Variable Rate Business Loans Uk : Flourish Your Business Prospects

Submitted by: Barry Jones

Variable rate loans are very popular in the fraternity of business organizations. No sort of business is free from the gamble of risky affairs. In order to draw huge profits, the business organizations have to get involved in risk oriented schemes in some way or the other. Similar scenario is available with the presence of seeking variable rate business loans. However, first of all, let s discuss the phenomenon of variable rate business loans. This kind of loans is customized with the option of uncertain rate of interest. In simple words it can be concluded that your rate of interest on the loan keeps changing from time to time and this change is calculated in accordance to the APR of the loan. Therefore, the APR of your loan is directly proportional to the charges rate of interest. One such facility available in the finance world is variable rate business loans UK.

Most of the people who are establishing their business or running a small business firm seek the assistance of variable rate business loans UK. This is on the account of the fact that these organizations aim to accomplish higher rate of growth in a short duration as its make their survival easier in this competitive business world. However, variable rate business loans UK has its own clauses of risks such as if the interest rate increases, then the APR of the loan will also rise. Therefore, it is inappropriate to say that this loan is quite risky for the small business oriented companies, but in case of low rate interest, these companies can make a lot of profit. In addition to this, the increased rate of interest cannot create a sudden hurdle or imbalance in the budget plan of an organization as the borrower has the complete information about the maximum and the minimum interest rate that can be charged under this loan.


As far as the big business houses are concerned, the risk factor present with the variable rate business loans UK reduces to a great extent. This is because they do not have a fixed source of income and secondly, their rate of profit is considerable much higher and can easily manage the repayment of the variable rate business loan. On the other hand, if compared with fixed rate loans, one can simply analyze that there is much difference between the two. Fixed loans generally cast high interest rate because there is no possibility of rise or fall. Hence, if you choose variable rate business loans UK, you can conveniently enjoy the benefit of low interest rate for a considerable amount of time.

Variable rate business loans UK are extensively provided by all kinds of money lenders. More and more financial firms are coming up with the easy set of terms and conditions for meeting the heavy demand of this loan among the business industry. On the contrary, it is highly advisable to check the lowest and the highest value of the interest rate, so that you can maintain a decent budget plan to cope up with this loan scheme.

About the Author: Barry Jones is a financial expert dealing with business loans, who provides counseling and expert knowledge on business loans UK.To know more about


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Singer Lou Rawls dies of cancer

Friday, January 6, 2006The Grammy Award winning velvet-voiced soul singer Lou Rawls has died of cancer at age 72, according to his publicist.

Rawls sung at Game 2 of last year’s World Series.

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Conficker computer worm infections soar

Monday, January 19, 2009

New reports indicate that the proliferation of the Conficker computer worm (also known as Kido or Downadup) has nearly quadrupled in the last four days. The worm has gone from just over 2 million Microsoft Windows computers infected to 8.9 million, according to estimates by anti-virus company F-Secure. Though Microsoft issued a patch with a severity rating of “critical” in mid-October 2008, just days after Conficker was first discovered, many business computers still have not applied the patch.

Most to all of the infected computers are on corporate networks; Conficker cannot spread through the Internet or e-mails. Instead, when an infected laptop connects to a corporate network, the worm searches for vulnerable computers and attempts to guess its password. Conficker also infects any network shares the user may be connected to. The worm has a list of about one hundred common passwords, including “password” and “qwerty“. Conficker also infects USB sticks, which then infect any Microsoft Windows computer the stick is plugged in to.

After it gains access to the computer, Conficker adds itself to the Windows processes “services.exe”, “explorer.exe” and “svchost.exe”, then makes a copy of itself as a DLL file with a random five- to eight-character name. The worm also disables Windows services such as Windows Update and Windows Defender. Conficker also blocks access to most security-related sites, including Windows Update. The worm then checks several websites for the current date, then generates a domain name based on that date and downloads infected files from that domain. This domain is believed to be in Ukraine. Conficker makes itself very hard to remove by registering the downloaded files as kernel drivers and the DLL copy of itself of a service.

Microsoft has advised users to install the patch (security bulletin MS08-067), then run the latest edition of the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool.

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What To Expect From Senior Living Communities


One of the things that people are constantly advised to do is prepare for old age. This is because one of the things that we do not have the ability to fight is growing old. In most cases by the time people get to the age of retirement almost all their children have left home and they have to take care of themselves.

This is not easy sometimes because there are things that you will need help at that age to be able to accomplish. Most people cannot bear the fact that they have to depend on their families all the time. If you have no close family member it is even more difficult. One of the choices that you have when they get to that age is to retire to a senior living community. Senior living communities are scattered all over the country and offer the elderly housing options that suit them specifically.

It is important to talk to a realtor that you can trust in order to get the best community to settle at as you retire. When you mention senior living Frederick MD communities most people have no idea what to expect. Therefore, what should you expect when you retire to a senior living community?

1. Most of the homes in senior living Frederick MD communities are small and functional. They are housing units that are suited for one to two people. Most of the neighbourhoods are close knit. This means that the neighbours are close by in most cases. The neighbourhood has things like the malls, laundry mart and entertainment spots within a walking distance to ensure that people are able to easily access them.

2. These neighbourhoods have people who are still working in their old age. The neighbourhoods have people over fifty five years of age who are still active and leaving a normal life. For people who are worried that their lives will end with retirement, living with people in such a community will be an eye opener.

3. These neighbourhoods have lower utility bills because they are subsidised to suit the people living in these neighbourhoods. The maintenance costs are also slightly lower. They understand that most of the people living in these neighbourhoods have a low income, thus unable to afford high utility and maintenance costs.

4. These neighbourhoods have restrictions when it comes to the people who can visit or live with you. In most cases they allow children or grandchildren to visit during summer holidays. Otherwise, there are very few outside guests that are allowed in these communities. Apart from restrictions when it comes to guests, people are allowed a lot of freedom in deciding the activities that they want to participate in and what their daily routine looks like.

Wikinews interviews William Pomerantz, Senior Director of Space Prizes at the X PRIZE Foundation

Regardless of who wins the prize, people all around the world will be able to experience the mission through high-def video-streams.
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Andreas Hornig, Wikinews contributor and team member of Synergy Moon, competitor in the Google Lunar X Prize, managed to interview Senior Director of Space Prizes William Pomerantz of the X PRIZE Foundation about the competitions, goals, and impacts via e-mail for and Wikinews.

By Wikinews,the free news source

Other stories: Science and technology
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Loss of integrity in underground city tunnel causes evacuation of Downtown Montreal

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A one-inch settlement of the roof of The Bay tunnel to the Montreal Metro caused authorities to evacuate 12 blocks of the Montreal downtown core.

Several people noticed water infiltration in the tunnel over the last few days. On Friday, August 24, at 1 p.m., while investigating another water infiltration incident, The Bay employees noticed that the ceiling of the tunnel portion of The Bay’s basement sales area had descended one inch over a 7 meter length. They subsequently called police. The police and firefighters evacuated the basement of the downtown Bay store. The police closed de Maisonneuve Boulevard from Aylmer Street to Union Street, over the area of the crack.

At 4 p.m., firefighters evacuated the Parkade Montreal Building and The Bay Department Store after finding pieces of concrete falling from the Parkade Montreal structure, a multi-story carpark with five levels of offices on top. They also evacuated the downtown portion of the Line 1 / Green Line of the Montreal Metro subway, from Lionel-Groulx to Berri-UQAM stations, and evacuated the McGill metro station, which is situated below The Bay tunnel. After consulting with city engineers, Centre 2001, the loading dock of the Bay and its Hertz car rental agency, Les Promenades Cathedrale underground shopping centre and office tower, and a neighbouring office tower to the Parkade were also evacuated. Police cordoned off an area from Bleury Street in the east to University Street in the west, and from Ste-Catherine Street in the south to President Kennedy Street to the north.

The closure of the Metro caused havoc to the Friday afternoon rush hour, as over 40,000 people regularly use the Green Line (Line 1) every day. Montreal Transit Corporation workers issued directions during the day, though some may not have been informed of a provisionary bus service to replace the lost subway service. Loudspeakers announced that commuters should use the unaffected Orange Line (Line 2), which has lines between 5 and 10 blocks south of Line 1 (Green Line), and also connects to Lionel-Groulx and Berri-UQAM stations.

The downtown area is intended to remain closed for at least the weekend, along with portions of the underground city, or RESO. The tunnel was built in 1966. For the last few days, city work crews have been working above the slab in question, digging a one meter trench to install a median and segregate a new bike path on de Maisonneuve Boulevard. The tunnel roof lies five meters below street level.

Residents of Montreal are frustrated with the crumbling infrastructure in and around the city, including the collapse of the de la Concorde Boulevard overpass over Autoroute 19 expressway last year, the shattering of a column holding up the Autoroute 720 Ville Marie elevated expressway last month, and other incidents.

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‘Each makes the other more difficult to recover from’: University of Sussex professor L. Alan Winters speaks to Wikinews on trade, COVID-19, Brexit

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Earlier this month, Wikinews spoke with University of Sussex professor of economics L. Alan Winters regarding the decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union (EU) in the 2016 Brexit referendum and the subsequent negotiations leading up to and following the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement of December, which he has researched extensively. In a call, a Wikinews correspondent spoke with Professor Winters about recent developments in UK trade policy to learn more about his observations.

Winters is professor of economics at the University of Sussex, as well as founding director and fellow of the UK Trade Policy Observatory (UKTPO). His career spans over 15 years, including as chief economist at the Department for International Development, director of the Development Research Group of the World Bank, CEO of the Migrating Out of Poverty Research Programme Consortium and advisor for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the World Trade Organization and the Inter-American Development Bank.

Three reports where Winters is listed as an author were used as reference during the interview: “COVID-19 will reinforce the Brexit shock”, “The Costs of Brexit” and “Taking stock of the new UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement: governance, state subsidies and the level playing field”.

Winters was awarded the title “Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath”, styled C.B., on June 16, 2012 as part of the 2012 Birthday Honours.

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How To Set Up A Betta Fish Aquarium

By Mischa Hill

Aquarium Size

Betta Fish Aquariums usually vary in size, ranging from small fish bowls to bigger, full-sized aquariums. To fully comprehend the requirements of a betta, we must look at their natural environment as a basis. Bettas come from the slow moving streams, ponds, and rice paddies of Asia. And those conditions should be replicated in order to effectively rear bettas. So, to mimic those conditions, Betta fish tanks should range from 5 to 10 gal.

You can get a larger aquarium, if you’d like. Your betta will not complain. There really isn’t an upper limit to the aquarium size, if you provide enough hiding places, but too little space will shorten the life span of your betta at best, and at worst will create conditions under which it will simply not survive.

A larger, 5 to 10 gallon tank would be beneficial to both you and the betta, since the temperature in a bigger body of water tends to be more stable and would only change slightly when ambient temperature changes. The bigger tank would also benefit you since that means less frequent water changes. Contrary to popular belief, larger aquariums are much easier to take care of than small ones.

Aquarium Water


With the size of the tank out of the way, we need to settle the other aspects of our betta fish aquarium. The type of water is vital to a betta’s survival. Using distilled water isn’t the best for bettas because of the filtering process that removes most minerals in the water. Tap water is usually sufficient for bettas, provided that you treat the water to remove chlorine and let it sit for over 24 hours before adding it to your tank.

When you first buy the tank, let the water sit for a few weeks to get the biological filter cycle started.

Aquarium Filters

Filtering the water could also be an issue. Bettas are quite used to the tranquil or slow moving water in ponds and rice paddies, which means that using a high flow filter inside your betta fish aquarium is not advised. These types of filters will cause too much turbulence and the betta would find it stressful to come up to the surface to catch a breath (Bettas have a specialized organ called a labyrinth that allows them to breathe air).

Aquarium Heater

When you buy a heater for your aquarium, make sure to also get a thermometer. You will need to monitor the water temperature carefully, because sudden fluctuations can be deadly for your betta. Choosing the right heater will depend on the tank size as well as the temperature of the room where you will keep the aquarium. And even if you buy a high quality heater, you will probably have to replace it every year, so monitor it closely and replace it right away if it stops working.

Aquarium Gravel

You must also obtain a natural looking substrate or gravel to put inside your betta fish aquarium. Taking gravel from your backyard simply isn’t going to be the best reproduction of its natural milieu. You must also sustain the tank’s temperature to closely resemble their native climate of more or less 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Final Thoughts

Building appropriate betta fish aquariums is not that difficult a task. The first thing is to have a tank that is satisfactory in size. Keep in mind though that the suggested size is for one betta fish. If you would like to add a compatible fish, you may have to upgrade your tank’s size so that they can be properly accommodated.

Aside from the proper size of a betta fish aquarium, you must also learn how to maintain the right levels of ammonia, nitrites, and pH. This is important so the water doesn’t become lethal to your betta.

Before actually bringing your betta home, give yourself enough time to test all your equipment – the filter, the heater, etc. Make sure that the water as well as the entire set up is what it needs to be before introducing your fish to it. Number one mistake of new aquarium owners is trying to do too many things at once.

About the Author: Mischa Hill is a Betta fish enthusiast. His website compares prices on a large selection of betta fish aquariums. Visit his site also for betta fish care tips, price comparisons on betta fish supplies, remedies, books and more. Also, sign up for FREE Mini-Course on Betta fish care.


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Storm causes building wall at warehouse to collapse

Monday, November 5, 2018

On Friday, a storm caused a building to partially collapse in the Amazon Fulfillment Center at the warehouse of, a US-based online retailer, in south-east Baltimore, Maryland, United States. The storm removed the roof of the building, causing a 50 foot (about 15 m) concrete wall 8 inches (about 20 cm) thick to collapse. At least two people died, and as of Saturday one person reportedly remained missing.

Meg McNamara from the National Weather Service tweeted that the severe weather included two EF-1 tornadoes. The weather service said the tornadoes touched down at 8:20 p.m. and 9:42 p.m. local time, the second in Baltimore City impacting the Amazon warehouse.

On Saturday, the Baltimore Fire Department said in a tweet that they identified the victims as Israel Espana Argote and 54-year-old Andrew Lindsay. The Fire Department had conducted a search and rescue operation for bodies in the debris, involving heavy equipment.

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Influential rock drummer Ginger Baker dies at age 80

Monday, October 7, 2019

Yesterday morning, English drummer Ginger Baker died in a hospital at the age of 80. The news came from the Twitter account in his name and was independently confirmed by Associated Press with his daughter Nettie Baker. On September 25, it was reported Baker was hospitalized in critical condition. Baker was widely known as the drummer and co-founder of the rock band Cream, an early supergroup.

Baker, a life-long smoker and former heroin addict, suffered from health problems for years. The list of ailments included hearing loss, osteoarthritis, emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as heart problems for which he had surgery in 2016. Although known to have lived his latter years in South Africa, his daughter said he died in Britain without elaborating.

Ginger Baker was born Peter Edward Baker in Lewisham, London, in 1939. His father was killed in combat in 1943 during World War II. Baker — who was reportedly nicknamed Ginger due to his red hair — began playing drums in his teens. In a story he sometimes told, he had a habit of tapping on school desks. When an opportunity arose at a party, his classmates encouraged him to sit down at a drum set. “I’d never sat behind a kit before, but I sat down — and I could play! One of the musicians turned round and said, ‘Bloody hell, we’ve got a drummer’, and I thought, ‘Bloody hell, I’m a drummer’?”, he recalled in a 2009 retelling of the story to the The Independent.

Baker began his career as a drummer in jazz bands. He played with Acker Bilk and Terry Lightfoot. In 1962, when fellow drummer Charlie Watts was leaving Blues Incorporated for The Rolling Stones, Watts recommended Baker to be his replacement. Later, Baker found early success with rhythm and blues band The Graham Bond Organisation where he met bassist Jack Bruce.

In 1966, Baker, Bruce and singer/guitarist Eric Clapton, who was known from The Yardbirds, formed Cream. The rock trio was a massive success, selling tens of millions of records, including the first ever platinum certified album Wheels of Fire. Cream recorded four albums, then in 1968 disbanded with Baker and Bruce having developed a volatile relationship. Clapton and Baker were subsequently in another supergroup Blind Faith with Steve Winwood and Ric Grech. Blind Faith recorded only one studio album but notably played before a crowd of a hundred thousand at a free concert in London’s Hyde Park.

In the 1970s, Baker moved to Nigeria where he established a studio and began playing polo. Here he collaborated with Fela Kuti and worked on Wings’s album Band on the Run with Paul McCartney of The Beatles fame. Later, he recorded with John Lydon’s Public Image Ltd.

Cream was inducted in 1993 into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The band reunited in 2005 for several London and New York concerts. Afterwards he moved to South Africa, and still lived there when the 2012 documentary Beware of Mr. Baker was filmed. Baker’s last recording was 2014’s Why? solo album. Baker retired from live performances in 2016 due to his ill health.

Paul McCartney wrote on Twitter, “Ginger Baker, great drummer, wild and lovely guy. We worked together on the ‘Band on the Run’ album in his ARC Studio, Lagos, Nigeria. Sad to hear that he died but the memories never will.”

“A very sad loss, and my condolences to his family and friends. A loss also for his contribution to music. He was well-grounded in jazz from very early on,” wrote Steve Winwood in a statement. “Beneath his somewhat abrasive exterior, there was a very sensitive human being with a heart of gold. He’ll be missed.”

Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones also reacted on Twitter, “Sad news hearing that Ginger Baker has died, I remember playing with him very early on in Alexis Korner’s Blues Incorporated. He was a fiery but extremely talented and innovative drummer.”

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