More dog and cat food recalled in the United States

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Natural Balance Pet Foods has recalled some of its wet and dry food for cats and dogs after several owners said that their pets were becoming sick. The company urges owners to stop feeding their pets the food immediately.

The brands recalled include Venison & Brown Rice Dry Dog Food and Venison & Green Pea Dry Cat Food.

Last month, Menu Foods recalled all of its 60 million products of dry and wet dog and cat food after pets began to fall ill and in some cases died of kidney failure.

“Natural Balance, Pacoima, CA, is issuing a voluntary nationwide recall for all of its Venison dog products and the dry Venison cat food only, regardless of date codes. The recalled products include Venison and Brown Rice canned and bagged dog foods, Venison and Brown Rice dog treats, and Venison and Green Pea dry cat food. Recent laboratory results show that the products contain melamine. We believe the source of the melamine is a rice protein concentrate. Natural Balance has confirmed this morning that some production batches of these products may contain melamine,” said a press released issued by Natural Balance.

The FDA states that the “investigation remains open and active, and the agency continues to follow leads to get closer to the root cause of the problem and to ensure that all contaminated product is removed from the market.”

“The source of the melamine appears to be a rice protein concentrate, which was recently added to the dry venison formulas. Natural Balance does not use wheat gluten, which was associated with the previous melamine contamination,” said the press release.

Bags, cans and zip lock bags of the food are expected to be the most affected.

“The products are packaged in bags, cans and zip lock treat bags and sold in pet specialty stores and PetCo nationally. No other Natural Balance products are involved in this voluntary recall as none of our other formulas include the rice protein concentrate,” added the press release.

The company states that the food, Venison & Brown Rice Dry Dog Food and Venison & Green Pea Dry Cat Food, are the only brands affected by the recall.

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8 Health Benefits Of Nopal Cactus

8 Health Benefits Of Nopal Cactus


Alexandria Janssen

The Nopal cactus is botanically referred to as Opuntia ficus indica. In basic word, this cactus is well known as the “prickly pear”, that is found growing normally in the mountains in Mexico. It’s been used by the Mexican tribes since time immemorial as a medicine and food. Actually, the Aztec considered that the Nopal cactus was food fit for the royalty as well as warriors. These days, the Nopal cactus has once more gain popularity for its many health advantages. Nopal cactus for diabetes, digestive problems as well as cardio problems is very well-known among people searching for natural and alternative cures.

Nopal cactus for cholesterol control

The prickly pear is abundantly supplied with sterols and fiber that mix with the bile salt in the intestines. This can help to decrease the quantity of blood fats, that is triglycerides and cholesterol that the body absorbs. Consequently, it will help to lower the levels of cholesterol.

Nopal cactus for blocking plaque formation

Because of bad eating routine and bad lifestyle, plaque can deposit around the walls of the blood vessels. This prevents blood circulation and may lead to obstruction of arteries. The sterols, glycoproteins as well as polyphenols presents in Nopal cactus work as anti-oxidants which avoid plaque from depositing on the walls of blood vessels.


Nopal cactus for diabetes therapy

Nopal cactus consists of high amount of slowly and gradually digestible fiber that may lessen the rate at which food is digested by the intestinal system. It will help to lessen the speed at which blood sugar rises after consuming a meal. It has been verified in clinical tests that people who’ve higher blood sugar levels in the morning can benefit from eating Nopal cactus in the morning. Medical tests confirmed that these people had decreased blood sugar levels as well as in many cases the ranges were normal as well. Therefore, Nopal cactus for diabetes treatment is very efficient.

Nopal cactus for colon cleansing

The insoluble fiber present in the cactus works as roughage as well as helps to make sure normal intestinal motion. The soluble fibers in Nopal cactus have the capacity to clean the colon, as they soak up carcinogens as well as toxins present in the colon.

Nopal cactus for a comforting stomach

The mucilage in the cactus can preserve pH balance in the stomach as well as has a soothing impact on the stomach lining. People struggling with stomach inflammation as well as ulcers can benefit immensely by using Nopal cactus, as it can certainly help recovery of these stomach-related ailments.

Nopal cactus for better liver functioning

The flavonoids contained in Nopal cactus are anti-oxidants that will remove free radicals from the body. This decreases the strain on the liver. Additionally, the cactus also has the ability to digest toxins and therefore decreasing the stress put on the liver, letting it function normally.

Nopal cactus for obesity management

The cactus has higher fiber content. When it’s consumed just before meals, it creates a feeling of fullness. This decreases the chances of overeating. Additionally, as the cactus is able to preserve blood sugar levels that reduces hunger. Consequently, it can benefit people, who’re attempting to lose weight.

Nopal cactus for hangover treatment

People suffering from hangovers can decrease their symptoms by taking Nopal cactus. It not just helps you to enhance the working of the liver, it additionally calms the stomach as well as rehydrates the body. This may prevent hangover symptoms, for example headaches, nausea and vomiting.

To use Nopal cactus for diabetes treatment or any other health benefit, it is recommended to talk to your doctor first.

Alexandria Janssen discusses the multiple health benefits of Nopal cactus. The plant has been used since ages by the natives of Mexico, however, today Nopal cactus has become highly popular. People are using Nopal cactus for diabetes control, for obesity, liver and stomach treatment and numerous other health benefits. For more information on Nopal cactus, visit


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8 Health Benefits Of Nopal Cactus

Security guards attacked in Peshawar, Pakistan

Thursday, July 24, 2014

In the capital city Peshawar of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan, unidentified armed men targeted security guards at the Hayatabad Industrial Estate on Sunday. At the time, two security guards were checking vehicles entering the estate, while others were praying. Police said guard Akhtar Zaman died at the scene, while guard Imran Zaman was taken to Hayatabad Medical Complex and died shortly thereafter.

According to the police, the three perpetrators were riding motorcycles, and escaped. Police cordoned off the area while collecting evidence. Reportedly, attackers look for checkposts with incautious policemen. Superintendent of Police Faisal Kamran said targeting of police is on the rise, especially during the Iftar. The security guards may have been mistaken for policemen by the attackers. Describing alertness measures, he said, “One out of every three cops will be standing alert at some distance at a checkpost or police car”.

The security guards were private employees of the estate sanctioned by the police department. Hayatabad police station official Ihtisham explained the police department provided their uniforms. According to Malik Niaz, president of Industrialists Association Peshawar, “They belonged to a group of private guards who assist the police in safeguarding the industrial estate […] formed by industrialists about five years ago after an increase was reported in kidnapping cases from the estate in broad daylight”. He also mentioned they had assigned more guards recently following increases in extortion and attacks.

A handout issued on Sunday evening said Chief Minister Pervez Khattak condemned the incident.

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Swiss canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden fights back after invasion of German naked hikers

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A local Swiss government has shown some bare cheek and has taken action, after hordes of German naked hikers rambling across the Swiss alps au naturel, caused indignation amongst locals.

Authorities in Swiss canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden have warned that starting from February 9, the government will impose hefty fines of 200 Swiss Francs (£122, €135) on naturists found walking or hiking in the nude without clothes in the picturesque mountains because of a recent influx of visiting German nudists.

The new ordinance is expected to be passed this spring. If it is approved by the local parliament on February 9 it should be effective on April 26. The Swiss canton aims to stop spread of ‘indecent practice’ by minimally-clad German climbers.

The problem started with a group of “boot-only hikers” who were stopped by the police in the Alpine region last autumn. They had wandered there regularly, proudly marching through nature with bare bums, and had also advertised what they thought was a naked paradise on the internet. But it was all too much for the Swiss.

A nude rambler dressed in nothing more than a rucksack and walking boots in the eastern Appenzell region was arrested and detained in the canton, but authorities were unable to file lawsuit because the act was not punished by law or ordinance at the time.

“We were forced to introduce the legislation against this indecent practice before the warm weather starts,” Melchior Looser, the canton’s justice and police minister, said. “Ultimately, in the summer lots of kids stay in our mountains,” he added.

In the guidelines imposed, arrested offenders who cannot pay the fine, will face legal action. The new enabling ordinance has, however, been met with protests by nude hikers. “We simply try to tune into nature. It’s the most harmless pursuit possible,” said Dietmar, age 58, a German lawyer.

German tabloid Bild Zeitung has editorially attacked Swiss intolerance and even suggested nudist alternatives worldwide, after hinting a Swiss tourism boycott. Local authorities of Harz mountain range in central Germany have also announced the openness to any visitor of an “official naked walking route” in nature’s outdoors.

Freikörperkultur (“FKK”), or “free body culture”, is a popular pastime in Germany. It is a German movement which endorses a naturistic approach to sports and community living. Behind that is the joy of the experience of nature or also on being nude itself, without direct relationship to sexuality. The followers of this culture are called traditional naturists, FKK’ler, or nudists.

The naked ramblers have hoped it doesn’t lead to another naturist-clothed ‘war’, like the one at a beach between German and Polish holidaymakers in 2008. Naturism has roots traced from the start of the 20th century. “Abandoning unpractical clothes enables a direct contact with the wind, sun and temperature”, naked hiker website stated.

But Markus Dörig, a spokesman for Appenzell Innerrhoden canton has defended the law, explaining that the “public nuisance” was a foreign import. “We have been receiving many complaints. The local people are upset and we in the government share their concern. How would one feel if one was to go walking in nature and suddenly came across a group of naked people? They are definitely not people from the area, and I think many of them come from Germany,” he noted.

“We are a small and orderly community and such things are simply out of place here. Perhaps in vast mountain areas naked people would not be much of a problem but here they simply stick out,” Dörig added. “I can understand that we all have to live in this world together,” said Barbara Foley, International Naturist Foundation member of the central committee. “But I would certainly enjoy doing the hike in the nude and I wouldn’t want to be deprived of it. It’s nice to feel the sun on your skin. Maybe they should designate a couple of trails and people would know they might come across naturists there,” she added.

Appenzell Innerrhoden (Appenzell Inner Rhodes) is the smallest canton of Switzerland by population and the second smallest by area, Basel-City having less area. The population of the canton was 15,471 as of 2007, of which 1,510 (or 9.76%) were foreigners. The canton in the north east of Switzerland has an area is 173 km². It was divided in 1597 for religious reasons from the former canton Appenzell, with Appenzell Ausserrhoden being the other half.

Appenzell is the capital of this canton. The constitution was established in 1872. Most of the canton is pastoral, this despite being mountainous. Cattle breeding and dairy farming are the main agricultural activities: Appenzeller cheese is widely available throughout Switzerland. Due to the split of Appenzell along religious lines, the population (as of 2000) is nearly all Roman Catholic (81%), with a small Protestant minority (10%).

The town, however is far from liberalism: the canton granted women the right of suffrage only in 1990 under pressure from the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland and international human rights groups. The Alpine village of Appenzell Innerrhoden, being known for its beautiful landscape, has recently been declared a “naked rambler paradise” by a German mountaineering website, which was created by a lobby group of hikers.

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Can The Defense Base Act Insurance Co. Stop My Benefits If I Have A Non Dba Related Injury/ Illness?

Can The Defense Base Act Insurance Co. Stop My Benefits If I Have A Non-DBA Related Injury/ Illness?


William Turley

Defense Base Act Lawyer Straight Talk

If you are a seriously injured Defense Base Act worker – you need to know the truth about the Defense Base Act and your DBA claim. Here, we give you simple, good old fashioned unsweetened, unvarnished, unabashed truth. If you Google \”Defense Base Act Law Straight Talk\” or \”Defense Base Act Attorney Straight Talk\” you will find dozens of great articles by a Defense Base Act Lawyer that will help you win your DBA case.

What Happens If You Were Injured Or Have An Illness (That Is Not Work Related) After Your DBA Injury?

From time to time we see the situation where a DBA claimant is injured and they come back home. The DBA insurance carrier starts providing DBA benefits. Then the Claimant has some type of not DBA-related injury or illness that renders them disabled. What happens then? Too often the DBA insurance carrier is looking for an excuse to stop DBA benefits. A new injury or disability is good enough for some DBA insurance carriers. They will cut the Claimant\’s DBA benefits in a New York second. Is this correct under the law? Can the DBA insurance carrier stop my Defense Base Act benefits if I have a non-DBA related injury or illness while I am receiving DBA benefits?


With respect to an the Defense Base Act insurance company\’s continuing liability, it is well established that the Defense Base Act insurance company remains liable for the natural progression of a work-related injury. However, if claimant sustains a subsequent injury (or illness) outside of work or while working for a non-DBA employer that is not the natural or unavoidable result of the original work injury, or if she subsequently develops an unrelated medical condition that has no causal connection to the work injury, any disability attributable to that intervening cause is not compensable.

The Defense Base Act insurance company remains liable for any disability attributable to the work injury, or to the natural progression of the work injury, notwithstanding the supervening injury (read: new injury). The Defense Base Act insurance company is absolved of all liability for further benefits only if the subsequent injury/ illness is the sole cause of claimant\’s disability.

The existence of an intervening cause does not cut off the Defense Base Act insurance company\’s liability for disability benefits attributable to the original work injury and to the natural progression of that injury.

A Case Study

Claimant – while working in Afghanistan for a DBA employer – has an arm injury that causes Claimant to be temporarily totally disabled. Claimant returns home and is getting DBA weekly benefits and medical treatment. Claimant then develops cancer that is non-work related. The cancer causes Claimant to be temporarily totally disabled. Under these circumstance the DBA Judge must address the evidence relevant to the issue of any disabling effects of claimant\’s work-related arm condition separate and apart from the disability associated with claimant\’s cancer.

The fact that claimant was totally disabled by her cancer does not foreclose her entitlement to disability benefits during the relevant period if her arm-related work restrictions, considered alone, rendered her totally or partially disabled. If Claimant is also totally or partially disabled due to the DBA upper extremity injury, then Claimant is entitled to DBA compensation benefits.


This Defense Base Act article is not legal advice. Your case may be different from the circumstances described here. If you are a seriously injured Defense Base Act worker, you should hire the best Defense Base Act Lawyer you can find. Don\’t wait until your benefits are stopped before hiring a seasoned DBA lawyer.

Whenever you are bringing a DBA case, your credibility is always at issue. Always tell the truth.

Bill Turley is America\’s Leading

Defense Base Act Attorney

. He was awarded Super Lawyer. Don\’t miss his

Defense Base Act Lawyer


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Greek film director Yannis Dalianides dies at age 87

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yannis Dalianides, a Greek film director who worked on over 60 movies, has died at the age of 87. Dalianides died after spending a month in hospital. He was known as the “godfather” of the Greek musical and the “Gentle Knight of Popular Cinema”.

Born in 1923, Dalianides was placed in a children’s home until he was adopted. He made his first appearance in children’s theatre at the age of 10. He studied at the Drama School of the Thessaloniki Conservatory, before moving to Vienna and studying dance. Dalianides tried choreography before turning to cinema.

After appearing as an actor he directed his first film in 1959, titled, Mousitsa (The Temptress). He continued to have success with films such as Some Like It Cold, Downhill, and Training Old Man Yorgis. From 1961 to 1977, Dalianides worked exclusively for the Fino’s Film Company. Dalianides is credited with the introduction of the musical into Greece but preferred the term “musical comedy”.

Dalianides worked into his seventies. His last project was Mikres Amarties, a television series made in 1999. Dalianides funeral will take place on Monday; he will be buried at Athens’ First Cemetery.

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Bus accident in Buffalo, New York leaves at least eight injured

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Buffalo, New York —An accident involving a city bus and a car at Sycamore and Monroe streets in the city of Buffalo, New York, United States, has injured at least 10 people, some seriously. The accident happened around 4:00 p.m. (EDT).

According to Buffalo Fire Department radio communications, at least two of the four people in the car will have to be removed by the ‘jaws of life’. Their condition is considered serious. The condition of the other two passengers is not known.

There are at least eight people on the bus. At about 4:15 p.m., a mobile triage was dispatched to the scene to determine how many of the passengers on the bus would need to be taken to local hospitals for treatment. At least six will be “packaged” and transported to Buffalo General Hospital.

By, 4:20 p.m., at least one of the trapped passengers was removed from the car. By 4:30, the second passenger had been removed. Both will also be treated at Buffalo General Hospital.

The bus is operated by the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority. The cause of the accident is under investigation.

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How Your Credit Score Affects Your Loans

By Sean A. Kelly

Getting loans from traditional sources such as banks is harder if you have a bad credit score. Some people make financial mistakes that affect their credit for the worse, and therefore, they may need to know how to get a loan with bad credit. Despite warnings that bad credit will discourage lenders from issuing loans, there are a number of lenders who specialize in lending money to people with bad credit. Whether you need money for home repairs, a new car or to help you get a new business venture off the ground, there are ways around the difficulties caused by bad credit. Lenders don’t just perform credit scoring in order to decline customers; they regularly do so because they use a tiered lending structure. With the constant improvement in global economy, lenders have changed their policies to determine that whether a person’s loan application should be sanctioned or not. And that’s why innumerable loans for people with bad credit opportunities are available across the market.


With the assistance of loans bad credit you can seek for help despite an unhealthy record without any hesitation. Bad credit factors like defaults, bankruptcy, insolvency, foreclosures, arrears, etc are allowed here. The most advantageous thing about these loans is that you can even improve your credit status by paying back loan installments within the allotted time. It may take research and hard work to uncover the proper avenue for you to pursue, but by taking the time to cover all your options beforehand, you’ll find yourself in a better position to make a sound decision which will benefit you both in the short term and the long term. In the end, this may very well help you reestablish your credit rating, putting you in a better situation financially. A HELOC loan works in the same way as a secured bad credit installment loan in the sense that the customer borrows money against the available equity. However, it is a low APR credit facility which means that interest is only paid on the money that is used. It is a source of revolving debt, like a secured credit card facility. Due to the risk of foreclosure, default rates amongst borrowers are extremely low. This allows adverse credit lenders to offer very competitively priced low APR loans to potential customers.

Your loans bad credit history is no longer a taboo. Your credit history is ascertained by a credit rating agency. Sometimes, a borrower doesn’t pay his loan installments in the given period of time because of his other financial obligations. Delay in payments or missing some installments can end up in a bad credit history. Situation becomes very frustrating, when your credit score causes trouble in the procurement of loan. Credit scores are based on the FICO score which is the most common scoring system available today. The scores range from a low of 300 up to 850 while 600 to 700 is where the average person’s rating fits in. A 636 credit score needs to be raised to over 700 if possible. Many carry large balances on multiple credit cards and this can hurt the overall score even if they pay on time. It is called over extending and means they owe a lot of money to many different sources, and this can become dangerous when something goes wrong such as a serious illness or job loss. Bad credit loans can avail the solution for people with bad credit history. A bad credit score can be improved by taking bad credit loans. A borrower can improve his credit ratings by paying off some of his previous debts with the loan amount. These loans can be used to satisfy various needs and desires such as holidaying, home improvement, to purchase a new four wheeler etc.

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Interview: Drupal founder Dries Buytaert balances community and company interests

Sunday, February 24, 2008

In the year 2000, Dries Buytaert created Drupal, a freely licensed and open source tool to manage websites, as a bulletin board for his college dorm. Since Dries released the software and a community of thousands of volunteer developers have added and improved modules, Drupal has grown immensely popular. Drupal won the overall Open CMS Award in 2007, and some speakers in Drupal’s spacious developer’s room at FOSDEM 2008 were dreaming aloud of its world domination.

Buytaert (now 29) just finished his doctoral thesis and has founded the start-up Acquia. The new company wants to become Drupal’s best friend, with the help of an all-star team and US$7 million collected from venture capitalists. Wikinews reporter Michaël Laurent sat down with Dries in Brussels to discuss these recent exciting developments.

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Princess Beatrice’s unlocked BMW stolen

Thursday, January 8, 2009

British royal Princess Beatrice, age 20, has become the victim of thieves, who stole her prized £17,000 black 1 Series BMW while she and her police bodyguard were shopping in Devonshire Place in Kensington — leaving the vehicle’s keys in the ignition.

The luxury car, which has a personalised number plate and contained some personal items, was a gift from her father, Prince Andrew, for her 17th birthday in 2005.

Media reports said that Beatrice was “extremely embarrassed” about the theft in a street in the West 1 area, which happened Wednesday just after 9am in London. She later joined her sister, Princess Eugenie, age 18, at a nearby pub. Metropolitan Police said Westminster officers were investigating the reports.

The BMW 1 Series (code names E82 and E87,) is a small-luxury car / small family car produced by the German automaker BMW since 2004. The 1 Series is the only vehicle in its class featuring rear-wheel drive and a longitudinally-mounted engine.

Princess Beatrice of York (Beatrice Elizabeth Mary; born 8 August 1988) is the elder daughter of Prince Andrew, Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of York. Thus, she is fifth person and the first female in the line of succession to the thrones of sixteen independent states. When she was born, she was the first princess born into the immediate royal family since Princess Anne in 1950.

This is not the first time the Princess suffered a loss. In December, her Norfolk terrier Max went missing in Windsor, but reappeared three weeks later on Saturday, alive and well.

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