The Benefits Of Using A Penis Health Creme

The Benefits of Using a Penis Health Creme


John Dugan

Although the penis is such an important appendage to most men, few give much thought to caring for it beyond showering on a daily basis. However, in order to maintain a healthy and fully-functional penis, greater attention to genital health care is needed. A daily regimen that includes cleaning and grooming, as well as regular self-examination, is advised. In addition, applying a penis health crme that contains penis-specific nutrients (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is suggested to increase sexual pleasure nand prevent uncomfortable skin conditions and infections, as well as more serious problems that can affect penis health in the long term.


Proper Penis Care Following the steps described below can help to keep the penis healthy, as well as functioning at top form. Daily Washing Failure to keep the penis clean and dry can result in a number of unpleasant conditions: Fungal infections Unwashed skin is prime territory for the development of fungal infections, which can cause redness, itching, soreness and rash. Keeping the area clean and dry can prevent fungal infections such as jock itch from taking hold. Bacterial infections Penis skin that is not clean can develop microscopic fissures which allow harmful bacteria to enter the bloodstream, resulting in infections which can affect not only the penis, but the rest of the body, as well. Washing and moisturizing with a penis health crme can prevent problems caused by harmful organisms. Dry, flaking skin Washing the penis every day and wearing clean, loose-fitting clothing can prevent dryness, flaking and chafing, which can lead to discomfort or soreness during masturbation or sexual intercourse. Foul odors it goes without saying that unwashed skin can result in some highly unpleasant odors. Washing the genital area every day keeps away odor-causing bacteria and preventing that distinctive and off-putting smell. Grooming While trimming the hair in the genital area is not on every mans to-do list, keeping the area well-groomed is useful for preventing chafing and itching; in addition, removing excessive hair growth can prevent foul odors from developing. As an added advantage, many women find a well-groomed man to be more attractive. Self-Examination Since the key to treating nearly any health disorder successfully is early detection, conducting a regular self-examination is recommended. Men should make it a habit to check over the penis and genital area on a regular basis, looking for moles, warts or other unusual growths, as well as lesions, rash, or bumps under the skin. In most cases, these conditions are easily treated, but problems that do not respond to treatment at home within a few days should be checked by a doctor. Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle A healthy lifestyle which is characterized by eating a balanced diet, limiting alcohol consumption, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding the use of tobacco products can prevent a wide range of health problems and promote good penis health. In addition, it is important to choose sexual partners with care and use proper protection during sex. Prevent Problems and Keep Your Penis Healthy with a Penis Health Crme In addition to all of these measures, health care professionals advise that a penis health crme, (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients be used daily. The benefits of using a penis health crme include keeping the skin clean and moisturized, as well as protecting this sensitive organ from bacterial or fungal infections and environmental contaminants that may lead to more serious penis health issues. Evidence has shown that men who use a penis health crme experience fewer penis problems and enjoy a more satisfactory sex life than men who neglect penis care.

For additional information on most common penis health issues,

penis specific creme

and tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit:

John Dugan writes about men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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The Benefits of Using a Penis Health Creme

Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Progessive Conservative candidate Tyler Currie, Trinity-Spadina

Monday, October 1, 2007

Tyler Currie is running as an Progressive Conservative candidate in the Ontario provincial election, in the riding of Trinity-Spadina. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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Indian Human Resources minister to reform technology sector

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kapil Sibal, India’s Minister of Human Resource Development (HRD) held a meeting Monday to present his reform plans for the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) sector by increasing the entrance percentage to 80% and above in the class XII (final year) board exams. A three-member committee was set up to review the proposal.

Sibal said, “The present criteria is that students need to secure 60% in class XII for appearing in IIT-JEE. This is not acceptable”, pointing out that the current criteria where students getting more than 60% in the board exam of the twelfth class are eligible for IIT-JEE is not good enough and that it has to be raised to 80-85%.

He also stated that students undervalue final year board exams, preparing instead for the Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE); they enrol in coaching institutes and concentrate on their study material in order to enter IIT. He wants to abolish these “teaching shops.”

The meeting decided that they would set up two committees, one headed by Anil Kakodkar, Atomic Energy Commission (Chairman) and other by T. Ramasamy, Department of Science and Technology (Secretary). The first committee is scheduled to decide final year board percentage and the second one is scheduled to set the curriculum.

The Kakodkar committee also plans to decide how to abolish coaching institutes and how to move IIT field forward with a greater emphasis on research. The committee is expected to submit its report in the next six months. The minister also clarified that some of these will be implemented from the 2010 academic year and some from 2011.

The meeting was also expected to reduce the fee for African and South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries as their fees are higher than those of Indians. The review committee says that people of other countries are tempted to study in India but they refrain due to high fees. The Ramasamy committee is expected to submit its report in the next three months.

Lastly, the meeting said that it will appoint board members and directors on the basis of nominations and independent rank and power to ensure IIT’s activity.

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NHL: Sharks defeat Predators, take 1-0 lead in series

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sharks lead series 1-0. (Best of Seven)

San Jose Sharks 5 4 Nashville Predators
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Sexual Intercourse And Back Pain

A person suffering from back pain may even begin avoiding the bedroom intentionally just for this reason, and that can cause stress in the relationship. The most important step is to be open about it – you can be surprised at how responsive your partner will be if you’re just honest about what may be bothering you.

What Formas of Back Pain Affect Sexual Intercourse?

The main causes of back pain involve problems with the spine, and because it stretches from the neck to the pelvis, any part of it can result in pain. However, most cases of back pain involve lower back pain, and this is also the part of the spine that is most involved in sexual intercourse.

Who Is Most Affected by Back Pain

Back pain can happen to anyone, and at any age, but it is usually experienced by those above 40 years of age. Furthermore, men are at a higher risk of back pain compared to women, hence they may be in more need of the guidelines below.

Steps to Addressing Back Pain Problems Affecting Your Sex Life

Visit a chiropractor

There are various causes for back pain: slipped discs, injury, back muscle strain, herniated disc and plenty of others. Each of these problems is unique in its own way and requires a unique treatment plan. The only way to get an accurate diagnosis for your pain and receive treatment is to see a pain physician who will help you with that.

They are able to carry out all the necessary steps required to determine the cause of your pain using tests such as X-rays and CT scans. Afterwards, you’re going to find out how your problem can be resolved.

Change sex position

We would all love to have quick solutions that fix back pain instantly so that we can go back to our normal lives, but this isn’t always the case. Even despite having the recommended pain relievers, you’re bound to still suffer from some pain, and you just have to live with it. One of the best way of doing so is by adapting more favourable sex positions for your back.

Remember when we spoke about honest conversation with your partner? Well, it’s going to be a lot easier proposing a change in sex position once your partner knows why you would like this. According to research done in the University of Waterloo, different sex positions require varied movements of the spine, and switching sex positions could result in lower stress exerted on your spine.

Nevertheless, it is still important to try out different positions since there are no specific positions that are easiest on the spine. You should identify when you’re most comfortable, either when your spine is extended or flexed, and adapt a sexual position that supports that kind of movement.

For more information visit .

Gastric bypass surgery performed by remote control

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A robotic system at Stanford Medical Center was used to perform a laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery successfully with a theoretically similar rate of complications to that seen in standard operations. However, as there were only 10 people in the experimental group (and another 10 in the control group), this is not a statistically significant sample.

If this surgical procedure is as successful in large-scale studies, it may lead the way for the use of robotic surgery in even more delicate procedures, such as heart surgery. Note that this is not a fully automated system, as a human doctor controls the operation via remote control. Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is a treatment for obesity.

There were concerns that doctors, in the future, might only be trained in the remote control procedure. Ronald G. Latimer, M.D., of Santa Barbara, CA, warned “The fact that surgeons may have to open the patient or might actually need to revert to standard laparoscopic techniques demands that this basic training be a requirement before a robot is purchased. Robots do malfunction, so a backup system is imperative. We should not be seduced to buy this instrument to train surgeons if they are not able to do the primary operations themselves.”

There are precedents for just such a problem occurring. A previous “new technology”, the electrocardiogram (ECG), has lead to a lack of basic education on the older technology, the stethoscope. As a result, many heart conditions now go undiagnosed, especially in children and others who rarely undergo an ECG procedure.

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UK seeks pardon for executed World War I soldiers

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The UK Defence Secretary Des Browne has announced a plan to seek approval from Parliament to grant a group pardon to more than 300 British soldiers executed during the First World War for offences such as cowardice and desertion.

The proposed pardon will include the case of Pte. Harry Farr, whose family had appealed to the Defence Secretary to grant a full, posthumous pardon. The Ministry of Defence informed the family lawyers of the decision hours before making a public announcement.

Farr’s family members said in a statement that they were “overwhelmed”.

The government proposes to pardon all those executed in World War I under the Army Act 1881 and the Indian Army Act 1911, for what are considered “battlefield offences”, such as cowardice or desertion, which may have been influenced by the stress of the battle. The proposal involves several Commonwealth and former colonial countries whose troops also fought alongside British troops. Mr. Browne said that he intends to introduce a suitable amendment to the current Armed Forces Bill to request Parliament’s approval.

Announcing the plan, Mr. Browne said, “I am conscious of how the families of these men feel today. They have had to endure a stigma for decades. […] I believe it is appropriate to seek a statutory pardon.”

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Caroline Kennedy drops bid for New York Senate seat

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Caroline Kennedy, considered to be among the front-runners for the United States Senate seat vacated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, yesterday withdrew her name from consideration for the seat. New York state Governor David Paterson had been reported as intending to name her as Clinton’s replacement this Saturday.

Caroline Kennedy, the only surviving child of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy, issued a statement at midnight saying she had quit her bid because of “personal reasons”.

A close associate of Kennedy, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, said that the decision was not related to the recent health issues of Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Caroline Kennedy’s uncle. The senator suffered a seizure Tuesday while attending a luncheon with the newly inaugurated U.S. President Barack Obama in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.. He was rushed out of the event in a wheelchair and taken for treatment to Washington Hospital, where he remains. In May 2008 he was diagnosed with brain cancer, which required an operation.

The New York Post has reported that Kennedy withdrew her bid because Paterson was not going to choose her for the position. Citing the anonymous source, the Post said that “her poor performances in media interviews and in private sessions with various officials” is Paterson’s reason for not appointing her to the position. Paterson will reportedly make his decision by Saturday, January 26.

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is the highest-profile candidate still up for consideration for the last two years of Clinton’s term. Cuomo, who has not commented on this recent turn of events, was the housing secretary during former President Bill Clinton‘s time in office, and in his current role as attorney general has overseen nation-wide reforms for student loans and participated in limiting Wall Street corporate spending.

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A Sticker For Every Occasion And Culture

By Daniel Millions

One of the most ubiquitous items in our culture today is the ever present and multi-talented sticker. Labels go on just about everything and the list of various uses they are put to continues to grow. While the materials a sticker is printed on can range from paper and plastic all the way up to metals and metallic foil, there are essentially only two types of stickers; permanent or temporary.

The core of a label’s function is the adhesive placed on the back of it. For applications that are meant to last, such as warning labels on containers or equipment, the adhesive will be a strong bonding agent that will require tearing of the surface material or solvents to remove. You will find this type of label on just about any jar of food in the grocery store. Stickers and labels are not only a convenient way to dissemble information but are also used extensively to permanently attach Radio Frequency Inventory Devices (RFID) to products to aid in the prevention of shoplifting.

Decals are only slightly different from regular labels in that they usually have the printed matter on the same side as the adhesive so the image is protected from wear. Usually created on clear acrylic substrate, these types of labels allow a product to show through the background.


Even the average office will contain many stickers and labels in their repertoire of supplies. Rolled print runs of shipping labels can quickly facilitate the addressing of mass mailings of your product or newsletter. Return address stickers can add color and variety to your return address. Filing folders and even the cabinets themselves are more easily organized with color coded stickers.

For applications that require an informational sticker to be on a product at the purchase but unwanted afterwards, as in the case of pricing labels, there are several types of removable adhesives that can be used. Most of these are designed to be peeled off without damaging the surface or leaving adhesive residue behind. Removable adhesive is used on labeling fresh produce as well.

However, stickers are not just for serious business. With the printing of peel-off self-adhesive label material so inexpensive, stickers can be printed in any imaginable color. With the two ply labeling material you can use die cutting forms to make your stickers and labels in almost any shape as well.

Stickers are extremely popular with children and can be obtained either flat or made of a puffy, sponge-like interior for added dimension. Since they are designed for play, most stickers made for children come with removable adhesives for ease of cleanup and removal when they are applied indiscriminately. Labels and stickers of this sort are extremely customizable and can be used for such various items as automobile bumper stickers and name-tags for parties and social gatherings.

There are a number of specialized high-tech stickers as well. A newly designed antimicrobial label has been developed that allows health care providers and hospital employees to see at a glance if there are harmful bacteria in the air. Radioactive labels and stickers have been developed for the use in tracking dangerous compounds. These are used when the label information must be read via an electronic scanner through special shielding containers.

While the words sticker and label are usually interchangeable there is one distinct difference. All stickers have a 100% adhesive backing whereas an ordinary label may only be attached at certain points on the bottom surface.

About the Author: Stickers and Decals for every occasion.


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Mauritanian refugees begin returning home from Senegal

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mauritanian refugees stuck in Senegal for nearly two decades after fleeing ethnic clashes in their home country have begun returning to Mauritania under a U.N.-sponsored program. But many do not want to return.

There were goodbye ceremonies and welcoming ceremonies attended by officials on both sides of the Senegal River as more than 100 former refugees were ferried on motorized pirogues.

A spokesman for the United Nations refugee agency, Alphonse Munyaneza, explained international funding will help pay for resettlement.

“Each refugee returning back to Mauritania will receive a piece of land equivalent to 140 square meters for establishing a house. UNHCR and the government of Mauritania will provide construction material so that they can build a house,” explained Munyaneza. “We will provide three months of food ration. We will provide a tent also.”

Each refugee returning back to Mauritania will receive a piece of land equivalent to 140 square meters for establishing a house.

Mauritanian refugee children broke out in song and laughter when officials arrived at their camps close to the border to get the process going.

There are more than 20,000 Mauritanian refugees in Senegal. Officials say the return program will extend over 18 months.

One of those happy to go is Haddy Sy. She says she left Mauritania after she was beaten up. This took place during a wave of ethnic violence that began in Arab Moor-dominated Mauritania in 1989 and escalated into border clashes, forcing tens of thousands of black, mostly ethnic Fula, Mauritanians into exile.

In the late 1990s, more than 30,000 refugees returned by their own means and some U.N. assistance.

Sy says she is leaving behind many good things in Senegal, including a peaceful setting, but that she is still happy to return to her home country.

Since taking office last year, the government of the elected, post-coup President Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi has been making efforts to bring home the refugees, including several thousand more in Mali.

But many in Senegal do not want to return home, like Yaraah Sow, who lives in the Dagana refugee camp about 400 kilometers northwest of Dakar.

He says he is still very bitter about what happened nearly 20 years ago. He said his father, who was a civil servant, was attacked by a mob and died of internal bleeding at the gates of a hospital after doctors refused to treat him.

Sow accuses the military of seizing all his family’s property. He says that two of his younger brothers died on the trip to Senegal. He says his children are now going to school and that they are better off in Senegal.

One of the refugee leaders, Mohamed Ali Sow, who left when he was 10, says he is studying at a university in Senegal to become a lawyer to defend the rights of chased out Mauritanians.

He says the return program has been rushed, because he says people who had their property seized, houses burned, and jobs taken away, should have guarantees these will be restored. He says until then, he does not think it is wise to go back.

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