New London police commissioner blames middle-class cocaine users for violence in Colombia and on British housing estates

Sunday, February 6, 2005

LONDON,United Kingdom —The new London police commissioner Sir Ian Blair has warned middle class dinner party users of cocaine that he is out to get them. In contrast, he is relaxed about cannabis smokers, saying he does not wish to waste police time pursuing them. He has been quoted as saying: “People seem to think the price of a wrap of cocaine is 50 quid [UK pounds], but the cost is misery on estates here and a trail of blood back to Colombia. Someone has died to bring it [cocaine] to a dinner party. People who wouldn’t dream of having a non-organic vegetable don’t seem to notice the blood on their fingers.”

Blair is clearly trying to prick the conscience of the 624,000 estimated cocaine users in the UK, hoping to persuade them to boycott this Class A drug. Others, including Colombian Nobel Prize winner and author Gabriel García Márquez, have stated that the misery both in Colombia and on poor housing estates in the UK is caused not by drugs themselves but by the banning of them. Marquez has specifically said that he cannot see the end of the civil war in Colombia as long as the illegal drug trade exists, and he cannot see the end of the illegal drug trade unless drugs are legalized. The trade in cannabis also generates violence both at home (in the UK) and abroad, in spite of Sir Ian’s softly, softly approach to this recently reclassified Class C drug.

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Student faces expulsion over blog post

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A 17-year-old student faces expulsion by the Plainfield School District in Plainfield, Illinois as a result of blog posts he made on which were critical of the school staff, alleging bullying and intimidation. The student has already been suspended for 10 days for the “inappropriate comments” and “threats” the school felt he had expressed on his blog. The posts were not made on school time or with school equipment.

On May 1, the student posted the following message that apparently initiated the suspension:

“dear plainfield school district 202:
i know you read this. and you suck. suspend me or what ever you would like to do. but this is my fuckin web site and i can put what ever i want on it. kinda goes with the first amendment. by suspending kyle again for his xanga you guys are pathetic and totally irrational. first amendment you fucks. freedom of speech. and who the fuck are you to say what some one can do from there own personal computer. one more thing kiss my ass.”

On May 2, the student continued his passionate rant, giving some background to the controversy:

“you are bully’s. I feel threatened by you. if you don’t like what you see here then do not come here its that simple. I’m pretty sure when you suspended Sam you brought her to tears, you are a bully and you make me sick. there’s nothing you can do about us posting about parties we’ve been to and how much liquor we had or how much pot was smoked, the police need to do a better job, you are not the police. and how is it that you feel threatened what was said that was so threatening. I feel threatened by you, I cant even have a public web page with out you bullying me and telling me what has to be removed. where is this freedom of speech that this government is sworn to uphold? none of this is posted at school, its all posted from our home computers, and once we step foot into our homes we are not on school property any more. you are just power hungry, don’t you ever think? did you stop to think that maybe this will make parents angry that you are bullying their children around? did you ever stop to think that maybe now you really are going to have a threat on your hands now that you have just pissed off kids for voicing their opinions? did you ever stop to think this will start a community backlash? The kids at Columbine did what they did because they were bullied. In my opinion you are the real threat here. None of us ever put in our xanga’s that they were going to kill or bring harm to any one. we voiced our opinions. you are the real threat here. you are depriving us of our right to learn. now stick that in your pipe and smoke it.”

Attorney Carl Buck, who feels the school authorities have overstepped their boundaries, says, “The district is going to take away the student’s education for exercising his freedom of speech… I feel like they are trying to control his freedom of speech. … He is saying, ‘You can’t bully people and we have a right to object and you can’t throw people out of school for voicing their opinions.'”

Other students at the school posted messages of support in their own Xanga blogs. A blogger named Meghan wrote, “As Americans, we have the right to speak our mind.” Another student, Heather, who found out about the possible expulsion through the local news, wrote that “first of all, Xanga is outside of school … second of all … there was no threat towards anyone on his posts.”

In a related case in March 2006, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that an Alaska high school acted improperly by suspending a student for carrying a banner reading “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” across the street from the school.

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How Global Road Technology Dust Control And Soil Stabilization Makes Difference

How Global Road Technology Dust Control and Soil Stabilization Makes Difference


Dylan Luke

Humanity has been building roads for thousands of years; in a very real sense, they tie communities together with one another as well as the outside world. Roads function as the lifelines of villages, towns, communities, regions, and countries across the face of the globe, letting commerce flow in and out, bringing goods and services to people wherever they may live and facilitating travel.

Consequently, the art of road construction has been along nearly as long as civilization has. However, it is only in recently years that technological advances in chemistry and other sciences have enabled the development of dust control and soil stabilization products that have the potential to revolutionize the road construction industry.

Global Road Technology is at the forefront of research, development, and application of these new technologies and methods. Here are three reasons their dust control and soil stabilization technology sets them apart from any other road construction methodology:


No Invasive Quarrying and Easier Logistics As Global Road Technology products rely on environmentally friendly chemical methods to provide soil stabilization and dust control, they do not need much if any outside material to be quarried to build the roads. This means there will be little to no invasive mining or quarrying done in the area, and the logistics of the project are simplified as well as there is substantially less material to move.

Lowered Environmental Impact The dust control and soil stabilization products of Global Road Technology result in hugely lowered environmental impact compared to traditional road construction methods. Fewer emissions from trucks moving material, less fresh water used during construction and construction project dust kept under control result in cleaner air and water around construction sites.

Less Bothersome toPeople & Communities Another major benefit of road building using Global Road Technology and their environmentally friendly chemical soil stabilization and dust control products is that the building process is significantly less bothersome to people and communities. This should result in a drastically lowered level of resident complaints, as there is less traffic and disruption to the community during the road construction project.

Taken together, the various products and techniques of Global Road Technology have the potential to completely revolutionize the road building process. They permit construction in hostile areas inhospitable to traditional construction, impact the environment and communities less than regular building methods, and are an excellent choice for any municipality or organization looking to build high quality infrastructure at a reasonable cost and employ local people with-in the community.

Quarrying for roads has negatively impacted many significant sites around the word. As little or no external materials are required in the construction of Global Road Technology roads, the need for quarries and mines is greatly reduced, alleviating the pressure on the natural environment to provide resources that can often only be found in delicate environments.

Global Road Technology is at the forefront of research, development, and application of these new technologies and methods. Here are three reasons their

dust control and soil stabilization technology

sets them apart from any other road construction methodology.

Article Source:

Activists claim police harrassment as G20 summit nears

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Two days before the beginning of the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania activists are already claiming harassment from police officers.

The ACLU is filing charges against the Pittsburgh Police Department after claiming that “more than 30 Pittsburgh police officers with semi-automatic weapons” raided a Seeds for Peace food truck in the middle of the night and demanded to search it even though they lacked a warrant. After refusing to allow them to search the truck, the suit claims, the officers then arrested the activists for two hours on loitering charges. Officers claim they raided the food truck for “national security” reasons.

Activist groups Seeds of Peace Collective and Three Rivers Climate Convergence denounced “systematic attempts to harass and discourage lawful First Amendment activities,” after filing a complaint on Monday against the Pittsburgh Police Department. The suit focuses on three separate incidents that include the midnight raid on the truck, as well as several other citations given to owners of the vehicle at different points during the past two days.

The Seeds of Peace Collective drives a bus that runs on vegetable oil and was founded in 1986 to provide food and water to protesters.

“I’m not going to comment on [the ACLU lawsuit], nor will I, throughout this week, get into the back and forth of any organization that may decide to sue our police department or may decide to take us to court,” said Pittsburgh mayor Luke Ravenstahl.

The collective was still able to provide food for 200 people yesterday at the Three Rivers Climate Convergence. “We got food out tonight. That brings my morale up,” said Katy Kelly, with Seeds of Peace.

Protesters are coming to Pittsburgh this week to advocate everything from universal health care to an end to capitalism.

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Sadr City suicide bomber uses fruit truck to kill 66 on market day

Sunday, July 2, 2006

A suicide bomber exploded a truck bomb in the crowded Al-Ula market in Sadr City in Baghdad on Saturday, killing 66 people and injuring over a 100.

‘At the beginning of this market, the criminal blew up his dynamite-packed truck after trying to go over the pavement,’ said Iraq’s Deputy Health Minister Sabah al-Hussein.

The explosion happened when a police patrol was passing by and caused heavy casualties in the morning market rush. Some shoppers were sent flying on top of nearby two-storey buildings.

The force of the blast left a large crater and wreckage of blown-out cars and windowless buildings. Rescuers were left to pick through a sickening scene of human remains mixed in with exploded vegetable matter and dead animals.

Sadr City, a Shiite city of two million in which religious leader Moqtada Sadr has found popular support, had many times before been targeted by Sunni terrorists who were blamed by some residents for this attack.

It was the deadliest bombing of civilians since Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki‘s government assumed responsibility for domestic security in May 2006.

Experts said the truck bomb was a lethal concoction of explosives, shells and shrapnel hidden under a consignment of fruit. The driver of the truck blew himself up in the explosion.

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Interview with John Sanderson, Regional Council candidate for Wards 3 & 4 in Brampton, Canada

Friday, November 3, 2006

The upcoming 2006 Brampton municipal election, to be held November 13, features an array of candidates looking to represent their wards in city council or the council of the Peel Region. The candidates for this region are John Sanderson, Susan DiMarco (this wards incumbent), Tibor Bankuti, Theo Goary and Sukhwant Thethi.

John Sanderson spoke exclusively to Wikinews via questions sent in an email. Mr Sanderson’s answers to some of the questions asked are below.

Q: List the three most important issues in your campaign.

A: Safer communities through effective enforcement;
Reduced traffic congestion through effective planning; and
Managed growth through effective plan development.

Q: What one election issue do you feel is most relevant to your ward in this election?

A: My motivation for pursuing pubic office is to ensure that our city has adequate infrastructure to support its rapid growth. Wards 3 and 4 include Highway 410, Steeles Avenue, Kennedy Rd., Highway 10, McLaughlin Rd. and Chinguacousy Rd, some of the most congested roads in Brampton. As a life-long resident of Brampton, the severe traffic congestion that we are experiencing today is unprecedented in our history – and is costly to our economy and quality of life. While canvassing, the common message received from residents in the ward is that we need to better manage traffic and transportation. As a Regional Councillor, I will be a strong advocate for smart and long-term transportation planning of the City of Brampton and Region of Peel and I will take immediate measures to help alleviate transportation congestion in our city. This includes the provision of an effective and efficient public transit system that is responsive to users’ needs, as well as implementing and promoting carpooling, to help reduce single occupancy vehicles on roadways. I am also not afraid to speak up about the issues of Brampton. As Past President of The Brampton Board of Trade, I can be a strong voice to the Provincial Government about their need to make transportation infrastructure a priority, particularly as it relates to expanding Highway 410 and better planning and coordination of transportation region wide.

Q: What qualities or experiences do you possess, that make you more desirable than the incumbent?


Q: Why do you want to represent your ward on council?


Q: How are you currently involved in the community?

A: John has been a volunteer his entire life. John understands that “Community” is about service.
From 2001-2002, John Sanderson served as President of The Brampton Board of Trade. He was first elected as a member of The Brampton Board of Trade Governing Council in 1992, and continued as an active member when he started his own company, J.W.S. Waste Systems Inc., in 1998. Through his many years as a member of the Board, John served on every Board committee, including 11 years on Governing Council.
As a model corporate citizen, John Sanderson and his former company, J.W.S. Waste Systems Inc. contributed extensively to various community initiatives through sponsorship and participation, including: Salvation Army; St. John Ambulance; YMCA Fundraising Committee; Brampton Clean City; Santa Claus Parade; Brampton Excelsiors Major Lacrosse Club (including 14 years on the Executive and two years as President); Rotary Club of Brampton; Brampton Scouts Leader; and coaching and managing various minor hockey and lacrosse teams. As a member of the Ontario Waste Management Association, John served as President from 1996-98, in addition to four years on the Executive.
Outside of his business, Sanderson is very well known through his active volunteerism with the Rotary Club of Brampton, where he has been a member for 15 years and on the Board of Directors for six years. With the Rotary Club, John has participated on: the Easter Seals Fundraising Committee; volunteer at the Rotary owned and operated bingo hall; Membership Committee, where he was recognized with an Membership Award in 2002; and Chair of the Gage Park Enhancement Committee, Brampton’s historic park and skating trail, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Brampton. John’s dedicated service to the Rotary Club was honoured in December 2001, when he was presented the prestigious Paul Harris Fellowship Award, the highest award given by Rotary International to recognize community service.
John Sanderson, more important than being a prominent businessperson is a true community leader. Through his active involvement in The Brampton Board of Trade and Rotary Club of Brampton, along with his many other community initiatives and activities, he has dedicated himself to improving the quality of life in Brampton. In 2002, The Brampton Salvation Army asked John to be its Kettle Campaign Chair. John’s goal was to surpass the 2001 total. He dedicated himself so heavily to the campaign, that through his business and community connections, helped raise $233,000 – $118,000 more than the previous year. This is typical of John Sanderson when he makes a commitment to help. John, being a modest man, is always quick to thank his dedicated staff at J.W.S. Waste Systems Inc. and caring wife and family, for supporting him as he dedicates, on average, over 50 volunteer hours a month to his various community activities.
Adding to his long list of accolades, in 2002, John was one of two individuals recognized nationally by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce as Volunteer of the Year. Later that year, he was also the recipient of the prestigious Queen’s Jubilee.

Q: The Rose Theatre recently launched. What are your thoughts on this facility? Have you had a chance to tour it yet?


Q: The province has strongly encouraged the development of high-density residences near the downtown. Do these buildings fit in with your vision of the downtown? How much say should other levels of government have in urban planning?


Q: How do you feel about Brampton’s rate of expansion? Council recently capped the annual amount of new development; do you agree completely with this decision, would you have slowed development even further, or not have imposed a cap at all?


Q: What are your opinions on Brampton’s congestion and the level of public transit funding?


Q: Why should businesses be attracted to locating in Brampton?


Q: How could Brampton further itself in attracting corporate investment?


Q: Why have you chosen to involve yourself in the political process?

A: John Sanderson knows that Brampton can truly become a great city with the right vision, drive and management. John Sanderson will bring his business savvy and a strong sense of community to the role of Regional Councillor, and will contribute a common sense approach to the management of this city.
As Brampton grows to 635,000 people over the next 15 years, we need strong leaders on City and Regional Council. We need people with vision. But most of all, we need people determined to make change happen, people who will listen and speak out on issues.

Q: What does Brampton mean to you?

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Solar Charge Controllers}

Submitted by: Clark Carl

10KW – 120V, 220V, or 240V

For Lithium or Lead Acid Battery Packs

Solar Charge Controlle

17.4*12.0*6.7 in. (442*307*172mm)

17.6 lbs. (8kg)

The 10KW – 120V, 220V, or 240V Lithium or Lead Acid Battery Solar Charge Controller can control a solar panel and transform solar energy into electricity to be stored in a battery bank. The Solar Controller is the most important part in the off-grid system because its performance affects life expectancy and the operation of the whole system, especially the battery expectancy. The battery service life will be shortened by overcharging or over discharging the battery.

Performance Features of your 10KW – 120V, 220V, or 240V Lithium or Lead Acid Battery Solar Charge Controller:

Superior military-grade components to ensure product stability.

Perfect protection function for higher reliability of the system.

Can check and set all operation parameters as required from LCD display.


PWM stepless unload mode, which burns the excess power into dump load which makes the battery charge better.

LCD Display Mode

Fan Cooled

IP20 Protection Level (Indoor)

Quiescent Current: ?20 mA

Protection Functions: Battery over charge, Battery anti-reverse-connection, Solar reverse charge protection, Solar anti-reverse-connection, and lightning protection.

Ambient Temperature: -4~131F (-20~55C)

Ambient Humidity: 0~93%, without condensing

Working Altitude: ?4000m

Note: Parameters can be configured according to your individual requirements.

Applications of your 10KW – 120V, 220V, or 240V Lithium or Lead Acid Battery Solar Charge Controller:

Standalone photovoltaic power station.

Standalone domestic household photovoltaic power system.

Mobile communication base stations, expressway and other non-residential regions.

Coastal islands, remote mountain areas, and border posts for regions with shortage of or without electricity.

Government demonstration projects, landscape lighting projects etc.

Pricing Options (for 1 each) (add 2 options together for total price)


$1145 120V 60A

$1099 – 220V 35A

$1099 – 240V 30A


No Extra Charge – Freight shipping to nearest airport terminal in the Continental USA included

$71 – Door-to-door shipping in the Continental USA included

-$52 ($52 Less) – FOB China

The 30KW – 220V or 240V Lithium or Lead Acid Battery Solar Charge Controller can control a solar panel and transform solar energy into electricity to be stored in a battery bank. The Solar Controller is the most important part in the off-grid system because its performance affects life expectancy and the operation of the whole system, especially the battery expectancy. The battery service life will be shortened by overcharging or over discharging the battery. Please contact us for pricing at (801) 566-5678 or place an order and we will give you a call.

A Solar charge controller, charge regulator or battery regulator limits the rate at which electric current is added to or drawn from electric batteries. It prevents overcharging and may protect against over voltage, which can reduce battery performance or lifespan, and may pose a safety risk. It may also prevent completely draining (“deep discharging”) a battery, or perform controlled discharges, depending on the battery technology, to protect battery life. The terms “charge controller” or “charge regulator” may refer to either a stand-alone device, or to control circuitry integrated within a battery pack, battery-powered device, or battery charger.

About the Author: Lead Acid Battery Solar Charge Controller can control a solar panel and transform solar energy into electricity to be stored in a battery bank. The Solar Controller is the most important part in the off-grid system because its performance affects life expectancy and the operation of the whole system, especially the battery expectancy.


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Wikinews interviews Professor Gigi Foster about pandemic control in Australia

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

On July 22, Wikinews interviewed Professor Gigi Foster of School of Economics at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia about measures that the government took to stop the spread of COVID-19, a virus that caused what the World Health Organization declared a pandemic last year.

Professor Foster is on faculty with the School of Economics at the University of New South Wales. She wrote an Op-Ed in the Sydney Morning Herald, arguing for a case against the so-called “lockdowns” – measures which the state governments in Australia were implementing to stop the spread of COVID-19. These measures included things like limiting the size of gatherings, directing certain business types such as gyms to close or operate at reduced capacity, limiting where people may travel and restricting residents to only leaving their home if they have a reasonable excuse to do so.

In New South Wales, these restrictions were implemented as Public Health Orders, signed by Brad Hazzard, the Minister for Health and Medical Research. Mr Brad Hazzard has authority make these Orders under the Public Health Act 2010, section 7.

Wikinews reached out to Professor Gigi Foster, asking for comment.

The interview was conducted amid an outbreak of COVID-19 in New South Wales, that has resulted in an increase of restrictions from June 26. At the day of interview, residents were legally allowed to go outdoors only for essential shopping, medical care, and exercise, in groups of no more than two people unless of a common household. On July 28, authorities extended these restrictions until the end of August.

The current outbreak of the COVID-19 Delta strain started from ‘patient zero’, reportedly a driver, which includes transporting international flight crew, as NSW Health wrote on June 16. A week later, on June 24, the driver commented that he thought that he caught the virus from a local cafe, where another patron was visibly unwell.

New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian has said that “our mission is to allow our citizens to live as safely and freely as possible”, having announced that only authorized workers — people whose occupation is essential — could leave home in selected higher risk regions in south-west of Sydney until July 30.

Work of the construction industry has been stopped for several days, and resumed this week with requirement that the construction workers get tested for COVID-19 regularly.

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New Zealand pilot selling uniform online

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

“Jeremy”, an airplane pilot in Nelson, has put his uniform on sale for NZ$1.00 at New Zealand auction site TradeMe. The pilot had lost his job when Origin Pacific Airways fired 230 staff because of financial difficulties and is now trying to “make ends meet this week,” the pilot said. The auction has already reached 31 bids and reached $101 as of 7.30 a.m. August 15.

‘Jeremy’, the pilot, said on the auction page, that he is offering “a rare piece of Kiwi aviation history,”.

“This is an authentic Origin Pacific Jetstream pilot’s uniform lovingly drycleaned for one last time before its unfortunate retirement. It’s travelled many stormy nights and many sunrises and has seen almost 50,000 Kiwis safely to their destinations from Invercargill to the Far North. It has 778,000km on it, yet it looks as crisp today as it did when it was born,” the pilot described on TradeMe.

One bidder had offered $40 if he sold the uniform immediately but that offer was turned down in order to see the auction go until Sunday.

David Collier, Origin Pacific passenger services general manager, said “The uniform was Origin Pacific’s property and the pilot should not be selling it, but I think it’s probably one of those things you’d have to grin at and move on.”

Jay, Waitakere, asked on the auction page if the uniform came with a plane. The pilot replied “No, but if you want to start an airline I know where you can find a great bunch of people.”

The auction is closing on August 20, Sunday.

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Wikinews interviews Jim Hedges, U.S. Prohibition Party presidential candidate

Saturday, January 29, 2011

U.S. Prohibition Party presidential candidate Jim Hedges of Thompson Township, Pennsylvania took some time to answer a few questions about the Prohibition Party and his 2012 presidential campaign.

The Prohibition Party is the third oldest existing political party in the United States, having been established in 1869. It reached its height of popularity during the late 19th century. The party heavily supported the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which banned the sale of alcohol, and resulted in the US period known as Prohibition (1919–33). It was repealed in 1933. The party has declined since this period, but has continued to nominate candidates for the presidential election.

In 2003, the party split into two factions. Preacher Gene Amondson and perennial candidate Earl Dodge were nominated for the presidency by their respective factions. After Dodge’s death in 2007, the party reunified and named Amondson as its sole presidential nominee for 2008. During the election, Amondson was interviewed by Wikinews. He died in 2009, leaving an opening in the party for 2012.

Jim Hedges is a longtime Prohibition activist, who holds the distinction of the first individual of the 21st century (and the first since 1959) to be elected to a political office under the Prohibition Party banner. In 2001, he was elected as the Thompson Township tax assessor, and was re-elected to the post in 2005. He served until his term expired in 2010. Hedges declared his intent to run for the Prohibition Party presidential nomination on February 18, 2010. This marks his first run for the presidency.

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