Civilians testify to Halliburton fraud, coercion

June 28, 2005

The Democratic Party held a public committee, aired on C-SPAN 3, at which former civilian employees based in or administering operations in Iraq, testified to specific instances of waste, fraud, and other abuses and irregularities by Halliburton and its subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR).

Allegations of fraud by Halliburton, specifically with regard to its operations in Iraq, have persisted since before the Iraq War. The associations between U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and Halliburton, have been the basis for repeated speculation over possible political improprieties and business profiteering from the war.

Among the senators and representatives present at the hearing were Byron Dorgan (presiding), Henry Waxman, Frank Lautenberg, and Mark Dayton.

Among those testifying were Bunny Greenhouse, former Chief Contracting Officer of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rory Mayberry, former Food Program Manager for Halliburton subsidiary, and Allan Waller, of the Lloyd-Owen International security and operations firm.

Greenhouse, who provided the bulk of testimony, spoke for several minutes about her involvement in the evaluation and crafting of government Army contracts, and how explaining how superiors undermined and dismissed her concerns of illegal business practices. “Ultimately my main concern was the repeated insistence that the Rio contract be awarded to KBR without competitive bidding,” Greenhouse said. She testified to have been given misinformation in answer to her complaints, and being “overtly misled” by KBR managers.

Mayberry, still in Iraq, testified by video from questions prepared by the committee. He said that KBR routinely sold expired food rations to the Army. The interviewer asked, “Are you saying that Halliburton deliberately falsified the number of meals they prepared and then submitted false claims for reimbursement and that they did this to make up for past amounts auditors had disallowed?” Mayberry firmly answered “Yes.” He said that serving expired food ration was “an everyday occurrence, sometimes every meal.” He explained that Halliburton systematically overcharged for the number of meals as well, saying, “they were charging for 20,000 meals and they were only serving 10,000 meals.” Dorgan later commented, “obviously there’s no honor here, by a company that would serve outdated food to our troops in Iraq.”

Mayberry also claimed would-be whistleblowers were threatened “to be sent to Falluja” and other “places under fire” if they talked to media or governmental oversight officials. In 2003 and 2004, Falluja had been well known as dangerous for foreign troops and civilians. “I personally was sent to Falluja for three weeks. The manager told me that I was being sent away until the auditors were gone, because I had talked to the auditors,” Mayberry said.

“The threat of being sent to a camp under fire was their way of keeping us quiet. The employees who talked to auditors were sent to camps under more fire than other camps, and Anaconda.” This report led Dorgan and others to voice considerable outrage that U.S. citizens would be personally threatened with harm for talking to oversight officials or media.

Allan Waller testified to specific examples of how KBR officials had conspired in blocking Lloyd-Owen fuel transports, and using other coercive means against its competitor. The British Lloyd-Owen has a direct contract with the Iraq government to provide fuel to various parts of the country.

In his introductory remarks, Dorgan explained that Senate Republicans had blocked or ignored any requests by Democrats to have a formal bipartisan hearing, resulting in the need for an independent committee.

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Britons seized from finance ministry in Iraq

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Five British citizens have been seized in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. The group, comprising a finance expert and four bodyguards, were captured from the finance ministry by kidnappers wearing police uniforms and driving police vehicles. The BBC is reporting that over 40 police vehicles were involved in the incident.

In separate incidents, at least 22 people were killed and 55 injured in a bus explosion elsewhere in the city, and at least 15 people were killed in a car bomb which injured a further 36, possibly more.

It is believed the four bodyguards are employed by Canadian GardaWord, a subsidiary of Garda.

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Barley Grass For Dogs : Good Can Dogs Eat Barley}

Barley Grass For Dogs : Good Can Dogs Eat Barley


Vikram KumarGrass is Good For Your DogThe sole aim of anyone who owns a canine is for them to have and maintain the most optimum health possible. Feeding your dog with mineral-rich foods such as green Superfoods, will enable him to achieve maximum vigor. A good example is barley grass a type of grass that contains minerals, amino acids, proteins and vitamins, components that are highly beneficial to the dog in numerous ways. If you like taking walks with your dog, you may have noticed him licking or eating certain type of grasses and for your information there is a solid reason for this, what sometimes make some ask if good can dogs eat barley. This habit of licking and eating grass is especially common when the dog is not feeling well. Grass provides a type of self-medication to dogs and helps in easing stomach pains. Adding small amount of barley grass to the dog’s meal will perform the same function, but it will be more beneficial than the wild grasses.The nutritional value of the barley grass to dogs is unquestionable. Below are some reasons as to why you should add barley as a nutrient to cater for the wellbeing and recovery of dog’s health. Understanding the nutritional benefits of barley and using this understanding will significantly improve the health status of your dog. Barley is not only an old time product, but also an exciting medicine and food.Here is why:To begin with, barley has a high fiber content that act as an intestinal cleansing agent that ensures that the bowel is optimal in its operations. The fiber comes in both soluble and insoluble form. Soluble fiber helps in slowing down the absorption of certain foods and enhances cardiac functioning while the insoluble fiber aids in maximum bowel functioning. Dietary fiber is an excellent additional nutrient for our dogs and yes good can dogs eat barley.Barley helps the anal glands to replenish and cleanse.The high vitamin, fiber and protein combination in barley is a perfect product that helps in body rejuvenation and acts as a recovery agent.Soaking barley for four hours in warm weather allows you to strain off the water in the barley and obtain a soft end product. The softened barley can be cleaned and fed to the dog while cooked.Barley has some anti-oxidants which act as recovery tonics when a dog is recovering from illness, surgery, or exercise.The most important thing is that barley is readily available, delicious and easy to prepare thus the dog will be highly tolerant to it. Adding juiced carrot and apple juice to barley water in a fifty to fifty proportion creates a perfect fluid that helps to revitalize, rejuvenate, cleanse and restore your dog.Other benefits include cleansing of the pooch’s system, helping in digestion, and prevention of abdominal cyst development. The components in barley combine with abdominal enzymes to detoxify the intestines, the liver and other organelles. It also helps in laxation when faced with constipation. How many puppies can a dog have

: So there are so many reasons as to why

Good can dogs eat barley

, just beyond what we may think. Since the barley is highly palatable, you should not get carried away by the appetite of your dog as over-consumption can lead to nausea and in extreme circumstances vomiting. Start with small amount and progress with moderation.

Article Source:}

IRS goes after eBay sellers

Monday, March 28, 2005

San Jose, California — As the April 15 deadline for U.S. private citizens to file their 2004 income tax returns draws near, the government is reminding sellers on eBay that they may have to report any proceeds from sales on the auction site as taxable income.

This could be a surprise to some of the 135 million registered eBay users who consider trading on San Jose-based auction site to be a non-taxable hobby. Complicating matters, eBay says it doesn’t report individual sales figures to the government – users are responsible to report any profits on their own tax returns.

The amount of money traveling through eBay is big business. $33.8 billion worth of merchandise was sold on the site in 2004, up from $5.2 billion in 2000.

Although eBay pays taxes on its share of the sales (5.25 percent cut from each transaction as of Feb. 18), the IRS fears some small businesses are using the site to dodge tax responsibility. Adding to the confusion, some sellers may legally be a taxable business without realizing it.

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service has a nine-point checklist it uses to determine whether or not a money-making activity is legally a business, which means money made is taxable, or a simple hobby – where it is not taxable. The IRS can consider a person to be a legal “business” even though they never incorporated or claimed to be one.

According to Woodbury, New York-based accountant Bart Fooden in an Associated Press interview, the IRS looks for such things as evidence that the auction seller depends on the eBay sales income to pay for activities other than maintaining the hobby, acts in a businesslike manner when selling on auctions or puts enough time and effort into the eBay activities that there is an obvious intent to make a profit.

But Fooden said in the same interview casual users probably have nothing to worry about. Those cleaning out closets or the garage and selling off junk for less than the original price paid are not turning a profit, so that money is not considered income and is not taxable.

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Explicit Canadian workplace safety ads pulled from TV due to Christmas season

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Controversial and explicit Canadian workplace safety ads have been pulled from television, and paper ads from some bus shelters for the Christmas season. However, the ads will return to air in January.

“It’s totally erroneous to suggest we’re pulling anything,” chairman of the Workplace Safety and Information Board of Ontario, Steve Mahoney said. “Our plan from Day 1 was to stop the ads around the middle of December when most of the advertising that’s in the media is focused on Christmas and purchasing gifts. We just didn’t want to be competing with all that stuff.”

In one of the TV ads a woman accidentally slips on grease on the floor and a large steaming pot falls onto her face, and she starts screaming to death. The ads end with the message “There really are no accidents”.

A paper ads shows a construction worker who is in a pool of blood with a forklift operation manual stuck in his chest. Another with a man who is slit by a “Danger” sign with his leg stuck in a machine. They show the messages: “Lack of training can kill” and the other “Ignoring safety procedures can kill”.

“The critics amount to about 25 per cent rating, and I’m delighted they’re upset about the ads because I wouldn’t want anyone to enjoy watching them.”

The videos have been viewed more than 70,000 times on the Board’s website and are gaining large amounts of views on YouTube.

The transit authorities of Hamilton and Mississauga will show modified advertisements. The transit authority of Guelph will show the ads in bus shelters, but the transit authority of Windsor will not because of the graphic nature.

“We’re not against workplace safety, but this is too graphic,” said Caroline Postma, chair of the Transit Windsor board.

Mississauga city councillour Carolyn Parrish said: “My son-in-law was telling me that they shouldn’t be on in prime time because when [my grandson] watches them he just about bursts into tear. Now he follows his mom around the kitchen to make sure she doesn’t spill grease. And he’s only four. There’s too much of a chance that … people are really badly affected by it, and can’t really do anything about it anyway.” She suggested the ads only be aired to workers with the jobs shown in the commercials.

Mahoney changed the earlier promise to air the ads only after 8:00pm to after 9:00pm at last nights meeting with Mississauga city council.

Mahoney said the commercials and paper ads are not “too graphic at all”. And they are “absolutely appropriate and they’re doing what they’re intended to do, they’re creating what I call a water cooler topic of conversation.”

Ninety-eight Canadian workers so far have been killed on the job this year.

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Tips For Finding Warm &Amp; Caring Dental Services


When it comes to going to the dentist, there are a large number of people who suffer severe anxiety. If this describes you, there is a good chance that you may have neglected your dental care for a number of years. However, when you take the time to find Warm & Caring Dental Services, you can have peace of mind that you will have a positive experience and be able to get the care for your teeth and mouth that you need.Some tips that will help you find Warm & Caring Dental Services are highlighted here.

Ask for Recommendations

Family, friends and co-workers can all be great sources of information when you are researching dentists in your local area. You can ask them about the level of customer service they offer and if they implement the warm and caring services you are looking for. In many cases you will have to ask specific questions about this in order to find out who does, and does not, offer this, but people you know can provide you with quality information regarding the dentists that are located in your area.

Contact the Dentist Office

Before making an appointment, it is a good idea to contact the dentist office and talk to the receptionist or someone else who can help and answer the questions you have. Be sure you ask about their techniques for helping patients who have severe anxiety. Do they offer special services, such as medication, sedition or other calming features? Finding this type of information out will help you choose the right dentist.

Schedule an Appointment

Once you have found a quality dentist, you should schedule an appointment. This is the real test related to whether or not this is the right dentist for you.

When you take the time to consider the different dentists in your area, chances are you will be able to find a quality one who offers relaxing techniques, even for those who suffer from severe anxiety. Keeping the information here in mind will help you on this search, and ensure you have a healthy smile.

Republican leaders in US want more tax relief in economic stimulus

Monday, January 26, 2009

As the newly inaugurated Barack Obama administration continues to push for a US$825 billion stimulus package to aid the struggling United States economy, some Republican legislators say they will not vote for such a plan without the inclusion of more tax cuts and less “unnecessary” spending.

Arizona Senator John McCain, Obama’s general election opponent and a leading voice within the Republican Party, says he would not vote for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan as it currently stands. Appearing on Fox News Sunday yesterday, McCain echoed his campaign platform in saying, “We need to make tax cuts permanent, and we need to make a commitment that there’ll be no new taxes.”

McCain and other Republicans say they are unhappy with the bill introduced in the House of Representatives, which combines roughly $550 billion in domestic spending with $275 billion in tax cuts. McCain believes not enough Republican proposals have been integrated into the plan, which he fears will result in the plan becoming “just another spending project” rather than a job creator.

“Republicans have not been brought in, to the degree that we should be in, to these negotiations and discussions. So far, as far as I can tell, no Republican proposal has been incorporated,” McCain said. “We’re losing sight of what the stimulus is all about, and that is job creation.”

The Arizona senator is known for his bipartisan efforts in Washington, D.C., but he defined his role in the new Senate as the “loyal opposition”, which does not mean “that I or my party will be a rubber stamp” for Obama, he said.

In his first weekly address since being sworn in, President Obama explained the stimulus plan in further detail, calling it a plan to “immediately jumpstart job creation as well as long-term economic growth.” He outlined several of the bill’s priorities, including the creation or salvation of up to four million jobs, as well as sweeping investments in health care, education, energy and infrastructure.

Among these investments are a new electricity grid with more than 3,000 miles of transmission lines, the weatherization of 2.5 million homes, health insurance protection for more than 8 million Americans, a renovation of over 10,000 schools, a project to repair thousands of miles of roadways, and an expansion of broadband Internet access.

Obama also laid out the rationale behind the stimulus, saying that “unprecedented action” is necessary in order to prevent further economic distress. “Our economy could fall $1 trillion short of its full capacity, which translates into more than $12,000 in lost income for a family of four,” Obama said. “In short, if we do not act boldly and swiftly, a bad situation could become dramatically worse.”

The president addressed the skepticism surrounding the stimulus package, pledging to “root out waste, inefficiency, and unnecessary spending”, while holding the government accountable for its actions. “We won’t just throw money at our problems,” Obama said. “We’ll invest in what works.”

Still, Republicans such as House Minority Leader John Boehner are skeptical of the plan’s effectiveness in rebuilding the economy. “I think a lot of Republicans will vote no because it’s a lot of wasteful Washington spending”, he commented on Meet the Press, repeating McCain’s call for less federal spending and more tax cuts.

Examples of “wasteful” spending cited by Republicans include millions of coupons to aid in the digital television transition, $200 million for new sod on the National Mall, and $360 million to fight sexually transmitted diseases, which includes funding for contraceptives. House Republicans have claimed it will take 10 years before the economy feels the effect of a stimulus, and that the combined spending of the stimulus and the financial bailouts of last year will leave future generations with over $2 trillion of debt.

In response to the stimulus plan being pushed through Congress, Boehner and Republican Whip Eric Cantor presented Obama with an alternative stimulus plan on Friday, one that relies exclusively on income and business tax cuts. “Our plan offers fast-acting tax relief, not slow-moving and wasteful government spending,” Boehner said. The counterproposal includes an income tax reduction that would save families an estimated $3,200 a year.

Despite this opposition, the stimulus bill is expected to pass through Congress by mid-February, as the Republican minority does not have enough votes to stop its approval. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell expressed a general support of the plan at a White House meeting with Obama and other congressional leaders. “I do think we’ll be able to meet the president’s deadline of getting the package to him by mid-February,” McConnell said. The bill is expected to go before Congress for a vote on Monday, February 2.

Obama’s top economic adviser Lawrence Summers defended the stimulus plan while on Meet the Press. He said the bill was intended to balance the long-term initiatives mentioned above with the tax cuts desired by Republicans. He also said Obama was committed to spending three quarters of the stimulus money within 18 months.

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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Family Coalition Party candidate Bob Innes, Hamilton East—Stoney Creek

Monday, October 1, 2007

Robert (Bob) Innes is running for the Family Coalition Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Hamilton East—Stoney Creek riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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KKE: Interview with the Greek Communist Party

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wikinews reporter Iain Macdonald has performed an interview with Dr Isabella Margara, a London-based member of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE). In the interview Margara sets out the communist response to current events in Greece as well as discussing the viability of a communist economy for the nation. She also hit back at Petros Tzomakas, a member of another Greek far-left party which criticised KKE in a previous interview.

The interview comes amid tensions in cash-strapped Greece, where the government is introducing controversial austerity measures to try to ease the nation’s debt-problem. An international rescue package has been prepared by European Union member states and the International Monetary Fund – should Greece require a bailout; protests have been held against government attempts to manage the economic situation.

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Should You Rely On Forex Signals?

Submitted by: Haruka Mingle

Forex Trading is simple, but certainly not easy. It was once famously quoted by the CEO of a world-renowned broker that, if more than 20% of the Forex participants are making profit on a particular trading day, he would be pleasantly surprised.

Now, what kind of figure does 20% reflects to the rest of the Forex Traders? Over 80% of our fellow participants in FX Trading is not making any profits overall day after day.

While Forex Trading is relatively easy to grasp, many have encounter extreme difficulty in executing it when it comes to Trading their Live accounts practically? Some experts may have famously coined the phrase FX Trading is 70% Psychology , others have claimed that a completely mechanical Forex Trading Strategy is the only way to banking pips, the rest would have argued that years of experience and a pinch of intuition would certainly make a formidable Forex Trader.


At Forex Vice, we thought all 3 of these theories are correct in their own ways.

A successful Forex Trader would indeed require a winning mentality and a mind of steel one that would remained alert and composed whether on a Roller Coaster ride and smooth sail on the sea. The market is, by all means, unpredictable at best, and thus most successful Forex Trader do possess a calm and focus mind.

Additionally, could a trader flourish in a seemingly random Forex market without a reliable system in his arsenal of Forex trading strategies? Definitely not. He would know when is the best time to trade, and what conditions would normally provide him with a better edge. An edge, is all it takes to be profitable with this nasty market afterall.

But market changes , I hear you say. Of course it does. If you know anything about I-Ching, well, probably you don t, but as with human beings, and rightly so, the market is never the same. Mechanical rules and a solid mentality would do well, but if a Forex trader and his respective Trading Strategies lack a ability to adapt to change and react to the trading conditions and longer term trends he would never be profitable for long. No trading software, or Expert Advisors, in the market could consistently profit from the market in a long run. The market dynamic changes, the market participants and the minds behind the scene changes, the global sentiment changes, everything changes and any Forex trading strategy based strictly on mechanical rules would need to be review and fine-tuned every now and then. Having said that this is where your trading experience and your pinch of intuition comes in.

The advantages of an accurate gut are indisputable. George Soros, arguably the greatest trader of modern times, depends on his gut. I rely a great deal on animal instincts, he wrote in his 1995 book, Soros on Soros. When I was actively running the fund, I suffered from backache. I used the onset of acute pain as a signal that there was something wrong in my portfolio. The backache didn t tell me what was wrong you know, lower back for short positions, left shoulder for currencies but it did prompt me to look for something amiss when I might not have done so otherwise.

About the Author: Forex Trading should be profitable, period. If you haven t been making decent profits like a thousand other Forex Vice subscribers, you can rely on our Forex Signals. Automatically copy our trades and bank in profits!


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