Australian government provides $15.8 million for North Adelaide Technical College

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Australian Minister for Vocational Education and Training, Gary Hardgrave has announced the government will provide AU$15.8 million to establish an Australian Technical College in North Adelaide. The minister said the government was entering into a partnership with the Archdiocese of Adelaide and consortium of industrial and manufacturing companies.

The North Adelaide college will be located in Elizabeth and be operated as an independent non-government school. The college is one of 25 to be established across the country.

Enrolments at the college will begin in 2007 and will offer courses in areas where identified skills shortages exist in the North Adelaide region, specifically – engineering, construction, electronics and cooking.

Mr Hardgrave said that the proposed college had been popular among the North Adelaide business community. “This important initiative has been well received by North Adelaide business and industry, and will help to address skills needs and provide opportunities for those in greatest need, including a lot of Indigenous students in the region,” Mr Hardgrave said.

“The fact that this College is being led by local employers, local government and other key stakeholders, means it will be truly industry and community driven,” he said.

Australian Technical Colleges were established to cater for year 11 and 12 students who wish to do an apprenticeship as part of their school education.

The Australian Education Union has expressed a number of concerns about the model put forward by the government. In a report, they claim that trade facilities at TAFE colleges (operated by state governments) will deteriorate as funding is diverted to the ATCs. The union is also concerned that ATCs are supposed to be selective VET schools. According to the union they will have selective entry and preferential funding. It is feared that teachers will be lured away from schools and TAFE colleges to higher paid positions in ATCs.

The Education Union suggested that the government invest in schools that already offer vocational education programs.

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5 Lessons Of The Being Of Leadership}

Submitted by: Pat Obuchowski

The doing part of leadership is the form leadership takes: setting goals, accomplishing, taking action, communicating, etc. It is the answer to the How? question.

The being part of leadership is the essence that leadership is: Holding the space for open conversations, insightful, self aware, not afraid to fail, transforming, etc. It is the answer to the Why? question.

Its my experience that the more grounded and spacious one is within their being, the more effective the doing becomes.

In a recent talk I gave I presented the top 5 lessons of the being part of leadership. Basing it on the work of Wiley Souba, I compare it to four pillars and the foundation those pillars are built upon.


The foundation of the pillars must be your values. I believe that everyone, when faced with difficult decisions, should base their decision on their values. You will never make a wrong decision if you do this.

Heres an exercise that talks about the value of values and helps you define yours:

The first of the four pillars is Self-awareness. This is about having the knowledge or comprehension of a situation. It is being conscious to how our behavior impacts others.

As Souba says, Our mental models are not so much views and beliefs that we hold tightly as they are views and beliefs that tightly hold us. Being self-aware helps us be conscious of what views and beliefs we must change in order to be an authentic leader.

The second pillar is commitment. This is the state of being dedicated to a cause or activity. This is being loyal and faithful to that which is bigger than ourselves. Leaders must be committed to something in the future that is bigger than themselves. A bigger game, if you will. This defines ones purpose. Per Souba, If we are committed, we will act.

The next pillar is authenticity. The word authentic comes from the Greek word authentes meaning one acting on ones own authority. For me, this means that we are the only ones who give us the permission to truly be ourselves and show up fully as who we are. Nietzsche reminds us, The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.

The last pillar is integrity. Integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles and is the state of being whole and undivided. It means to honor your word and in honoring your word, you are whole. Keep your promises and do what you say you will do.

There is a great song called Strangers in the Night. It ends with Do-Be-Do-Be-Do and this is the refrain that all good leaders dance to. Its the dance between essence (being) and form (doing). Its a dance we all must learn.

First, get the being right, then the doing will follow.


BTW, heres my drawing of these 5 lessons with you as the roof over the House of Being. Dont judge my drawing capabilities. Being left handed doesnt help when you are using these easel pads.

About the Author: Pat Obuchowski, CEO Chief Empowerment Officer867 Hercules LaneFoster City CA 94404Phone: 650.245.0321 Fax: 650.577.0277 Email: Pat@GutsyWomenWin.comWebsite:


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American who owns wants “one of those hats”

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Rogers Cadenhead, the American owner of, has made a few requests in his blog. Mr. Cadenhead registered the valuable domain on April 1 along with,,, and; all in anticipation of the recent Papal conclave 2005.

After Cardinal Ratzinger’s election as Pope Benedict XVI, international media swooped on the domain speculating that it may be owned by a pornographer or casino company. However amid the wild speculation, Mr. Cadenhead dismissed these and promised not to sell the domain to any such enterprises.

However today in a humorous manner the prolific computer guide writer posted on his blog a few requests, namely:

  1. Three days, two nights at the Vatican hotel they built for the conclave
  2. One of those hats
  3. Complete absolution, no questions asked, for the third week of March 1987
  4. A back-cover blurb from the Pope for the next edition of Movable Type 3 Bible Desktop Edition. But only if he uses the book to create his own weblog, and
  5. World peace.

However he was keen to stress that the requests are not demands and the whole thing was written in a witty humorous manner.

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Eva Hassett, VP of Savarino Construction Services Corp. answers questions on Buffalo, N.Y. hotel redesign

Buffalo, N.Y. Hotel Proposal Controversy
Recent Developments
  • “Old deeds threaten Buffalo, NY hotel development” — Wikinews, November 21, 2006
  • “Proposal for Buffalo, N.Y. hotel reportedly dead: parcels for sale “by owner”” — Wikinews, November 16, 2006
  • “Contract to buy properties on site of Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal extended” — Wikinews, October 2, 2006
  • “Court date “as needed” for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal” — Wikinews, August 14, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal rescheduled” — Wikinews, July 26, 2006
  • “Elmwood Village Hotel proposal in Buffalo, N.Y. withdrawn” — Wikinews, July 13, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal delayed” — Wikinews, June 2, 2006
Original Story
  • “Hotel development proposal could displace Buffalo, NY business owners” — Wikinews, February 17, 2006

Monday, February 27, 2006

Buffalo, New York —Wikinews was the first to tell you that the Elmwood Village Hotel development in Buffalo, New York was to undergo “significant changes”.

The Elmwood Village Hotel is a proposed project that would be placed at Elmwood and Forest Aves. in Buffalo. In order for the development to take place, at least five buildings that house both businesses and residents, must be demolished.

To confirm and to get more information about the changes, Wikinews interviewed Eva Hassett, Vice President of Savarino Construction Services Corporation, the development company in charge of building the hotel.

Wikinews: The hotel proposal is being redesigned. Could you comment on that? What changes are being made? Are they significant?

Eva Hassett: The hotel has been resized as a 72-room, four story building. This is 10% smaller in number of rooms and a full story lower. We are also redesigning the facades in a way that will minimize the mass – more of a vertical feeling than horizontal. Different materials, windows, details. The smaller size of the hotel also makes the number of on-site parking spaces more appropriate and hopefully represents less of a challenge to an already difficult parking situation.

WN: Will you still be going before the city’s planning board as scheduled on February 28? Same for the Common Council?

Hassett: We will be on the Planning Board agenda this Tuesday morning but I do not expect that the Board will vote on the item that morning. I think we will be mainly explaining the new design and hearing input/questions.

WN: Will there be anymore public meetings?

Hassett: We would be happy to do one more big public meeting. We will be talking to Forever Elmwood about that on Monday (February 27, 2006). We would like to see if there is support for the new design and we also want to honor the public’s request for another meeting. I am hopeful that meeting can take place the week of March 6th.

WN: Is Savarino considering Mr. Rocco Termini’s design/proposal? If no, do you (Savarino) support/oppose?

Hassett: We are hopeful that we can build the hotel as redesigned. We think it would be a great addition to the Elmwood Ave. area, a good way for out-of-towners to see what Buffalo offers and a big help to the businesses there.

WN: Are you considering more time for the community to make a judgment?

Hassett: As I mentioned above, we expect to have one more meeting to get public reaction to the new design, and I think the Planning Board may want an additional meeting to make their determination. We do however, have constraints that will limit the amount of extra time. We still think it is a great project for the City and Elmwood; and we still want it to be something that the community wants as well.

So far, the City of Buffalo’s City Planning Board is still scheduled to meet at 8:00 a.m. (Eastern) on February 28, 2006 followed by the Common Council meeting at 2:00 p.m. on the same day.

Images of the design are not yet available. “We are working on the renderings this weekend, but I will likely have some early in the week,” stated Hassett.

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Existing US home sales fall 9.6% in February

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sales of existing homes in the U.S. fell 9.6% in February, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) said today, in a sign that the U.S. housing market is still depressed. The figure was worse than the 3.9% decline anticipated by the economists surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires and questions whether the U.S. housing market is beginning to recover or will continue to fall.

We have an uneven, choppy recovery. Hopefully it is a recovery …

A combination of foreclosures and short sales, where the mortgage holder sells the house for less than owed on the mortgage, accounted for almost 40% of the sales.

Millions of foreclosures have forced down home prices and the number of foreclosures are predicted to rise this year. The inventory of existing homes listed for sale rose 3.5% at the end of February, a 8.6-month supply at the current sales rate. As more homes are listed in the spring, the inventory of houses for sale will probably increase. A five or six month inventory is usually considered a healthy balance between supply and demand.

According to Moody’s Analytics, another 3.6 million bank-owned homes and possible foreclosures will be added to the inventory by 2013, adding to the 6.7 million home foreclosures since 2006. Thus housing inventories will probably continue to remain high, delaying the point when prices stabilize. The median sales price in February fell 5.2%, down to a price level not seen since April 2002.

“We have an uneven, choppy recovery,” said NAR’s chief economist Lawrence Yun. “Hopefully it is a recovery that is taking place.”

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Improving Team Communication A Study By Artur Victoria

Submitted by: Artur Victoria

A major error can occur in the use of an open employee communications system: That is communications for communications sake or simply over communication.

Sometimes there is a fine line between what is enough information for employees to do their jobs effectively and what is too much. Some organizations get carried away. In their effort to be candid and open, the downward communications flow becomes more than the employee or supervisor can handle. Managers should not pour out information on the basis of the philosophy that the more they know the better off they are. This philosophy ignores the whole issue of effectiveness, and also may be an expensive exercise.

The staff communications specialist may be the biggest offender in situations where there is over communication. He or she, in good faith, sets out to do a very complete and thorough job, and slips into the trap of communicating everything that comes along or can be dug out.

Whoever is responsible, the unintended result of communications overkill is that supervisors and employees stop paying attention. If the information flow is too heavy or is not pertinent, it will eventually be ignored, and an informal scuttlebutt system will take over. Formal communications may have lost credibility and become practically valueless to management with over communication.

Two control mechanisms should be at work in an open communications system to prevent the error of over communication. These are:


Audit and review of objectives by management and staff specialist.

Feedback from employees and supervisors on the amount and kind of information they are receiving.

There has to be balance in the communications program. Therefore, asking employees and supervisors if they are getting the information they need should be coupled with a question as to whether they would have job difficulty if this information were discontinued. The ultimate error is to continue a program merely because it’s there, long after it has ceased to be effective in helping get the job done.

It is difficult to find an organization or business which failed solely because of lack of employee communication. It is even difficult to find studies which report failure of an organization due to poor employee communications. Yet, it is rather obvious that employee communications, when lacking, or poorly conceived and carried out, can be a major handicap to organizational effectiveness.

Researchers concluded that in these cases there were only five basic causes which led employees to unionize in the face of employer preference that they not do so. The causes, not all of which were present in each case, included:

I. Introducing changes in policy, products, or equipment without sufficient advance notice and explanation

1. Ignoring or mishandling employee complaints and concerns

2. Providing minimal information as to the organization’s health, financial situation, plans, and problems

3. Pressing for productivity without involving employees in the need for improvement

4. Failing to find out, or failing to allow, employee needs and desires before making management decisions.

All four of these management failures can be avoided or remedied by improved employee communications. Management of groups involved in the study had so overloaded their supervisors with duties such as overseeing production, record keeping, ordering raw materials, filling out reports, etc., that employee communications suffered. The lack of proper emphasis in employee communications is shown by this research to be a barrier to intended operational results.

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Victoria Wyndham on Another World and another life

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Victoria Wyndham was one of the most seasoned and accomplished actresses in daytime soap opera television. She played Rachel Cory, the maven of Another World‘s fictional town, Bay City, from 1972 to 1999 when the show went off the air. Wyndham talks about how she was seen as the anchor of a show, and the political infighting to keep it on the air as NBC wanted to wrest control of the long-running soap from Procter & Gamble. Wyndham fought to keep it on the air, but eventually succumbed to the inevitable. She discusses life on the soap opera, and the seven years she spent wandering “in the woods” of Los Angeles seeking direction, now divorced from a character who had come to define her professional career. Happy, healthy and with a family she is proud of, Wyndham has found life after the death of Another World in painting and animals. Below is David Shankbone’s interview with the soap diva.

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New pre-Iraq war memo leaked

Friday, February 3, 2006

British television station Channel 4 News and newspaper The Guardian have reported that they have obtained a secret transcript of a meeting between United States President George W. Bush and British prime minister Tony Blair on January 31, 2003, two months before the beginning of the Iraq war. The memo has been viewed by Phillipe Sands, a professor of international law at University College London, and by Channel 4 news. Last year, Professor Sands reported on doubts about the legality of the invasion in Iraq voiced by government lawyers, which eventually forced the British government to publish the full legal advice given to them by the attorney general.

According to the two sources, the transcript suggests that the invasion of Iraq was already decided at the point of the meeting, and that Bush had stated that “the diplomatic strategy had to be arranged around the military planning”. Blair is reportedly quoted as responding that he is “solidly with the president and ready to do whatever it took to disarm Saddam”.

The memo from the sources also states that Bush suggested “flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft planes with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colours”, so that “if Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach [of UN resolutions]”.

According to the memo, President Bush said he “thought it unlikely that there would be internecine warfare between the different religious and ethnic groups”.

The British government did not deny the existence of the memo last night, but insisted that “the prime minister only committed UK forces to Iraq after securing the approval of the House of Commons in a vote on March 18, 2003.” It added that they “do not comment on the prime minister’s conversations with other leaders.”

The BBC reported that Chief spokesman for the National Security Council Frederick Jones said that “the White House would not comment on what was said or not said in alleged private conversations between Mr Bush and foreign leaders,” and added that the White House “was not going to re-litigate how the nation went to war”.

The purported document has not been confirmed as authentic by either government so far.

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Osteotomies Rhinoplasty

Osteotomies – Rhinoplasty


Jhon Cena

Rhinoplasty is a common type of nose surgery which is performed to enhance the appearance of the nose. It should only be performed by a surgeon who has received specialist training in the procedure, such as an appropriately trained ENT surgeon. Some of the common problems which can be corrected through rhinoplasty include bumps on the bridge, projection of the tip, and nose size.

The techniques used during nose surgery depend on the particular case. One of the most common techniques used in rhinoplasty is osteotomy.

What is osteotomy?


Osteotomy is a term used to describe surgical procedures during which bone is divided, or a piece of bone is cut off. In most rhinoplasty procedures, some form of osteotomy is usually required, to move or modify the osseocartilaginous vault, which comprises a major part of the nose.

In rhinoplasty, osteotomy may involve the excising or breaking of bones in the nose. It is usually performed to correct a nasal hump, enhance a twisted nose, or make a wide nose narrower. As the surgical instruments used during osteotomy make small sounds while touching the bone, patients are usually kept under heavy sedation or general anaesthesia, while the procedure is being performed.

One of the common osteotomic approaches used in nose surgery is the media osteotomy. During this type of osteotomy, the nasal bone is cut in the middle with a back cut . Then, a small osteotome (bone knife) is positioned along the edge of the bone, and gently tapped to move it along a previously planned path. After the bone is cut, it can be moved, as required.

The nasal bone can generally be moved only after it has been carefully cut from the tissue and cartilage around it. This is usually done with the help of sharp chisels, which may be introduced either from the inside of the nose, or through a small incision made at the side. The ENT surgeon performing this procedure needs to possess a high level of skill, to ensure minimal damage to the nasal lining, and reduce post-operative swelling and discomfort.

Situated in the heart of London, ENT London is a highly reputed ENT clinic that specialises in rhinoplasty. Led by Professor RS Dhillion who has more than 30 years of experience in the field, the ENT surgeons at ENT London are skilled at performing even the most technically complex forms of nose surgery. All our ENT surgeons are accredited with the UK General Medical Council, and are well known for their expertise.

Our ENT doctors specialise in Otology, Sinofacial pain, Voice disorders, Facial plastics, Head and neck surgery, abstructive Sleep Apnoea, Rhinoplasty, Nose Surgery,

ENT Specialist

. For more info visit:

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