How To Dispute Overdraft Fees And Win

By Everett Maclachlan

The advent of personal banking represents a great modern convenience. One product of the personal banking concept is overdraft protection. Rather than protect customers, instead it often results in the charging of copious overdraft fees. Here is how to dispute overdraft fees and win.

The advent of personal banking represents a great modern convenience. The idea of personal banking is that the customer is at the center of the action, as opposed to the bank itself. Free checking, online banking, linked savings and checking accounts, abundant ATM networks and overdraft protection are all bank offerings designed to make life easier for the average customer. At least, that’s what their marketing departments want you to believe!

In reality, much of personal banking is still all about the banks and their profit margins. For example: free checking is not so free, when you consider all of the fees that get piled on each month. ATM machines are wonderful, but try to make a withdrawal from another bank’s machines and pay heavy withdrawal fees. And overdraft protection may be the worst of all: a cunning method that banks have devised to separate you from your money, even while being disguised as a “protection program.”

Overdraft protection programs do indeed protect the customer in one important way: they prevent debit and credit charges, as well as checks, to be rejected by the bank by reason of insufficient funds. But that’s about where the protection part ends. Here’s why overdraft protection programs are not in all ways beneficial to the customer:


1. A fee of $30 can be charged to the customer’s account, even when the account is only overdrawn by (say) $3 and is paid back within a few days by the customer. If the overdraft protection were likened to a short-term loan, the interest rate that the customer pays on this loan would be well over 1,000%. That should be illegal.

2. When processing outstanding debit and credit charges – as well as checks – many national banks practice something called “transaction stacking.” Simply put, this is a method whereby the bank processes the larger transactions before processing the smaller ones, which increases the chances of an overdraft fee being charged. Banks do this tricky practice simply so that they can increase their profits by charging customers more money in fees each month.

If you are upset about one or more overdraft fees having been charged to your account, you are not alone. This is an everyday occurrence across the country for countless people.

How to Dispute Overdraft Fees and Win

There are effective ways to dispute your overdraft charges. Here are some tips to increase your chances of getting the fee removed:

1. Dispute the charge right away. The longer you wait, the worse your chances are of convincing your bank to refund the fees.

2. Get your facts straight. Write down the date, amount and store or vendor name of the transaction that resulted in the overdraft fee. Think of yourself as part detective, part defense lawyer. You’ll want to get your story straight in terms of the who, what, when, where and why before contacting your bank.

3. When talking to the bank representative on the phone or in person, be sure to remain polite. Remember, they are just another person on the other end of the line, trying to help you out. Avoid accusing the bank (or that person) of wrongdoing. Just simply state the facts and ask that the fee be reversed.

4. If this is your first overdraft in 6 months or more, use that fact to your advantage. Point out to the bank representative that you are an excellent customer who rarely – if ever – makes this mistake.

Of course, disputing bank fees may not be the best use of your time. An alternative is to simply switch to a bank that does not charge overdraft fees – even if you overdraw your account. These banks are not always easy to find, but becoming a customer of one can save you hundreds of dollars a year in fees.

About the Author: For a complete list of banks that do not charge overdraft fees – even if you overdraw your account – check out: . Also check out:


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Ralph Nader calls out Democrats for financial bailout

 Correction — Aug 2, 2010 Nader referred to the 1999 repeal of the 1933 Glass-Steagal Act. The Wikinews article omitted the word “repeal” from the account of Nader’s speech. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Independent U.S. presidential candidate Ralph Nader had harsh words for the Democrats who engineered yesterday’s passage of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, a bailout of the U.S. financial system. At a campaign stop in Waterbury, Connecticut on Saturday, Nader said that Democrats passed up a chance to enact re-regulation of the financial system and instead gave Wall Street everything it wanted.

According to Nader, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Representative Barney Frank (D-MA), and other Democrats considered but rejected measures such as a tax on transactions of derivatives (a “speculation tax”) because of their financial ties to Wall Street and its lobbyists. He said that Representative Chris Murphy (D-CT), who represents Waterbury, had “become a toady” of Nancy Pelosi. He drew enthusiastic applause by calling Murphy “a dynamic fraud”, and referred to Senator Joe Lieberman as “the Hermaphrodite of American Politics”. For Murphy and Representative Chris Shays (R-CT), Nader said, supporting the bailout despite the opposition of constituents was a “profile in betrayal”. Because there were no public hearings where taxpayers and experts could weigh in on the bailout, Nader characterized it as a return to “taxation without representation“—under “King George IV” 225 years after the 13 colonies were taxed under King George III.

Asked about causes of the financial crisis, Nader pointed to the deregulation of the financial sector with the 1999 Glass-Steagall Act and further deregulation in 2000, as well as the rise of overly complex financial derivatives. He outlined a four-part reform plan:

  1. Re-regulation of financial markets
  2. Increasing shareholder control of corporations
  3. Taxpayer equity as part of any bailout, as in the 1979 bailout of Chrysler Corporation
  4. Making speculators pay by enacting a 0.1% tax on derivatives transactions (which Nader said will amount to over $500 trillion this year)

Regarding the equity warrants included in the passed bailout, Nader relayed word from an unnamed source that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson had told Wall Street executives “don’t worry, it’s not enforceable”.

Nader told reporters that he had abandoned the Green Party because “Greens are not disciplined, and they’re not mature”, and also lack the fund-raising capabilities to break into mainstream political discussions. “They bicker and bicker,” he said, pushing out their best people. However, he endorsed several local Green Party candidates, including Chris Murphy’s opponent Harold Burbank.

The virtual media blackout for third party campaigns by national newspapers and networks has been a source of continual frustration for the Nader campaign, as well as the campaigns of Libertarian Bob Barr and Green Cynthia McKinney and the post-campaign activities of Republican Ron Paul. According to Nader, reporters tell him that editors of national media are “very bigoted against third party and independent candidacies”. Even journalists for taxpayer-supported media, such as National Public Radio‘s Terry Gross and the Public Broadcasting Service‘s Jim Lehrer, have shut him out during this campaign. Debates, he lamented, are controlled by corporate interests through the Commission on Presidential Debates.

Nader spoke to a supportive crowd of about 60 people and his campaign raised over $2000 at the event, their third visit to Waterbury. The event took place in the former building of a closed-down bank.

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Paris Hilton mocks John McCain presidential ad

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

American celebutante and businesswoman Paris Hilton has bashed a recent presidential campaign ad by 2008 U.S. presidential hopeful John McCain in which he compared his rival Barack Obama to celebrities such as Hilton and Britney Spears. In McCain’s TV ad, it was stated that Obama was “the biggest celebrity in the world.”

Hilton recorded and uploaded a video to comedy website Funny or Die, in which she mocked McCain by calling him a “wrinkly white-haired guy.”

“Hey America. I am Paris Hilton, and I am a celebrity too,” she states at the beginning of the video, but not before images of the Star Wars character Yoda and the cast of The Golden Girls are paraded across the screen apparently comparing the characters to McCain.

“Only I am not from the olden days, and I am not promising change like ‘that other guy’. I’m just hot,” remarked Hilton, adding, “I guess I am running for president,” since McCain’s TV ad showed her.

McCain’s advertisement, released early this week, states, “Is the biggest celebrity in the world ready to help your family?” According to the Boston Globe and video displayed on its website, the narrator then points out that “the real Obama promises higher taxes, more government spending. So, fewer jobs.”

Bill Burton, a spokesman for Obama, responded to the ad: “Is the biggest proponent of George Bush’s tired, failed policies ready to bring about change? Another day brings another dishonest attack from John McCain. While Senator McCain knows that Senator Obama has proposed cutting taxes for 95% of American families, what he’s not telling us is that he wants to give $4 billion in tax breaks to the oil companies, continue giving tax breaks to corporations that ship our job overseas, and provide no direct tax relief for more than 100 million middle-class families.”

Hilton appears in good spirits in her video and even thanks McCain for endorsing her. “So thanks for the endorsement white-haired dude. And I want America to know, that I am like totally ready to lead.”

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Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal delayed further

Buffalo, N.Y. Hotel Proposal Controversy
Recent Developments
  • “Old deeds threaten Buffalo, NY hotel development” — Wikinews, November 21, 2006
  • “Proposal for Buffalo, N.Y. hotel reportedly dead: parcels for sale “by owner”” — Wikinews, November 16, 2006
  • “Contract to buy properties on site of Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal extended” — Wikinews, October 2, 2006
  • “Court date “as needed” for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal” — Wikinews, August 14, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal rescheduled” — Wikinews, July 26, 2006
  • “Elmwood Village Hotel proposal in Buffalo, N.Y. withdrawn” — Wikinews, July 13, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal delayed” — Wikinews, June 2, 2006
Original Story
  • “Hotel development proposal could displace Buffalo, NY business owners” — Wikinews, February 17, 2006

Friday, March 10, 2006

Buffalo, New York —The Common Council of Buffalo voted on Tuesday to send the Elmwood Village Hotel proposal “to committee for further discussion”, after citing the need for more public involvement.

The Elmwood Village Hotel is a development proposal by the Savarino Construction Services Corporation, a project designed by the architect Karl Frizlen of The Frizlen Group. The hotel would be placed on the southeast corner of Elmwood and Forest Avenues in Buffalo.

To make way for the project, at least five buildings located at 1109 to 1121 Elmwood Ave would be demolished. At least two properties on Forest Avenue could also be demolished. The Elmwood properties, according to Eva Hassett, Vice President of Savarion Construction, are “under contract”, but it is unclear if Savarino Construction actually owns the Elmwood properties. Hans Mobius, a former mayorial candidate, is still believed to be the current owner the properties. Mobius also owns 607 Forest Avenue.

The properties 605 and 607 Forest Avenue could also be included in the proposal according to Hassett.

“We would use a Special Development Plan to rezone 1119-1121 Elmwood and 605 Forest to a C-2 zoning category,” stated Hassett. It is possible that Savarino Construction may try to obtain a variance for 605 Forest, which would allow them to enforce eminent domain, should the hotel be allowed to go forward.

The building at 607 Forest was also discussed to be rezoned, but it is unclear what the plans would be for that property. During the February 28 Common Council meeting, Hassett stated that the properties 605 and 607 were “now off the agenda”.

Pano Georgiadis, owner of Pano’s Restaurant at 1081 Elmwood, owns the property at 605 Forest and attended Tuesday’s Common Council meeting.

“Having a hotel is a bright idea. We all love the idea of a hotel, but the way that it is presented, is wishful thinking. This hotel does not fit. It’s like putting two gallons of water in a gallon jug, it does not fit. At the last meeting, the architect admitted that they are planning to put the undergound parking lot and the hotel, right at the property line. If I open my window, I will be able to touch the wall, that goes fifty feet high”, said Georgiadis.

“There is a problem having a seventy-two room hotel and fifty-five parking spaces. That means that all the other cars will spill all over the neighborhood. The footprint is simply too small. If you have a bigger [parking] lot, and a smaller hotel, I will welcome a hotel. I have a parking lot at my own business, and I am chasing people all day long. Remember, the city says it has ‘zero tolerance [for illegal parking]’. Try telling that to the guy from Albany who came to see his kids, that are going to Buffalo State, who would get tickets totaling over a hundred dollars”, added Georgiadis.

The city’s Planning Board is scheduled to meet on March 14, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. about the proposal. Although a discussion will take place, no vote is expected to be taken.

At the moment, none of the properties are zoned for a hotel. Savarino Construction plans on asking for a C2 zoning permit. If that does not work, they plan to implement a new zoning plan called a “special development plan” which would allow for only a hotel on the site. That zone would not be able to be changed.

“This [project] justifies Mobius’s refusal to invest in any maitenance[sic] or improvements”, on the properties said Clarence Carnahan, a local resident. “Where were the Council persons over the years? Where were the city inspectors over the years, to make sure that he maintained and improved his properties? The government was supposed to be protecting, not being preditorial. I see a predatorial issue here when it comes to this hotel. Over the years: Why has the local government been disfunctional when it came to Mobius’s properties? Refusal to invest in improvements, doesn’t that sound like a slumlord? Maybe I am missing a point here, but what kind of messages does this send to other slumlords that havn’t[sic] been jailed or fined? It’s [the hotel] trying to be pushed through.”

Carnahan also presented signs for residents and or business owners who are opposed to the hotel, that could be placed in windows or on stakes in the yard. Some of the signs said, ‘No tell hotel’, ‘Hans off, no hotel’, ‘It takes more than a hotel to make a village’. and ‘Keep Elmwood free, no hotel’. Carnahan plans on making more signs for a protest to be held on Saturday March 18, at 2:00 p.m. (EST) on Elmwood and Forest. Some signs were given to individuals after the meeting.

“First things first, Hans is the problem, and I don’t think it has been addressed. Let’s roll back the clock on this project. What can we do with Hans? There is such thing as eminent domain, which could be of greater interest to the community, to seize the property at its lowest assessed value”, said Nancy Pollina, co-owner of Don Apparel with Patty Morris at 1119 Elmwood. “There are so many ideas that have not been explored and we are about to give this parcel away, to a big developer.”

Mobius has not returned any calls by Wikinews regarding the situation.

A freelance journalist writing for Wikinews has obtained a letter, exclusively, addressed to one of the five business owners from Hans Mobius stating:

There is a proposal to develop my property which you are currently renting. Because of opposition to this development, it does not look like it will happen. I will let you know if there any changes.

Despite the letter, there have been no plans or decisions made to end the proposal.

To date, none of the business owners or residents of 1119-1121 Elmwood have received an eviction notice.

Business owners and residents gave an indication of what they would like to see happen at the corner; a project similar to one done locally last year. There, developers renovated two buildings on Auburn and Elmwood Avenues, merging the buildings into one thus allowing for more shop space. Among some of the shops to move in after the development were Cone Five Pottery, The Ruby Slipper, and Abraham’s Jewelers. Prior to the renovation work, the left building in the picture was boarded up for several years. Many of the concerned locals would like to see a similar development on Forest and Elmwood.

Rocco Termini, a developer in Buffalo, proposed a similar design at the February 28 community meeting

In an interview after the February 28 meeting, Termini stated, “I will be willing to take a look at this myself, or I would be more than happy to be partners with Sam, Sam Savarino”, who is President and Chief Executive Officer of Savarino Construction Services Corp.

So far Savarino Construction has no plans to team up with Termini.

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10 Extraordinary Divorce Settlements

10 Extraordinary Divorce Settlements


Andrew Marshall

There have been a number of high divorce settlements over the last couple of decades. Here are the details of 10 headline grabbing examples.

PAUL MCCARTNEY & HEATHER MILLS One of the most high profile divorces in recent times was that of Paul McCartney and Heather Mills. Mills had demanded 125 million, but in the end was awarded a little less than a fifth of that at 24.3 million after their four year marriage. After the case was finished, the singers former wife launched a lengthy rant outside the courtroom about the British judicial system. PHIL COLLINS & ORIANNE CEVEY In August 2007 another singer, Phil Collins has also been ordered to pay 24.3 million, to his ex-wife Orianne Cevey after 6 years of marriage. This isnt the first time the former Genesis singer and drummer has had to pay out a large divorce settlement. He has been married and divorced three times, and has had to pay a total of 40 million, almost a third of his total career earnings. SPEPHEN SPIELBERG & AMY IRVING Stephen Spielberg and his wife Amy Irving had a pre-nuptial agreement before their marriage in 1985. The marriage lasted only four years, but despite the agreement the film director was ordered to pay out a hefty sum. Spielberg, who has directed such film as Jaws and E.T., had to pay a little over 50 million. MICHAEL & DIANDRA DOUGLAS Michael and Diandra Douglas married in 1977, but twenty years later Diandra filed for divorce saying that she was fed up with his cheating ways. The divorce that followed took three years to complete, but in 2000 she received around 30 million from her ex-husband. He married Welsh actress Katherine Zeta Jones soon after. MADONNA & GUY RICHIE Recently the divorce of Madonna and film director husband Guy Richie has made the headlines. The divorce ended with a payout by the singer of approximately 45 million. MICHAEL JORDAN Neil Diamond did hold the record for the highest celebrity divorce settlement when he paid his ex-wife, Marcia Murphy, 75.5 million. This was beaten though by Michael Jordan, who paid his former wife, Juanita, 80 million. The former basketball legends payout included their seven acre estate and custody of the couples three children. RUPERT & ANNA MURDOCH Rupert Murdoch is one of the world richest people, who has made his fortune in the media industry, most notable as the owner of several newspaper groups. When he and his wife, Anna, first separated all seemed to be amicable. However, the Australian then made the mistake of forcing his wife off the board of the News Corp. This angered Anna Murdoch and things got messy, eventually leading to a payout of over 1 billion. 17 days after the divorce was finalised he married again, this time to one of his employees. JOHN & BEVERLEY CHAPMAN London stockbroker, John Chapman, divorced his wife in 2006 in a 48 million settlement. The insurance magnate, who owns global insurance company Axis, claimed that he should keep most of the money because he earned it, but the judge disagreed saying that Chapmans attitude was old fashioned and anachronistic. MICHAEL & MAYA POLSKY One of the largest divorce settlements in history was that of Michael and Maya Polsky. The couple got married in 1975 in the Ukraine before emigrating to the United States a year later. In 1980 Michael Polsky started working in energy, the industry that made him a vast fortune. After 27 years of marriage, they divorced in 2003, and Maya Polsky received 120 million. The sum was originally around $3 million less but as if that wasnt enough, the Judge increased it after learning of omitted assets. According to her lawyer, Maya was very much satisfied with the courts decision. Not surprising really. ADNAN & SORAYA KHASHOGGI The amount Maya Polsky received seems a small amount when compared to the divorce settlement between Adnan and Soraya Khashoggi. Adnan Khashoggi is a Saudi international arms dealer, who also owned hotels, banks and real estate, and at one time was worth around 2.5 million. After his divorce he was ordered to pay around 500 million. Andrew Marshall Divorce Lawyer London

Article Source:

10 Extraordinary Divorce Settlements


Iranian International Master Dorsa Derakhshani discusses her chess career with Wikinews

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

In February 2017, the Iranian Chess Federation announced two teenage chess players, Dorsa Derakhshani and her younger brother Borna Derakhshani, were banned from representing the national team. The federation announced their decision although Dorsa Derakhshani had previously decided and informed the chess federation she did not wish to play for Iran.

Dorsa Derakhshani is currently 21 years old and holds the International Master (IM) as well as Woman Grand Master (WGM) titles. Her brother, Borna, plays for the English Federation and holds the FIDE Master title.

Dorsa Derakhshani was banned since she did not wear a hijab, an Islamic headscarf, while competing at the Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival in January 2017. Under the laws of Islamic Republic of Iran, hijab is a mandatory dress code. Her brother Borna Deraskhsani was banned for playing against Israeli Grand Master (GM) Alexander Huzman at the same tournament. Iran does not recognise the existence of Israel, and previously, Irani athletes have avoided playing against Israeli athletes.

Mehrdad Pahlavanzadeh, the president of the country’s chess federation, explained the decision to ban the players saying, “As a first step, these two will be denied entry to all tournaments taking place in Iran and in the name of Iran, they will no longer be allowed the opportunity to be present on the national team.” ((fa))Farsi language: ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ?? ????? ? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ????. He further stated, “Unfortunately, something that should not have happened has happened and our national interest is paramount and we have reported this position to the Ministry of Sports.” ((fa))Farsi language: ????????? ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ?????? ??? ? ????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ????? ???? ?? ????? ?????.

IM Dorsa Derakhshani, who currently studies at Saint Louis University in the United States and plays for the United States Chess Federation, discussed her chess career, time in Iran and the 2017 controversy, and her life in Saint Louis with a Wikinews correspondent.

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Daughter of Yuko Ikeda kidnapped to ransom in Tokyo; freed 13 hours later

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ikeda Kanako, a 21-year-old senior student of the Meiji Gakuin University and the first daughter of celebrity surgeon Yuko Ikeda, was kidnapped at about 1225 (UTC+9), June 26, 2006, in Shibuya, Tokyo.

A bullet was fired and one officer slightly cut when police stormed a Kawasaki apartment to rescue the girl.

Kanako was dressed in a white light half-sleeved cardigan, blue jeans with a bistre belt made of leather, a spring green camisole and carried a bag of Vuitton when she was abducted at a bus stop.

She was found unharmed 13 hours later by Japanese police at a condominium located in Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa. The young woman’s make-up was not disordered; Kanako’s long brown fringe was not disheveled at all and she was wearing what she had been when she was kidnapped.

The kidnapping of Kanako was a big story in Japanese media in June, 2006. The story appeared in many newspapers as the front-page news on June 27, 2006.

Kanako and her kidnappers had been in touch with her mother using Kanako’s mobile phone. The effort to free her was helped greatly by a woman who witnessed the moment Kanako was taken; she wrote down the license plate of the van and other details.

Police traced mobile phone calls and were able to locate the van in Kawasaki where they detained two of the kidnappers as they went shopping.

One conspirator Li Yong, 29, from China, led the policemen to the apartment and tricked Kaneo Ito, 49, from Japan, to open the door. Ito managed to discharge one bullet before being restrained by an assistant police inspector, the first man in the room.

The other man involved in the kidnap of Kanako was Choi Gi Ho, 54, from South Korea. Kanato was freed unharmed.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department arrested three men on suspicion of conspiring to kidnap a woman and hold her to a reported 300 million yen ransom.

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Shop Around For The Best Loans In Brevard

byAlma Abell

In Brevard, Florida, you have the same banking choices as people from all over the country. You can choose between a standard bank and a credit union and, if you shop around, you will discover that different banks offer different loan terms, banking terms and so on. What this boils down to is that if you’re looking for Loans in Brevard, then you have the opportunity to shop for the best possible loan so your overall cost will be as low as possible.

One of the things you’ll want to look for is transparency from the banks that offer Loans in Brevard. There can be a lot of confusing paperwork involved in getting a mortgage, and some banks take advantage of the confusion by adding certain things in small print that you may not be aware of.

For example, some banks charge a penalty for paying off a mortgage loan early. While this page loan agreement. Another thing that should be made clear up front is whether or not there will be points added to a loan. Often, when the APR for a loan is very low, you will have to pay more up front for your loan. Again, this isn’t uncommon, but this should be explained to you well in advance of your receipt of the paperwork.

Right now is a great time to buy a home. With Loans in Brevard being offered at the lowest rates ever, you can get a loan at a fraction of the rate available 10 years ago. Just make sure you compare what each bank has to offer to ensure you get the best loan possible.

Irish Senator Kieran Phelan dies at age 60

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Irish Senator Kieran Phelan has died suddenly at the age of 60. Phelan died after falling ill in his hotel in Dublin this morning, shortly before a meeting due to be held by the Seanad.

Phelan sat on the Industrial and Commercial Panel and had been a Senator since 2002. He was also a Laois County councillor and was elected council chairman in 1998. He was a member of the Fianna Fáil party.

Taoiseach Brain Cowen released a statement on the death of Senator Phelan. “Kieran is a well known, much admired and greatly respected member of Seanad Éireann. He is a constituency colleague of mine and a lifelong friend. I will miss him deeply,” he said.

As a mark of respect, Leader of the House Donie Cassidy proposed that the house be adjourned until June 1st.

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Japan’s National Diet passes law allowing Emperor Akihito to abdicate within three years

Monday, June 12, 2017

On Friday, Japan’s parliament, the National Diet, passed a law to allow Emperor Akihito to abdicate. The law gives Akihito three years to become the first emperor to abdicate since Emperor Kokaku in 1817, two hundred years ago.

The newly passed law, made in response to the country’s Imperial Household Law’s lack of abdication provisions, applies to only Akihito, aged 83. It prohibits Akihito’s successors from abdicating.

Akihito ascended to the 2,000-year-old Chrysanthemum Throne when his father Emperor Hirohito died in 1989. Having a cardiac surgery and treatment for prostate cancer, Akihito in a televised address last year said age and health were interfering with his duties. Per Japan’s current constitution, an emperor cannot make political statements, so Akihito did not explicitly mention abdication.

When abdication happens, under new law, Akihito’s son and heir apparent Naruhito will ascend the throne, becoming the country’s 126th emperor. Besides Naruhito, Akihito has another son and a daughter.

Emperor Akihito’s heir apparent Naruhito, born in 1960, graduated from Oxford University and married a Harvard University graduate Masako Owada in 1993. Portland State University professor Kenneth Ruoff told the BBC that, while Akihito and his wife have been active in social causes, Naruhito and Masako have done little in this regard. A Kyoto Sangyo University emeritus professor Isao Tokoro said Naruhito “has been educated,” is born, and is qualified “to be emperor[.]”

In 2006, the National Diet debated on allowing female ascendance, as the emperor lacked grandsons at the time, due to the current male-only royal ascendance laws. Then Hisahito, now 10, was born, and the debate lapsed.

Naruhito has only one child Aiki, 15, while his brother Prince Akishino, 51, has three children, including his only son Hisahito. Per current law, Hisahito is qualified to ascend after his uncle Naruhito and his father.

The royal family has 19 living members, including seven unmarried princesses and five males. Female royals, if marrying a commoner, would have to give up their royal status, leaving the royal family, while males would still be allowed to retain their royal status after marrying a commoner. Akishino’s daughter Princess Mako announced her plans last month to relinquish her royal status and leave the royal family in order marry a commoner Kei Komuro, a graduate student and law firm worker, both of them aged 25. In 2005, Mako’s aunt and Naruhito’s sister Sayako, formerly Princess Nori, married a commoner Yoshiki Kuroda, a town planner, and was forced to relinquish her status and leave the family.

A Temple University Japan professor Jeff Kingston said a national succession crisis has people raising concerns about female princesses leaving the royal family when getting married. Kingston added the family “[has] a shortage of male heirs.” Kingston also said ousting a female royal for marrying a commoner is “a very old-fashioned approach, totally out of sync with 21st-century norms” to many people around the world, including in Japan.

In a survey by Kyodo News conducted in May of about 3000 people at least 18 years old, 68 percent said the Imperial Household Law should be amended to allow future emperors to abdicate. 25 percent favored separately legislating each abdication. Four percent said abdication of emperors should never be allowed.

On questions involving female royals, 86 percent said to allow empresses; 59 percent supported both empresses and established branches of female lineages. 62 percent supported establishment of separate branches for princesses retaining their roles while marrying commoners; 35 percent opposed. 61 percent said female ascendance should be debated only after the abdication, while 28 percent said it shouldn’t wait for the abdication.

Early this year, the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe considered giving imperial status to branches of those who left the royal family. In the survey, 22 percent supported the idea; 72 percent opposed.

The Abe government has avoided the debate of female ascendance but recently passed a non-binding resolution attached to the newly passed abdication law to consider how to strengthen female royal status, possibly including allowing them to retain their royal titles and continue their duties, to compensate for the declining royal population.

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