What Is Organic Chicken?

By Davinos Greeno

We all know about organic fruit and vegetables but did you know that you can now buy organic chicken?

People must have heard about the nasty conditions which broiler chickens – which are bred for their meat – are raised in? These chickens have no more floor space than a sheet of A4 paper. Chickens are over-fed to reach slaughter weight in six weeks, when it would normally take four months.

Modem intensive systems of poultry production have produced cheap meat for the consumer – but at a price. Inside the intensive chicken houses, which are appearing in increasing numbers in the countryside, up to 40,000 birds are crammed, at 2 birds to the square foot, into a single windowless building, with almost continuous low levels of artificial light, they are then given drugs to speed up their rate of growth. Keeping so many animals packed together in such a stressful environment can only contribute to their rates of infection. It seems logical that the Chinese flu infections that we were seeing transmitted to humans comes from this same intensive farming. It isnt necessary to produce food in this way.


Organic farmers do a number of things to ensure that chickens are reared as naturally as possible. For starters, antibiotic growth promoters cannot be used but sick organic birds must be treated with appropriate veterinary medicine, so they can be given antibiotics if theyre very poorly. But they cannot be given drugs on a regular and routine basis, something that almost all non-organic poultry have to endure. Organic poultry is reared on a specially formulated feed containing only cereals, vegetable protein, a small amount of fish meal, and a vitamin/mineral supplement. These chickens are often guaranteed to be fed on feed which is free from genetically modified feedstuffs (GMOs). To be fully organic, chickens must be fed a diet containing grain which has been grown organically, without artificial fertilisers or sprays. Such feed is expensive, and therefore organic chicken is more expensive as well.

Also, on Soil Association registered farms, the number of chickens housed in a single shed is restricted to 1,000. A non-organic intensive chicken farm may have as many as 40,000 in the same shed. Organic birds are kept free-range, having continuous daytime access to clean pasture, except in adverse weather. Non-organic birds are almost always locked up night and day.

In addition, the Soil Association insists on full and clear labeling of processed chicken products. They are able to trace back to the farm all ingredients used in any Soil Association chicken products. Their organic certification standards state that food must undergo as little processing as is practical.

Organic standards are legally binding. All organic businesses must be licensed by law, and are fully inspected at least once a year. So if you want to see for yourself how organic animals are reared, why not visit an organic farm?

About the Author: Davinos Greeno works for the

organic directory

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Despite passage of bailout bill, two US states may need loans

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Despite the passage of a 700 billion USD bill by the United States House of Representatives on Friday and the Senate on Wednesday, two U.S. states may need loans totaling over 14 billion dollars.

California and Massachusetts are seeking at least 7 billion dollars each from the federal government as loans. Officials and lawmakers in both states say that the loans would be temporary.

According to Massachusetts’ state treasurer, Timothy P. Cahill, the state was unable to borrow money last week on a short term loan. He also states that the state can afford to pay its bills and debts for the next few weeks, but not beyond that without a short-term loan from the government. Cahill has asked the federal government for a loan similar to the recent one passed by Congress and the Senate.

“That’s all we would ask them to do: Treat us like the investment banks,” said Cahill to the Associated Press.

Officials in California say they need an emergency loan, or they will run out of money by the end of October. California’s governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger said the state is “not out of the woods” and needs a short term loan from the government.

“California and other states may be unable to obtain the necessary level of financing to maintain government operations and may be forced to turn to the federal treasury for short-term financing,” said Schwarzenegger in a letter to the Treasury Department, which is taking the letter under consideration.

On Friday, the U.S. House of Representative voted to pass a revised bailout bill which included raising the FDIC insurance cap to $250,000, a move designed to please progressives. However, the $110 billion in tax breaks, earmarks and what has been called pork barrel spending is not offset by any increases in revenues and has added opposition to the bill from some Representatives in the House. Earmarks added into the bailout bill included $192 million in tax rebates for the Virgin Islands rum industry, $148 million in tax cuts for the wool industry, $100 million tax cuts to the auto racing industry, and $48 million in Hollywood tax incentives, among others.

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Police called to investigate after tenant draws swastikas in landlord’s house

Thursday, September 6, 2007

82-year-old Jewish Bowmanville, Ontario woman Ms. Marion Schwarz’s house has been found vandalized with graffiti showing neo-Nazism expressions, as well as swastikas. Broken windows and walls were found ripped open.

The terms “Kike”, “Fuck Jews,” and “White Power” were written in white around the house, as well as a large green swastika.

The woman’s husband Mr. Allan Schwarz, was returning home to their house on King Street East, the town’s center, to bring home a present for their 40th wedding anniversary when he found the house not the way he left it.

Bought to start an antique store, the Schwarz’s started a cattle business instead and later rented it out. Ten years ago their tenant started to rent the house, just five months ago he stopped paying rent saying he was on welfare. Ms. Schwarz offered to lower his rent. He vandalized and fled, with his son and daughter, from the house on Tuesday morning, the day he was to be evicted. She was accompanied by her son Alan, two police officers, and a locksmith.

“I don’t know what happened to him … Up until the last while, I never had a day’s trouble with him. He was friendly,” Ms. Schwarz said.

Durham Regional Police are now investigating what they refer to as an “incident”, and what lobby group B’nai Brith Canada has argued constitutes a “hate crime”.

“A swastika on its own, as per the Criminal Code of Canada, is not a hate crime,” said Sgt. Paul McCurbin. “It doesn’t have the proper components to be considered a hate crime. For example, if I said that I was going to kill a race of people or we should kill a race of people, that would be considered a hate crime.”

A local neighbor, who asked not to be named, swept glass from the broken windows off the sidewalk, worried that dogs could cut their feet. She said the tenants were private people.

A Prisoner of War (POW) camp was located in Bowmanville during World War II (WWII). [1] [2] Named Camp 30 it held captive German army officers from the Afrika Korps, fliers from the Luftwaffe and naval officers from the Kriegsmarine. Many of them were transferred from England. Among them was famous top U-boat ace of World War II Otto Kretschmer. He was involved in the Battle of Bowmanville.

The Bowmanville boys’ school was the building holding the prisoners. The facility had been designed to house 300 boys. Surrounding the existing school buildings was a barbed wire fence. It was not the typical POW camp, having good food and prisoners being well treated. It had gardens and even a swimming pool was built. Movies were shown each week, music concerts were held, and stage plays were produced.

Mr. Schwarz fled from Germany to Canada in 1938. Marion, a Toronto native, and her husband moved to Bowmanville to start a new life.

“In 1938, we found safe haven in Bowmanville,” said her son Alan. “It was wonderful place to settle and my parents have been here basically for 70 years. They never anticipated ever facing the same kind of symbolism they had to leave Germany for.”

The investigation still continues. The tenant’s name has not been released.

“We couldn’t foresee anything like this because human beings don’t do things like this.”

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Indonesian parliament approves privatising of three major state firms

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The parliament of Indonesia has approved government plans to make an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of shares in three major state-owned firms, privatising them. They are steelmaker Krakatau Steel, Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) and national flag carrier Garuda Indonesia.

The parliament has left the process fully in the hands of the government, and has set the maximum stake to be sold at 30% for BTN and Krakatau, and 40% for Garuda. Although Indonesia has been known to fund budget deficits with privatisation, the intention is for the funds from this scheme to go to the businesses themselves to allow expansion.

Krakatau expects 3.2 trillion Rupiah (IDR) from the sale, while the estimated price for their stock is between IDR3 and IDR4 trillion (321 – 428 million USD). Both ArcelorMittal SA, the biggest steelmaker in the world, and BlueScope Steel Ltd, the largest in Australia, have expressed an interest in the IPO. Krakatau will use the funds to help finance an expansion scheme which aims to have production doubled to five million tonnes in 2011.

BTN, which focuses on home owner loans, has set itself a target income of IDR36.12 trillion (3.86 billion USD) in 2010 compared to a projected IDR22.9 trillion ( 2.45 billion USD) this year. Net profit for this year is projected at IDR472 billion (50.5 million USD)and is hoped to rise to IDR1.39 trillion (148.7 million USD) in 2010. The bank’s loan to deposit ratio is predicted to rise from 105.05% this year to 144.93% in 2012. BTN hopes to conduct its IPO before the end of 2008.

Is the Indonesian government right to keep majority holdings?
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Garuda is not quite 100% state-owned to start with, unlike the other two, but is very close with 95.44% of the company belonging to the government. Like all of Indonesia’s 51 airlines, Garuda is on the list of air carriers banned in the EU due to safety concerns raised after a string of air accidents in the nation. Garuda expects to raise IDR4.2 trillion (449.4 million USD) in funds from the IPO, and will use IDR2.5 trillion (267.5 million USD) to pay off its debts and invest IDR1.7 trillion (181.9 million USD) in new aircraft.

The government is still working to get a deal to make IPOs for architectural firm Yodya Karya and three plantation firms called Perkebunan Nusantara III, IV and VII.

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The Rising Trend Of Cosmetic Surgery In Uk

The Rising Trend of Cosmetic Surgery in UK


john michel cane

Commonly people assume that individuals who seek cosmetic surgeries and beautification treatments are from fashion and entertainment world alone. However least they know that the trend has swept deeper inside every culture & country. Increasingly more and more people are availing cosmetic surgeries for the sole purpose of improving physical appearance. The treatment needs skills and experience to enhance natural beauty, helping people to achieve goals and increasing self-confidence. A number of global research organisations also reveal that the demand for qualified cosmetic surgeons is going to increase manifold as the population of the world is getting older.

There are many types of beautification treatments available, all designed to help improve different areas of the body. Cosmetic surgeries like facelifts, liposuction (removal of fatty tissues from areas like hips, buttocks, inner & outer thighs, double chins, knees, arms etc.), abdominoplasty (famously known as tummy tuck), breast augmentation, breast correction & nose reshaping are some of the most preferred ones. Though the reasons behind every cosmetic surgery vary between people, however most of them are concluded as below:

1.To increase physical attractiveness of body

2.To accentuate sex appeal


3.As an extension of youthfulness

4.To attain lost shape due to child birth or pregnancy

5.To aid recovery from severe healthcare diseases like breast cancer, accidents, etc.

6.To reconstruct lost breast / body shape caused due to genetic or hormonal deformities

7.Check on Your Cosmetic Surgeon s Credentials before Embarking On The Surgery

Delicate procedures like cosmetic and plastic surgeries have to be carried out by medically qualified professionals. Before selecting a cosmetic surgeon or agreeing to go for an operation, it is important that you gather good amount of information about the medical facility and surgeons. This is the most important part of the treatment process. After all, you are placing your trust and in many a cases your life in into their hands. So, you want to be absolutely sure about your decision.

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Dr. Joseph Merlino on sexuality, insanity, Freud, fetishes and apathy

Friday, October 5, 2007

You may not know Joseph Merlino, but he knows about you and what makes you function. He knows what turns you on and he knows whether it is a problem for you. Merlino, who is the psychiatry adviser to the New York Daily News, is one of the more accomplished psychiatrists in his field and he is the Senior Editor of the forthcoming book, Freud at 150: 21st Century Essays on a Man of Genius. The battle over interpreting Freud’s legacy still rages, a testament to the father of psychoanalysis and his continuing impact today.

On the eve of the book’s publication, Wikinews reporter David Shankbone went to the Upper East Side of Manhattan to discuss the past and future of Freud and psychoanalysis with Dr. Merlino, one of the preeminent modern psychoanalysts. Shankbone took the opportunity to ask about what insanity is, discuss aberrant urges, reflect upon sadomasochism (“I’m not considered an expert in that field,” laughed Dr. Merlino), and the hegemony of heterosexuality.

Dr. Merlino posits that absent structural, biochemical or physiological defects, insanity and pathology are relative and in flux with the changing culture of which you are a part. So it is possible to be sane and insane all in one day if, for instance, you are gay and fly from the United Kingdom to Saudi Arabia.

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2008 Leisure Taiwan launched in Taipei World Trade Center

Saturday, July 19, 2008

This year’s Leisure Taiwan trade show (a.k.a Taiwan Sport Recreation and Leisure Show) started yesterday, with 131 companies participating including sports media companies such as ESPN and VideoLand Television, businesses selling sports equipment and fitness clubs.

There were also a variety of sports being played in the arena built for the trade show. The events included a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, free style shooting, and bicycle test-riding. In addition, conferences discussed issues related to sports and physical education.

A major topic in the trade show was energy-efficiency and, as a result, bicycles and similar sports equipment were being heavily promoted.

Next Tuesday, companies from the electronics industry plan to promote their industry at “2008 Digital E-Park.” In previous years, organizations from the electronics industry have showcased their products at Leisure Taiwan instead of at the Digital E-Park, so this move has reduced the number of markets covered by Leisure Taiwan.

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Romanian government to sell 10 percent of its shares in Romgaz

Monday, April 18, 2005

The Romanian Minster for Economy and Commerce, Codru? Sere?, announced on Friday that his ministry intends to sell 10% of its shares in the state-owned natural gas distributor, Romgaz, this year. The Ministry is still deciding whether to transfer the stock to financial investors or whether to list it on the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

Romgaz is one of the largest state-owned companies in Romania falling under the ownership of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce. In 2005, the company is expected to have an estimated turnover of 648 million euro.

Romgaz is the latest Romanian energy company where plans have been announced for privatisation. Last year, the privatisation of natural gas distributors Distrigaz Sud and Distrigaz Nord was proposed, and is expected to be fully completed by the end of this month. Last year, Romanian oil giant Petrom was privatised, in the country’s largest ever privatisation, and this year the Electrica Group of electricity distributors was sold off to various financial investors.

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Shoulder And Triceps Exercises For Women

Submitted by: Flavia Del Monte

Fitness routines should contain multiple aspects of muscle training. A good program will include muscle building, endurance training and stretching. To ensure that your upper body develops properly it is important that we create a strong base to work from. This includes developing strong shoulders and triceps.

Fitness routines should contain multiple aspects of muscle training. A good program will include muscle building, endurance training and stretching. To ensure that your upper body develops properly it is important that we create a strong base to work from. This includes developing strong shoulders and triceps.

As one of the most complicated joints in the body, the shoulder plays a large role in upper body strength and stability. Made up of four joints and five linked bone groups, the shoulder has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body. It is also an unstable joint. To achieve this free range of motion it is not locked in to place by the rest of the joint, it is kept together by a complex collection of muscles and ligaments.

The job of the tricep muscle is to both extend the arm and to bring the arm back to the body. It does this by using the bicep heads for the former and the tricep muscle for the later. The tricep also has the honor of being one of the most overlooked muscles in any workout.

Sample Exercise Program for Shoulders and Triceps:


1. Standing Shoulder Push Press – 4 sets of 10 reps


2. Cable Side Lateral Raise – 4 sets of 8 reps (plus a drop set for the last set)

3. Leaning Prone Lateral Side Raise (dumbbells out to the side) – 4 sets to failure or about 10 reps

4. Rear Fly Machine – 1 set of 25 reps


1. Parallel Bar Triceps Dip – 4 sets to failure

2. Cable Press Down – 4 sets of 8 reps with drop set on last set

3. Dumbbell Arm Extension – 4 sets of 12

4. Dumbbell Triceps Kickback – 1 set of 25

Stretching for the Shoulder and Tricep:

Tricep and Shoulder Tension Relief

Stretching your tricep and shoulder muscles can be done with simple exercises and stretches. First, reach high overhead to stretch your shoulder and tricep. raise your right arm and put your open hand behind your head and lightly hold it. Next, place your left hand onto your right elbow and gently pull until you feel a mild stretch in your tricep and shoulder. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then slowly return to the original, upright position. Relax for 10 seconds and repeat this exercise five times. Repeat the process with your other arm.

Wall Stretching

Walls make great stretching and exercise aids, they never move. Facing the wall, raise your right arm and bend your elbow 90 degrees. Place your forearm against the wall, palms touching wall and slowly turn your upper body to the left as you move closer to the wall. Feel the stretch in your shoulder and upper arm. Hold the stretch 20 seconds and then relax for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times, five on each side.

Arm Pulls

Throughout the day you can keep your triceps and shoulder flexible by doing arm pulls. Arm pulls help reduce muscle and joint stiffness when done on a regular basis. An arm pull is done by grasping your opposite elbow with your hand and pulling your elbow across and down your body. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then release and relax for 10 seconds. After doing this 5 times repeat the process with the opposite arm.

Capsule Shoulder and Tricep Stretching

Incorporating triceps and shoulder exercises and stretches in to your fitness program can increase your shoulder capsule flexibility by stretching your chest, arms and shoulders.

Standing with your feet roughly hip width apart tighten your abdominals and pull your shoulder blades togeher. Then slowly turn your head to the right. Hold this stretch for 20 seconds and then relax for 10. Repeat this exercise 10 times, five on each side. You can increase the stretch by moving your right should backward once you have started the stretch.

The more shoulder and tricep exercises that you incorporate in to your workout, the further along the shapely, sculpted shoulders and lean, defined triceps you will be. More importantly, you will also see an increase in range of motion along with more strength and stability in your shoulder helping to keep you free from injury.

About the Author: Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Curvalicious. You can read more about my training programs, nutrition advice and great butt workouts on my fitness training for women blog.Visit


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Newcastle United’s St. James’ Park naming rights go up for sale

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The naming rights for St James’ Park, the home ground of English football club Newcastle United F.C., are to be put up for sale. The club stated that the club would be “welcoming offers for the stadium naming rights next season”. The move was part of a new drive to “maximise its commercial revenues”, after the announcement that owner Mike Ashley was not selling the club, which had been up for sale since May 2009.

St James’ Park is the largest and oldest football stadium in North East England. Football had been played at St James’ Park since 1880, with Newcastle United using it as their home ground since their inception, in 1892. Despite Newcastle being in the second tier of football, St James Park is the third largest club football stadium in England, behind Old Trafford and the Emirates Stadium.

Naming rights is not unprecedented in English football, including the Premier League grounds the Britannia Stadium, DW Stadium, Emirates Stadium, KC Stadium and Reebok Stadium. Bookmakers Ladbrokes named sportswear company and current club sponsor Addidas favourites to secure the rights. In order to stop the move, BBC Radio Newcastle football commentator Mick Lowes suggested that the Newcastle United Supporters Trust‘s used part of its reported £25m funds to pay Ashley not to sell the rights.

Ex-Newcastle striker and local sports pundit Malcolm Macdonald said of the decision:

they thought they had got on the wrong side of the people of Tyneside then just wait and see what happens if they go through with their plans to re-name St James’ Park because there will be an almighty uproar and outcry. It would upset people so much because it everyone’s second home. That is how people feel about it. It has been St James’ Park forever and a day and it should remain that way.

Lee Ryder, the Evening Chronicle‘s chief sportswrite blogged:

We need to make Coors Light Park a fortress” – to even imagine a future Toon player uttering such words will make many physically sick…Renaming St James’s Park is simply bad taste in the eyes of most Geordie fans – and many will feel that even the injection of silly money to do it will do nothing to make up for another piece of heritage being ripped away from the Tyneside streets….Renaming St James’s Park to Coors Light Park, Bwin Park or even the McDonalds Arena shows that Newcastle’s top brass have again got it so seriously wrong

George Caulkin of The Times wrote of the decision:

Renaming St James’ Park is a muddle-headed, flawed and divisive notion which must not and cannot stand. In an era of recession, there may be a need for Newcastle, in their own words, to “maximise their commercial revenues,” but if it comes at the expense of goodwill (what little there is left of it), hope and a sense of community, it would also come at a bitter, prohibitive, self-defeating cost.

There has been debate over the correct spelling and pronunciation of the stadium name, with differing accounts based on its meaning and origin. In 2008, the club insisted to the BBC programme Look North that the the correct spelling of the Stadium is St James’ Park, with no following ‘s’ after James’, because the stadium is not named as “the park of St James”, rather, it is named after the nearby St James Street, which predates the ground.

The announcement came on the same day as it announced Chris Hughton as the club’s permanent manager, and that owner Mike Ashley was taking the club off the market for a second time.

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