreigners had her legs amputated by the blast, according to television and local newspaper reports. The foreign tourists were having dinner at the restaurant.

Police said the bomb was hidden in a tire at the pier.

A second bomb exploded in a telephone booth near a pedestrian bridge at CentralWorld, where thousands of people had gathered earlier in the evening for a countdown party and had been urged by authorities to leave the area and go home. Several foreigners were injured and rushed to hospitals.

Another bomb was found and disposed of without incident at Suan Lum Night Bazaar, another late-night venue for tourists.

A possible bomb was investigated at Buddy Bar, a popular music venue on Khaosan Road. It turned out to be a false report. Police had earlier closed the venue and other bars on the street frequented by backpackers, urging people to return to their hotels and guesthouses.

Earlier in the evening, bombs had gone off at six locations across the city, from about 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Twenty-five people were injured and three later died at hospitals from their injuries. The biggest toll was at Victory Monument, where 17 people were injured, two of them dying from their injuries. Other targets were a police booth at Saphan Kwai intersection, where two people were injured, and a market in Khlong Toei, where three people were injured, one fatally. At Seacon Square shopping mall, a bomb was found in a trash can inside the mall and taken to the parking lot, where it exploded without injuring anyone. Police booths on Sukhumvit Soi 62 and in suburban Nonthaburi were also hit, but there were no injuries.

After the bombings, Bangkok Governor Apirak Kosayothin had ordered the cancellation of the countdown celebrations at Central World and Sanam Luang and other smaller ones.

“Due to several bomb explosions in Bangkok and for the sake of peace and security, I would ask all of you to return to your homes now,” Apirak told a crowd of around 5,000 people at CentralWorld. Most of the crowd dispersed quickly and calmly.

Army Commander-in-Chief General Sonthi Boonyaratglin ordered soldiers deployed around the capital. Security was intensified on the Metro and Skytrain rail systems. The Skytrain cancelled plans to run all night and closed at midnight as usual. Department stores closed early.

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont visited victims at a local hospital. He appeared on television looking tense, telling reporters he didn’t know who was responsible for the attacks.

Surayud was appointed premier after a coup d’état on September 19 in which the military led by Sonthi ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The Nation newspaper quoted a “security source” as saying “the old power clique” was behind the bombing.

However, there is also the ongoing violence by Muslim separatists in the South Thailand insurgency, which has left 1,900 people dead since 2004.

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Why Custom Ink In San Diego Ca Is The Way To Go

byAlma Abell

The idea of getting a tattoo has been bouncing around for some time now. What is not settled is the type of tattoo to get. Rather than settling for something just like the tattoos others are sporting, why not look into the possibility of Custom Ink in San Diego CA? With the right professional, it will be easy to come up with an original design and be very happy with the results.

Getting Some Ideas

While there is no intention of going with a standard design, it never hurts to look through the sample books the tattoo artist has on hand. The goal is not to select a specific tattoo, but to get some food for thought about the type of tattoo the customer would like. While browsing through all those designs, it is possible to pick up an idea here and there. Those ideas ultimately combine into something unique and perfect for what the client has in mind.

Creating the Design

After gathering some ideas, it will be easier to create a sketch based on what the customer would like. As the sketch begins to come together, it is not unusual for a few more ideas to come into play. By the time the basic design is done, it will have a fair amount of detail, including the color scheme. After adding a few more touches, the design will be set and the artist can get to work. The nice thing about Custom Ink in San Diego CA, is that the process does not have to take long. Many artists are adept at taking the general ideas provided by clients and creating a sketch that gets those ideas out of the head and into some sort of tangible form. In fact, it is possible to come up with that unique sketch in a matter of minutes.

Creating the Tattoo

Once the design is to the liking of the customer, the artist can start working on the actual tattoo. Depending on the complexity of the design, it may take less than a half-hour to have the Custom Ink design in place. More detailed work could take longer. For people thinking about getting tattoos, there is no need to pick something from a book. With a little imagination and a skilled artist, the tattoo will be unique and just what the client ordered. To know more, contact Funhouse Tattoo SD.