Tom Cruise debates psychiatry on NBC’s Today show

Saturday, June 25, 2005

In an interview on NBC’s Today show with Matt Lauer, Tom Cruise aggressively defended his opposition to psychiatry and anti-depressive drugs. This occurred after being asked questions about his criticism of Brooke Shields, who has been taking drugs, including Paxil, for postpartum depression. Cruise is usually known for keeping his cool in interviews, but recently he has been slightly more unbound.

Cruise’s statements, including “Psychiatry is a pseudoscience“, and “There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance in a body”, reflect the beliefs of the Church of Scientology, of which he is a member. The interview became particularly tense when Lauer mentioned that he knew people who had been helped by taking Ritalin, an attention-deficit disorder drug.

“Matt, Matt, you don’t even — you’re glib,” Cruise responded. “You don’t even know what Ritalin is. If you start talking about chemical imbalance, you have to evaluate and read the research papers on how they came up with these theories, Matt, OK. That’s what I’ve done.”

Cruise went on to say: “You don’t know the history of psychiatry, I do.”

Cruise has not formally studied medicine beyond a high school education, having dropped out in his senior year (1980) to pursue an acting career. In light of this, some members of the psychiatric community have refuted Cruise’s controversial statements. Dr. John Scully, medical director of the American Psychiatric Association, has said “The illnesses we treat – anxiety, depression – are very real illnesses…The treatments work. We have demonstrated that through robust scientific study.”

Lauer insisted that Ritalin helped people: “You’re telling me what’s worked for people I know or hasn’t worked for people I know. I’m telling you, I’ve lived with these people and they’re better,” Lauer said.

Cruise hinted that Lauer was promoting Ritalin and Lauer scoffed: “I am not. I’m telling you in their cases, in their individual case, it worked.”

The exchange ended when the two basically agreed to disagree. Cruise, who is 42, did admit that one of his goals is to speak more about Scientology in an effort to get people to understand it better.

Scientology has historically been at odds with the established medical and mental health community. The rift dates back to the 1950s and Scientology’s founding father L. Ron Hubbard. In his book, “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health”, published in 1950, Hubbard claims that Dianetics (later called Scientology) could cure the majority of human ailments. These claims were sharply disputed by a variety of mainstream science and medical professionals including psychiatrists.

On Monday, June 27, 2005, the American Psychiatric Association released a statement that stated the following:”It is irresponsible for Mr. Cruise to use his movie publicity tour to promote his own ideological views and deter people with mental illness from getting the care they need…Rigorous, published, peer-reviewed research clearly demonstrates that treatment (of mental illness) works…It is unfortunate that in the face of this remarkable scientific and clinical progress that a small number of individuals and groups persist in questioning its legitimacy.”

The APA represents nearly 36,000 physicians specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.

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Iranian air politician blames pilot error for yesterday’s jet crash

Monday, January 25, 2010

Reza Nakhjavani, head of Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization, has publicly stated that he blames yesterday’s jet crash on pilot error. Nobody was killed when the Tupolev Tu-154 crash-landed and caught fire on the runway.

Media reports at the time said the aircraft was performing an emergency landing in Mashad owing to a passenger requiring medical attention. Nakhjavani said that he is yet to see confirmation of this passenger’s existance, and accused the pilot of placing one life before over 150 others; there were a combined 170 passengers and crew aboard.

The Taban Air plane then crashed in the fog and caught fire. The aircraft sustained a tailstrike followed by landing gear failure and the right wing breaking. Forty-six people were injured and the Tu-154 burned on the runway. Nakhjavani claimed the pilot’s actions were illegal and he had no clearance to land, also blaming Air Taban and stating they were negligent.

Hamid Behbahani, Minister of Roads and Transportation, also blamed “human error” for both the air crash and a train accident the same day that killed nine people. However, he stated that the foggy weather conditions also played a role in the plane crash. Taban’s license is currently suspended.

Iran uses a number of Russian and Soviet-built aircraft, particularly Tupolevs. In recent years these have had a high accident rate. Last year a Tu-154 crash killed 168 people shortly after takeoff from Tehran heading to Yerevan, Armenia. It was the worst accident in Iranian aviation history. RIA Novosti has stated that this fleet is aging and in urgent need of maintenance and repair work, while Iran blames international sanctions which they claim prevent the import of spare parts except low-quality products from Russia.

Regardless of the causes of the problems Iran has experienced with its Tupolevs, the nation today banned the import of any more Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft. Meanwhile, Russia has sent a team from the Interstate Aviation Committee to assist investigations. Under the Convention on International Civil Aviation the state which manufactured an aircraft typically assists any probe into an accident involving it.

The Interstate Aviation Committee was set up after the collapse of the Soviet Union to replace the single body in place across the USSR. If Iran concludes negligent pilot error was indeed to blame then the country cannot sanction the flight crew since they are employed by Russia’s Federal Aviation Service. The Russian party to the investigation issues flight is responsible for licensing pilots.

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Microsoft announces plan to acquire GitHub for US$7.5 billion

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

On Monday, United States technology giant Microsoft announced their plans to acquire GitHub, a San Francisco, California-based web-based hosting service for software version control using Git, for 7.5 billion US Dollars (USD).

In the official announcement at the Microsoft News web site, the company said they are to reach agreement with GitHub by the end of the year. They said the agreement would allow them to deliver Microsoft development services to GitHub users, and “accelerate enterprise use of GitHub”. GitHub had been financially struggling recently and is expected to get a new CEO.

In 2016, according to financial news and media company Bloomberg L.P., through three quarters GitHub lost USD 66 million, while in nine months of that year GitHub had revenue of USD 98 million. In August 2017 GitHub said they were seeking a new CEO. According to the announcements by GitHub and Microsoft, the Microsoft Corporate Vice President Nat Friedman would become the new CEO of GitHub. He had created app creation platform company Xamarin and was “an open-source veteran”, Microsoft said.

GitHub confirmed the acquisition plans on its blog. In this announcement they alluded to concerns about past friction between Microsoft and open-source software, however they said “things are different. […] Microsoft is the most active organization on GitHub in the world”, mentioning VS Code as an example. In the announcement, GitHub also referred to its several years of collaboration with Microsoft on Git LFS and Electron. GitHub also mentioned the Azure development platform run by Microsoft.

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The Health Benefits Of Green Tea

The Health Benefits of Green Tea


Brian Mike

Did you know that the first use of tea was medicinal? Today we primarily view tea as a beverage, but for the first three thousand years of its use it was considered a remedy for many heath conditions, including headaches, colds, infectious diseases, and digestive ailments. Tea is the second most-consumed beverage on the planet (water is the first) and is an important part of cultural life in many places in the world.

The green descriptor for green tea refers to the way it is processed; the leaves are steamed rather than fermented. While all teas contain health-beneficial compounds, it is this process which enables green tea to retain more of these compounds than red or black teas.

In comparison to other teas, green tea contains the highest level of polyphenols (flavonoids), which are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants help to protect and repair cells from damage caused by free radicals; many scientists believe that free radicals contribute to a number of health problems including cancer and heart disease. Green tea also contains other important nutrients, including vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and E, and the minerals manganese, potassium, and fluoride.

Extensive studies on the health benefits of green tea have been conducted on both humans and animals, and in laboratory experiments. Some of the findings demonstrate that green tea:


Reduces the risk factor for cardiovascular diseases

Lowers LDL ( bad ) cholesterol levels and raises HDL (\”good\”) cholesterol

Helps to reduce the risk of cancer and inhibits the growth of cancer cells

Inhibits the abnormal formation of blood clots, which can help prevent heart attack and stroke

Increases energy, metabolism, and aids weight loss

Helps to boost the immune system and suppress autoimmune disorders

Helps to prevent tooth decay

Because green tea has been shown to have so many positive health effects, it has become a popular dietary supplement and is offered as a standalone supplement or in combination with other ingredients. If you want to receive the health benefits of green tea but aren t a tea drinker, consider making natural green tea supplements part of your daily routine.

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Gastric bypass surgery performed by remote control

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A robotic system at Stanford Medical Center was used to perform a laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery successfully with a theoretically similar rate of complications to that seen in standard operations. However, as there were only 10 people in the experimental group (and another 10 in the control group), this is not a statistically significant sample.

If this surgical procedure is as successful in large-scale studies, it may lead the way for the use of robotic surgery in even more delicate procedures, such as heart surgery. Note that this is not a fully automated system, as a human doctor controls the operation via remote control. Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is a treatment for obesity.

There were concerns that doctors, in the future, might only be trained in the remote control procedure. Ronald G. Latimer, M.D., of Santa Barbara, CA, warned “The fact that surgeons may have to open the patient or might actually need to revert to standard laparoscopic techniques demands that this basic training be a requirement before a robot is purchased. Robots do malfunction, so a backup system is imperative. We should not be seduced to buy this instrument to train surgeons if they are not able to do the primary operations themselves.”

There are precedents for just such a problem occurring. A previous “new technology”, the electrocardiogram (ECG), has lead to a lack of basic education on the older technology, the stethoscope. As a result, many heart conditions now go undiagnosed, especially in children and others who rarely undergo an ECG procedure.

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UK company “seriously considering” GPS tracking devices in school uniforms

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The leading supplier of school uniforms in the United Kingdom, Lancashire-based manufacturer Trutex, has announced it is “seriously considering” including GPS tracking devices in future ranges of its uniform products after conducting an online survey of both parents and children.

“As a direct result of the survey, we are now seriously considering incorporating a [tracking] device into future ranges” said Trutex marketing director Clare Rix.

The survey questioned 809 parents and 444 children aged nine to 16. It showed that 44% of parents were worried about the safety of pre-teen children, and 59% wanted tracking devices installed in school apparel. 39% of children aged nine to 12 were prepared to wear clothing with tracking devices in them, while teenagers were notably less enthusiastic and more wary of what Trutex has admitted they see as a “big brother” concept.

However, Trutex has claimed the tracking devices would bring about worthwhile benefits, including being a valuable resource for parents who wanted to keep a close eye on where their children were at all times.

“As well as being a safety net for parents, there could be real benefits for schools who could keep a closer track on the whereabouts of their pupils, potentially reducing truancy levels” says Rix.

Each year, Trutex supplies 1 million blouses, 1.1 million shirts, 250,000 pairs of trousers, 20,000 blazers, 60,000 skirts and 110,000 pieces of knitwear to the UK.

It is not the first company to manufacture school uniforms with a central focus on child safety; last week Essex firm BladeRunner revealed it was selling stab-proof school blazers to parents concerned about violence against their children. The blazers were outfitted with Kevlar, a synthetic fibre used in body armour. It has already received orders internationally, including Australia.

If the Trutex tracking devices go ahead, it is unclear where in the uniform they will be located.

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At least two die in 15-truck pileup in California

Saturday, October 13, 2007

At least two people have died and at least eight to ten were injured after two semi trucks collided in a truck tunnel on Interstate 5 (Newhall Pass) between Los Angeles and Santa Clarita California, United States, causing the tunnel to be completely shut down on both north and southbound lanes.

At approximately 11:00 p.m. (pacific time), two semi trucks collided and at least 13 other trucks smashed into the wreckage causing a massive fire. Firefighters are using foam to control the flames, which could take several hours to put out.

Officials say that the debris could take a day or more to remove and that a full inspection will have to be done on the tunnel before it can be used again because officials say that the structure of the tunnel has been compromised.

“It has impacted the structural stability of the tunnel,” said John Tripp the Fire Chief for Los Angeles County who also said that there may be more people trapped in the wreckage.

“We’re going to have to do a very methodical search. There could be unfortunately more people that were not able to escape,” added Tripp.

The tunnel is 200 feet long.

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5 Simple Steps To Find The Best Niche Markets Bursting With Profits

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By Tuks Engineer

I get dumbfounded. Another dozen “Sizzling Niche PLR Package” type offers float into my inbox. I suspect the niche markets they’re in aren’t quite all they’re made out to be. I do my usual check – crunching the numbers in overture, looking at the big ticket affiliate programs on offer and browsing over typical Overture/Adsense contextual payouts.

I shake my head in dismay. Click. Get into my trash where you belong.

The thing is I’ve been an internet business entrepreneur for years. I know how to separate the chaff from the wheat. Most newbies don’t and that’s worrying. That’s the point of this article – I want to share with you *exactly* how to analyse any and every niche market so that you can do your own research and never be tricked by another niche package that’s been developed by some greedy fly-by-night merchant that’s just cashing in on the PLR craze.

If you’re about to set-up a niche online business, for the first time or not, you must research the following very thoroughly before whipping out your credit card and buying the first niche package with private label rights that comes your way.

Here are some of the broad techniques that I use to analyse any potential niche that I’m considering entry into. If at least four of the five aren’t right, I’ll walk and move on to the next niche on my list.

(1) It All Starts With The Back-End & Existing Income Generating Opportunities – Do They Exist?


I’ve seen it all. Niche packages on internet marketing, pet grooming, how to make your own candles… the list goes on. With any potential niche you MUST start with the back-end opportunities that are available to you. By this I mean the additional income generation methods once you make the first eBook sale or after you get your prospect to the website. You’re not going to get rich on $29 book sales so you need to find some additional items that would interest your prospects. Here are some things you must look out for:

– Are There Big Ticket Products? Even if you convert a standard 1% of a $1,000 product (paying half of the sale value in commissions), you’re going to earn $500 from every 100 visitors to your site. Believe me, in some niche markets there are just no big ticket items (either because the niche isn’t big enough to support such a thing or the site infrastructure is not available as the niche operates largely in the old offline world).

– Multitude of products: I like niches that offer a multitude of different products. CD’s eBooks, DVDs, seminars, courses, software, membership sites. It means that there are lots of unique products to offer your prospects. In some niche markets there may be only one or two established packages for potential customers… they’ve seen it all before, may already have it and your chances of making that back end sale gets much tougher.

(2) Show Me The Numbers – OVERTURE!

There’s a debate with some online celebrities as to whether “numbers” matter – by that I mean the number of prospects in any given niche. I don’t want to perch on the fence. While I do think it’s possible to operate profitably in some smaller niche markets, I much prefer BIG ones. Niche industries that have a pool of prospects that number in the millions or even the billions. There’s just a certain comfort knowing that your niche enjoys that sort of demand and it increases your ability to create sub-products, put a spin on your products to target sub-niches and so on. That’s why I love niche markets such as investment & finance, real estate and travel – the numbers alone mean you have a fair chance of success.

(3) Cash Rich Prospects – Don’t Try To Sell A Porsche To A Beggar.

I don’t wish to sound insensitive with this but I’m here to try and help you make money – not win an award for humanitarian of the year. The simple fact is that if you want to make money, you need to sell to people who have money. That’s just basic common sense but you’d be surprised at the number of people who do not even consider this factor before jumping into a niche that has limited cash backing. Now combine a market that has MILLIONS of cash rich prospects and now you’re in a prosperous niche. People in such niches usually pay good money, often without too much thought. For example in the stock market and real estate niche market it’s common to spend $5,000 to attend a seminar and some real estate investors will splash out $300+ on the fly just to view a property that’s abroad (very common in the UK where cash rich investors jet off to Spain/Bulgaria/Portugal etc to inspect a potential buy). This is the sort of prospect you want to sell to.

(4) What Do Advertisers Pay To Advertise In Adsense/Overture? How Many Advertisers Are There?

I like contextual advertising – Google Adsense. Some people have been comically predicting the death of Adsense. Check Googles stock price and you’ll find that these people probably have IQ issues. See, in *their niche* (probably internet marketing) Adsense incomes may be on a short term downtrend so of course some set off into a magnificent panic while others sell hyped up reports to exploit the situation. Actually, Adsense in the internet marketing field isn’t all that great – the payouts to publishers can be low (though not always – I’ve had mixed results myself). In other markets it’s brilliant. In real estate returns of $5+ per click are not uncommon. In the investment niche it can be $8+. In these niches Adsense becomes your best friend – it also has an overwhelming ad stock inventory for popular niches and the ads are highly targeted – for example one of my niche sites reviews the Maldives as a luxury holiday destination including a page on each specific resort (eg Hilton). Thanks to Google Adsense, when a visitor comes to the Hilton review they are offered an ad that takes them to the Hilton resort (similar on many other resorts too). This is great for the advertiser, great for the publisher (me) and very convenient for the visitor. Everyone wins.

I divert somewhat – when you analyse a niche the point is that you should not only check that the bid values are high, but also that there are a fairly high number of advertisers (more competition means bigger bids means bigger commissions). In some small or unfancied niches there just aren’t enough advertisers. Why? Because the prospect base is either very small, has no money (or both).

(5) Pay Per Lead? We Love It…

I believe we’re going to see a lot more about Pay Per Leads in the near future. This is when you get paid for a particular action made by your visitor to the advertiser. Typically it means they fill out a short form, or download an eBook, or set up a free membership – the visitor doesn’t have to buy anything. Pay per lead can be very lucrative, particularly in industries such as real estate and foreclosures. I’ve seen some of these niches offering $5 to $20 per lead that you send them. Why? Because just one lead that goes on to buy a property or use their services can bring in several thousands or even hundreds of thousands for them in income. What’s $20 to get in that type of business?

Another big plus point about pay per lead is that once you know how to wield your own content with it the response rate can be explosive. For instance it’s quite easy to write an article on making money through foreclosures, and then prompting your prospects to take action by downloading a free eBook on foreclosures (for which you get paid $5 per download).

The above is the same basic blueprint I use to investigate my niches and I really urge you to do the same. Next time you see one of those junk PLR products trying to get you to pay money for content that has no potential or future you’ll be able to pick it out and trash it yourself.

Happy niche hunting!

About the Author: Discover How To Find Niche Markets BURSTING With Profit Potential & How To Create & Sell InfoProducts To Hungry Prospects For $49 To $97 – All Day Everyday. Grab Instant Niche Riches Free


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Colleges offering admission to displaced New Orleans students/OH-WY

See the discussion page for instructions on adding schools to this list and for an alphabetically arranged listing of schools.

Due to the damage by Hurricane Katrina and subsequent flooding, a number of colleges and universities in the New Orleans metropolitan area will not be able to hold classes for the fall 2005 semester. It is estimated that 75,000 to 100,000 students have been displaced. [1]. In response, institutions across the United States and Canada are offering late registration for displaced students so that their academic progress is not unduly delayed. Some are offering free or reduced admission to displaced students. At some universities, especially state universities, this offer is limited to residents of the area.

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US toy retail giant Toys R Us files for bankruptcy in US, Canada

Thursday, September 21, 2017

On Monday night, New Jersey, US-based toy retail giant Toys R Us filed for bankruptcy in the US as well as in Canada. The retailer filed it from Richmond, Virginia for Chapter 11 bankruptcy code in the US, and a judge allowed a loan of over US$2 billion.

According to the filing, the retail chain owns US$6.6 billion in assets, but has a debt of US$7.9 billion. They were under a roughly US$5 billion debt since the company underwent a three-way acquisition in 2005. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, Bain Capital, and Vornado Realty Trust acquired Toys R Us for around US$7 to US$7.5 billion. After the US judge approved a loan, Toys R Us received about US$3 billion from the lenders to continue the business and survive a competitive market, and restructure their business model. E-commerce giant, Walmart and Target are some of the competitors for the conventional ‘brick and mortar’ toy shop, with lower priced-merchandise and fast, cheap delivery. In a conference call in June, CEO Dave Brandon said “very, very aggressive pricing online” was causing problems. He also said the company was experiencing “significant weakness in demand for their products globally”. Toys R Us are to clear a debt of US$400 million by May 2018.

Toys R Us said they would continue to operate for the holiday season. Bankruptcy lawyer Jeff Gleit said Toys R Us “need to do both a financial restructuring as well as an operational restructuring” and “needs to modernize with the times”. Last holiday season, Toys R Us made sales around US$4.5 billion. Overall, the company reported a US$29 million loss in 2016. CEO Brandon said, “Our objective is to work with our debt holders and other creditors to restructure the US$5 billion of long-term debt on our balance sheet, which will provide us with greater financial flexibility to invest in our business”.

Toys R Us employs more than 60 thousand people in 38 countries around the world in more than 1600 stores. The company’s stocks fell by six percent after filing for Chapter 11 protection. US bankruptcy code Chapter 11 allows the company to restructure under a plan approved by the court. The company would also be shielded from creditors’ claims during the process. For the stores located in Canada, Toys R Us filed bankruptcy in Ontario and are to undergo reorganisation. However, 259 stores located outside the US or Canada will not undergo reorganisation, the company said.

Over 300 US-based retailers have filed for bankruptcy this year, and hundreds of stores closed.

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