Gambling sites favor Cardinals Marc Ouellet, Peter Turkson, Francis Arinze as next Pope

Monday, February 11, 2013

With news of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation only hours old, online gambling sites have already published odds for who will become the next leader of the Roman Catholic Church, with Cardinals Marc Ouellet and Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson as early odds-on favorites.

Online Australian gambling site SportsBet has Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet as their favorite with 7/2 odds. The Irish Paddy Power brokers has 11/4 odds with the Canadian Cardinal being chosen as Pope. Bwin has Ouellet becoming the next Pope with odds at 7/2. British SportingBet also has odds for Ouellet at 7/2.

British Ladbrokes has Nigerian Cardinal Francis Arinze with 7/2 odds.

SkyBet has the betting odd for Ghanian Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson at 7/2, its best odds for any potential Papal candidate. BetVictor also has the best odds on Turkson with 5/2. Stan James has the best odds for Turkson at 3/1. You Win has odds for Turkson at 5/2.

Bets are also being taken by Paddy Power for the name of the next Pope, with Peter their odds-on favorite at 2/1. It is followed by Pious at 5/1, and John Paul and John at 6/1.

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Slim Down And Get Fit Through Water Aerobics

By Gloria Fanz

In this creative and advanced world we all share, it is important for us to stay fit and on top of our everyday challenge. When it comes to ways to keep fit, there are certainly infinite things to choose from. Some individuals hit the local gym for an aerobic workout four times a week; others find pleasure in an outdoor activity such as cycling or jogging. Regardless of which one you enjoy doing, your goal is still the same, and that’s to stay fit and healthy while having fun at the same time.

For me, my preferred fitness exercise is water aerobics. It is what keeps me primed and healthy. So, what kind of fitness exercise does the trick for you? Is it swimming, running, bicycling or maybe boxing fitness? The main key is tenacity.

Do you know anything about water aerobics? I learned quite a bit concerning water aerobics from a close friend I used to work with. I was amazed at all the cardio work he did. I was also amazed that water aerobics can be performed regardless of whether you are a swimmer or not.


One thing that’s wonderful about water aerobics is that it not only gets your body toned and in shape, but it also improves your overall health. This is a perfect overall body workout for almost all age group.

Water aerobics is much easier on your joints and the back, since the water displaces much of your weight. While this type of exercise goes easy on your joints, the natural resistance of the water still guarantees that you will receive a great workout from a 45-minute class, including burning anywhere from 350-600 calories. The entire process is full of fun and joys.

If you are interested in water aerobics for yourself or someone else, then I suggest you check out what’s close to home. That ideal water aerobics center may be just around the corner. Hop on the World-Wide-Web and do a search for “water aerobics” now. This way you can get the scoop on this fun and interesting exercise right now. This is especially crucial if you currently have no sort of exercise routine. It’s time to get in shape, people.

About the Author: Learn more about

water aerobic

as well as other types of

aerobic exercise

at Article written by Gloria Fanz. All rights reserved.


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Immediate life insurance website launched, first in world

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The first website in the world allowing consumers to buy life insurance online instantly has been launched today, targeting specifically New Zealanders.

The website, run by life insurance company Pinnacle Life, allows New Zealanders in many countries in the world to buy life insurance online without the need for a medical examination. Once the application has been approved, which is done immediately, the consumer can receive a $500,000 life insurance policy via an automatic e-mail. However, if certain conditions have been highlighted, then person to person contact is required to finalise the process.

Ed Saul, senior partner and architect of the new website, says, “We’re giving consumers a quicker and easier way to buy life insurance. Instead of submitting an application form and waiting days for a policy to be approved and issued, we do it online and we do it immediately.”

“The revolutionary website gives consumers complete control over the buying process whilst eliminating the previously obligatory involvement of people and paper. This is a global test case eagerly watched by the insurance industry around the world,” Mr Saul said.

When applying online, a few typical questions are asked on personal information and if the applicant has had any previous illnesses or diseases.

The countries where New Zealand citizens are allowed to apply are UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and the USA.

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Total evacuation of New Orleans planned

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A state of emergency has been enacted in New Orleans in the U.S. state of Louisiana today, after the devastating Hurricane Katrina made landfall on Monday. There were earlier erroneous reports by the news media that martial law had been imposed. Mayor Ray Nagin fears that there may be “thousands” of fatalities in his city alone.

Many hospital staff are struggling without power and supplies. As many as 2,500 patients from hospitals in Orleans Parish were to be evacuated, according to US Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, but where they could be sent was still uncertain.

Looters are roaming the city and have already ransacked the city’s upscale shopping district on Canal Street. They have been seen on news reports carrying huge bags of stolen goods. Governor Kathleen Blanco announced plans to completely shut down New Orleans and move everybody left there out of the area. A rescue helicopter was shot at, temporarily halting all rescue operations.

Former mayor Marc Morial summed up his view by saying; “We’ve lost our city, I fear it’s potentially like Pompeii.”

Two of the city’s levees on Lake Ponchartrain failed; one with a football-field size breach.Emergency workers dropped sandbags from helicopters into the levee’s breaches,but the water kept coming.

“It appears that now the bowl is beginning to fill — not rapidly but slowly,” said Walter Maestri, an emergency operations manager. New floods swept through the center of New Orleans and water now covers 80 percent of the city with broken gas lines feeding raging fires. In some locations the water is now at a depth of 20 feet (six meters).

The famous French Quarter, initially less affected by flooding, finally also succumbed.

“Get out of town if you can.” said Ed Freytag, a city worker at the temporary City Hall complex. “We’re damn close right now to that worst-case scenario,” said Dave Cohen, a local radio host.

For those that were staying in the Superdome, officials have begun moving them to the long-vacant Astrodome in Houston, Texas.

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Are Repossessed Trucks Still Reliable?

Are Repossessed Trucks Still Reliable?


Chris C Drucker

Trucks tend to be the primary focus of every person! We require vehicles to live. Who among us can transport huge products without using a truck? The reply is; they are essential. They are almost everywhere plus they are required to complete the job. Are you attempting to complete the job? Then probably you’ll require a truck.

The issue though is price. It’s really a genuine problem discovering that truck we need to complete the job at a cost we can definitely pay for. Well, there are plenty of options out there to select from however they can all cost out of our category. So what is the solution? Look for a distinct source compared to what we are employing.


Probably we are planning to truck dealerships and newspaper advertisements to find the truck that we require. These are great sources for acquiring many selections however again the options can be too costly.

What exactly is repo truck? It is a repossessed truck which is confiscated by a standard bank, the FBI, law enforcement and from some other areas. The amounts of these automobiles confiscated daily are in the 1000’s. Therefore making use of one of these vehicle auctions we can purchase a truck which has all the features we want for a cost that is cheaper than what we expected investing. This is the way to getting that vehicle we need a cost that is inexpensive.

People have discovered out an easy method to purchase vehicles at a reasonable price by means of taking repossessed trucks. The buying of repossessed trucks has become vastly popular because of this reason. Loan providers are recognized to arrange for promoting of repossessed trucks greater than anyone else. You may get repossessed trucks when they come up with announcement of public sale by means of their notice boards and also by advertisements in the regional dailies. Banking companies inform their clients in several ways to enable them to benefit from this occasion.

If you hold a consistent touch with the individuals associated with this sort of details, you will come to realize numerous units who offer repossessed vehicles. You may also get the advice from websites that handle the public sale of repossessed trucks through web. You are to spend fees as charges to become customers of the specific sites if you wish to be a part of the market of repossessed trucks.

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Salvage Yards in JASPER MISSOURI


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BC election writ drops; referendum campaigns underway

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The provincial election was called today in British Columbia. Alongside with the election, the citizens of the province will also be debating if they should change their electoral system from Single Member Plurality to Single Transferable Vote (STV). The vote for both the election and the referendum is to be held on May 12th.

According to the Angus Reid Strategies online poll, the issues before the candidates this year are the economy, crime and public safety, and health care.

Gordon Campbell is the current Premier of British Columbia, and leader of the Liberal Party. Three new tax measures have been proposed, increasing apprenticeship training tax credits, reducing small business income tax, and raising the revenue definition for small business. “Keep B.C. Strong” is the Liberal slogan.

The New Democratic Party (NDP) leader Carole James is focusing her election platform on supporting a green economy, eliminating the carbon tax, offering families tax relief, freezing post-secondary tuition, raising the minimum wage, and providing a small business tax holiday. The NDP slogan is “Take back your B.C.”

The Green Party, led by Jane Sterk, is focused on environmental issues, crime and police, and a ‘green economy’. The Green Party is in support of the carbon tax and will be campaigning in favour of the new STV voting system that is being proposed again. The Green Party slogan is “A better plan for B.C.”File:Carole james.jpg

Wilf Hanni is at the helm of the Conservative Party which opposes the Recognition and Reconciliation Act, privatization of BC Hydro Bill 42 ‘gag law’, and the carbon tax. They propose to reduce senior civil employee pay scale, as well as personal and corporate income tax.

Other parties running candidates are the Democratic Reform under Graeme Roger, the Marijuana Party under Marc Emery, the Work Less Party under Conrad Schmidt, the Refederation Party under Mike Summers, the Sex Party under John Ince, and the Communist Party under George Gidora.

For 60 days before the election, each party may campaign with an allowable CA$1.1 million, in the final 28 days, $4.4 million may be spent. $70,000 is allowed by candidates before the writ is dropped, and another $70,000 in the midst of campaigning.

The referendum will allow BC voters to choose between two voting systems. The Single Member Plurality system is the current system in all Canadian provinces, and is also used to elect Members of Parliament in Ottawa. The other system is BC-STV, which would replace 85 single-member ridings with 20 larger ridings in which between two and seven Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) would be elected. The total number of MLAs will not change. Voters would rank the candidates in order of preference, as many or as few as they wish. When the results are tallied, votes are transferred to the next preference on the ballot when the first preference has been elected or eliminated. The system is designed to ensure that every vote helps to elect someone, every vote counts as fully as possible, and every voter is represented by a candidate they voted for, as nearly as mathematically possible.

Previous elections held under the current Single Member Plurality (also known as First Past The Post) system led to odd results in certain elections, such as the 2001 election where the winning party obtained 77 of the 79 seats of the legislature with just 58% of the vote, and the 1996 election, in which the party with the most votes failed to win the election. The recommendation to switch to STV was made by the British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform, a group formed in 2004 of randomly selected citizens. They spent a year learning about voting systems around the world and consulting with BC citizens.

It’s the fourth referendum in the country and the second in the province within the last 4 years. The previous referendum held in 2005 also voted on these same electoral systems and came within 2.3% of the 60% threshold. In order for the referendum to be binding, BC-STV will again need 60% of the popular vote and 50% of votes in 51 of the 85 ridings in BC. If the change is approved, it will be the first province in the country to adopt reform of the electoral system in recent history.

Fair Voting BC, recognized as the official proponent group, argues that STV will lead to fairer election results, effective local representation and greater voter choice. They argue that BC-STV will give voters the power to hold politicians and political parties accountable, by giving every voter a vote that actually makes a difference. If the STV system is approved, then it will be put into use for the first time for the 2013 provincial election.

The recognized opponent group is the No STV Campaign Society. Their arguments are that STV will give larger ridings, voters would be unsure of whom their MLA would be, there would be unequal geographic representation, that the counting method is too complicated, the electoral system results are unverified in practical usage, the system results in a higher probability of minority governments and the subsequent coalition of parties. They also argue that other countries who use systems similar to STV have had problems with their election results.

$500,000 in public funding has been given to both the proponents and the opponents of the referendum.

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New Zealand announces new Matariki public holiday

Sunday, February 7, 2021

The New Zealand Government on Thursday announced the creation of a new public holiday, Matariki. Matariki marks the beginning of the M?ori New Year, which coincides with the rising of the star cluster Pleiades, known as Matariki in the M?ori language.

At Waitangi, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said “This will be a day to acknowledge our nation’s unique, shared identity, and the importance of tikanga M?ori. It’s going to be something very special, and something uniquely New Zealand.” Ardern also said the new holiday would break up the over-4 month gap between public holidays in June and October.

The date of the Matariki holiday is not consistent from year to year, as it follows Maramataka, the M?ori lunar calendar, but would likely always fall on a Monday or Friday according to Ardern. A Matariki advisory group has been established, with M?ori Crown Relations — Te Arawhiti — Minister Kelvin Davis explaining that the purpose of the group is “to provide advice on future dates of the public holiday, how it should be celebrated and to support the development of resources to educate the public on Matariki and the celebrations”. The first Matariki holiday is scheduled for Friday, June 24 of next year.

Ardern’s Labour Party made the Matariki holiday an election promise, and won last year’s general election with a majority. This result was the best for any party since New Zealand’s 1996 adoption of a mixed-member proportional system.

This is not the first attempt to make Matariki a public holiday. In 2009, M?ori Party Member of Parliament Rahui Katene introduced legislation to create a Matariki public holiday. While it was supported by the then-opposition Labour Party, the governing National Party did not support it, and it was defeated with 59 votes in favour and 63 votes against.

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Answers To Frequently Asked Car Insurance Questions

By Joe R. Maldonado

Here are two of the more common car insurance questions answered:

‘What is taxable as far as car insurance?’

In general, any claim settlements made against your car insurance will not be taxable. However, you could receive payments for things like repairing or replacing your car, medical expenses or replacement services such as housekeeping or child care. These payments would be designed to give you compensation and restore you to the place where you were before the accident occurred. You cannot deduct the loss of your income though, because your insurance company will have already compensated you for this.

You may sometimes have to report a settlement as income, and this will be taxable. You should do this if you received anything above the amount needed to repair the damage. You would just report the excess. This is also true for settlements involving bodily injury and rehabilitation.


Always remain compliant with the IRS. Report what you receive, even when it isn’t taxable. Just make sure you report it as income.

Go ahead and get some help from a professional. You may have a unique situation that requires looking at. There may be different rules which apply to your situation.

Here is another one of the most commonly asked car insurance questions:

‘Does my credit rating affect the cost of my car insurance?’

The way in which you handle your bills does actually affect your car insurance premiums.

If you miss a few payments on your credit cards or any other bills your credit score will suffer. This can raise your insurance premiums by as much as 50%! Upon application, your credit gets evaluated by the insurance agency. They will use the information that they find to determine the rate of your insurance premium.

The whole idea here is that they hold a general belief that a person who is responsible with their money will also be a responsible driver. Insurance companies have had experience enough to know that this generally turns out to be the truth.

Many times those who hold an above average credit rating will also be the same people that install anti-theft devices on their cars as well as cautiously follow the rules of the road. These are also the people who will be the most likely to put on their seatbelts before hitting the road.

If you have a bad credit rating, you will be viewed as high risk. This does not just apply to the rules of the road. The insurance agencies also view you as someone who may end up filing an unnecessary claim or trying to quote a claim that is above your actual loss. This is why you have got to be meticulous when it comes to your credit score. Car insurance is not the only area of your life that this will affect. Be careful when it comes to making late payments on anything, and avoid bankruptcy and foreclosure at all costs.

These are just a couple of the frequently asked car insurance questions, and you can find the answers to many more of them with a simple online search.

About the Author: Next, find out more about

car insurance questions

in the best specialized website available on such delicate topic.


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Africans keep the leading position at 2008 Mumbai Marathon

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Standard Chartered Marathon, nicknamed “The Greatest Race on Earth“, held its third stage in Mumbai, India today. Because of the scorching hot weather in India, marathon runners had to adapt to the weather to overcome the challenge.

More than 30,000 runners participated in this race, joined by local NGOs and disabled who participated in a special charity short-distance running including 6km dream run, 4.3 km senior, and 2.5km wheel-chair classes. Gabriela Szabo, former Romanian Olympic Gold Medalist, named as charity ambassador of the race, was pleased by the participation from experts and NGOs.

An hour into the race, former champion Daniel Rono and Joseph Kimisi took the lead, but then Tariku Jifar from Ethiopia and defending champion John Ekiru Kelai took over Rono and Kimisi. After 40 kilometres, Kelai took a decisive lead and finally retained his champion title in 2 hours 12 minutes 22 seconds.

In the Women’s Group, Mulu Seboka from Ethiopia won the champion with 2H30m03s. Local runners Surendra Singh & Kavita Raut won the Men’s and Women’s Champions in the half-marathon class.

Division & Groups Men’s Group Women’s Group
South East Asia Dang Duc Bao Nguyen (Vietnam) 2:30’57” Pacharee Chaitongsri (Thailand) 2:55’29”
North East Asia Chin-chi Chiang (Chinese Taipei) 2:33’33” Xin Zhang (China) 2:53’59”
South Asia and Middle East Ajith Bandara Adikari Mudiyanselage (Sri Lanka) 2:24’07” Lakmini Anuradhi Bogahawatta (Sri Lanka) 3:04’21”
Africa John Ekiru Kelai (Kenya B) 2:12’22” Irene Kemunto Mogaka (Kenya B) 2:32’50”
Europe and Oceania Oleg Kharitonov (Russia) 2:30’55” Helen Stanton (Australia) 2:52’33”
America Paulino Canchanya Canchanya (Peru) 2:28’13” Rosangela Figueredo Silva (Brazil) 2:58’16”

Division & Groups Men’s Group Women’s Group
South East Asia Vietnam Thailand
North East Asia Chinese Taipei China
South Asia & Middle East India Sri Lanka
Africa Kenya B Kenya B
Europe & Oceania Russia Finland
America Peru United States
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