Thai police, protesters in violent clashes; at least one dead

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Protesters in Thailand clashed today with government police, killing at least one soldier and wounding eighteen more in what media reported as being a “very tense and intense standoff.”

The violence, unusually outside of the center of Bangkok, included Thai security forces firing on protesters, apparently with both rubber bullets and live ammunition, which police had been authorized to use in self-defense. The conflict took place along a highway that a convoy of protesters was travelling along; government forces were trying to disperse the demonstrators.

Casualties of the fighting included one dead — a soldier apparently killed by friendly fire — and at least eighteen injured, including eight demonstrators. Government forces had, according to reports, fired both into the air and into the protestors from behind defenses such as razor wire and concrete pilings in an attempt to disperse the crowd.

The demonstrators have largely paralyzed the city of Bangkok for the past seven weeks in protests that have killed at least 26 people. Largely rural and urban poor, they say they will not leave until the Thai prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, resigns and new elections are held; many support former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, and consider they were deprived of their votes when he was ousted in a coup in 2006. The fighting has led to constant rumors of a military crackdown on the city.

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Satirist Stephen Colbert runs for U.S. President

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The American satirist Stephen Colbert has announced that he will run for the Presidency of the United States. He made his announcement on his mock news show The Colbert Report.

However, Colbert said that he would only run in his home state of South Carolina as a favorite son. He also said that he would represent both major political parties: the Republicans and the Democrats. It is not known how far Colbert will go with his character during his electoral run.

Colbert has hosted The Colbert Report, a spin-off to another satirical television series, The Daily Show, since its creation in 2005. “I didn’t have a job back then. I wonder what it was like to have a job back then. I am sure I could ask a dentist or a surgeon. He would know.” On the show he plays a right-wing political pundit, based on real-life pundits such as Bill O’Reilly and Stone Phillips. Colbert has been credited with popularizing certain words such as “Truthiness”, meaning to believe something intuitively, without regard for actual facts, logic or evidence.

Filling in for New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd on Sunday, Colbert wrote: “I am not ready to announce yet — even though it’s clear that the voters are desperate for a white, male, middle-aged, Jesus-trumpeting alternative.”

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Two separate fighter jet crashes kill two, injure two in Afghanistan

Monday, July 20, 2009

A United States fighter jet crash on Saturday has claimed the lives of the two American pilots onboard in eastern Afghanistan, and a NATO fighter crash at Kandahar Airfield has injured two more pilots today.

The latest crash is the fifth in the space of a week. On Tuesday a helicopter was shot down, killing seven civilians. Yesterday a NATO-chartered helicopter crashed at Kandahar Airfield, killing sixteen, and another helicopter landed heavily elsewhere, injuring several people. Only Tuesday’s accident involved hostile fire.

Saturday’s accident involved a U.S. Air Force (USAF) F-15, which crashed at 3:15 a.m. Kabul time in Nawur, Ghazni. Both of those on the two-man fighter were killed. A spokseman for Ghazni’s governor stated that “The crash site was sealed off by coalition forces. Afghan police were not allowed to have access to this area.”

A board of officers will investigate the accident. “We mourn the loss of these two airmen and our thoughts are with their families, loved ones and their unit,” said a USAF statement.

Initially NATO did not identify the nationality of the pilots involved in today’s accident or the nationality or model of the aircraft involved. However the MOD of the United Kingdom later confirmed that the aircraft was an RAF Tornado GR4 which crashed on take-off. The crash occurred at 7:20 a.m. local time and the wreckage burned for five hours. Both pilots ejected safely but sustained minor injuries, they are currently being treated and assessed in hospital.

This article features in a News Brief from Audio Wikinews:

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Propane Fire Pits Safe And Efficient Fire Pit Options

By Thomas Jones

Because of progresses in the last few decades in manufacturing, treatment and storage, and natural benefits over other petro products, propane is a low-risk option for your open-air fire pit or patio heater. For sure, if you smoke while handling a propane cylinder, or use matchsticks or lighters to test out for leaks, or pour lighter fluid or gasoline on your gas fire pit or open-air patio heater, all that safety might explode in smoke, together with several other things.

Propane cylinders stored in the house or subjecting them to extreme heats as well is a big no. For example, if propane seeps out from a cylinder stored in a cellar, the gas can float across the flooring to electrical switches, gas hubs or water heater and cause a blast or fire. Propane is heavier than air and collects at the lowest point in an enclosed quarter. Fixing links and other systems on a propane cylinder, open-air fire pit, or patio heater without ample training, or permitting kids to mess with any such systems, as well cuts safety.


Apart from that, millions use propane safely in an increasing number of ways in homes, manufacturing, agricultural, and transport. Over 10 million families make use of propane to fuel their furnaces, appliances, air conditioners, water heaters, open-air fire pits, grills, and patio heaters. In view of the fact that propane emits negligible emissions, it is frequently used in the house to power vehicles, like forklifts and ice resurfacing machines. In big cities, millions more make use of this environment friendly option for buses, taxis, as well as other service vehicles. Propane is one of the lightest, simplest hydrocarbons available.

In particular, as soon as it comes to monitoring valid safety measures, like what are said here or in open-air fire pit or patio heater operating instruction booklet, the likelihood of injury or loss of life as a direct consequence of a propane accident are very low. This is because of, if liquid propane leaks out, it vaporizes and disintegrates into the air. Given that it is released from a pressurized cylinder as a gas, it cannot be consumed like gasoline or alcohol fuels. Rigorous safety standards at present set by government for manufacturing of propane equipment and appliances. Propane tanks do not blow up, implode, rupture or disintegrate on their own. Actually, it takes a great deal of time and effort to make a propane tank blow up.

In contrast, to other crude oil products, propane is absolutely harmless and nontoxic; therefore, it does not contaminate land and water. Given that it does not cause danger and contaminate our atmosphere, the government does not impose regulation on the placement of propane tanks. Overall, you can have assurance using an open-air fire pit or patio heater fired by propane. Like with any dangerous material or activity, human mistake is a significant aspect we cannot all the time control or foresee. On the other hand, using known procedures and safety precautions in using and storing propane is supposed to reduce about any possibility of mishap or harm. To cut the long story short, propane fire pits are safe to use and are readily available online in a range of shapes and sizes opt for one, which suits your style and outside d cor.

About the Author: Thomas is an expert in the field. For more information on

fire pits

, and

propane fire pits

Please visit:


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Flooding in Slovenia leaves six dead

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Six people are confirmed dead after Tuesday’s heavy rains in Slovenia. Up to 300 mm of rain fell in just a few hours across the country, with swollen rivers, torrential streams and landslides sweeping away cars, houses, bridges, and whole sections of roads. In some areas, public services have not yet been restored, and healthcare and drinking water are being provided by mobile units. Some major roads are still closed. The damage includes the destruction of the resistance Hospital Franja, a museum site from the Second World war.

Worst hit was the valley town of Železniki, where three people died, 350 houses were flooded and over a hundred cars were swept away by the swollen river Sora. The dead included a woman who was swept away by the river in her car. The local health facilities and the elementary school are closed. Road communication to several surrounding villages was cut off by landslides. The flood also badly damaged local industry. The lower-lying town of Škofja Loka was also badly hit by the flood. A 31-year-old volunteer fire fighter was killed during the rescue effort in Cerklje.

Other badly affected areas include those along the rivers Sava, Savinja and Dravinja. All three rivers and many of their tributaries overflowed and flooded fields and towns. The low-lying parts of Celje, Laško and Nazarje were flooded by up to 2 meters of water. A 34-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman were killed in Podgorje near Braslov?e when their house was buried in a landslide. Two older people managed to leave the house unharmed.

Damage was widespread across the country and many roads were blocked by landslides. Velenje was cut off from the world for more than a day. The main road connecting the mountainous Bohinj valley to the central part of the country was closed, leaving only the mountain road to Tolmin.

Near the town of Cerkno, which was itself flooded, the museum site of Hospital Franja was nearly completely destroyed. The partisan resistance hospital from the Second World War, situated in a narrow mountain canyon above the town and named after the young doctor who worked at the site, treated hundreds of wounded resistance fighters and remained undiscovered by the Wehrmacht throughout the war. The hospital consisted of 12 wooden cabins and a miniature hydroelectric power plant. The power plant and all but one of the wooden cabins and were swept away by the swollen stream. Hundreds of exhibits, including medicine containers, locally produced medical equipment and an x-ray machine were lost or badly damaged.

The government of Slovenia directed €500,000 from the emergency fund to immediate rescue and repair operations, and has promised to help the affected municipalities and population with funds from the budget. The government has also pledged to rebuild the Hospital Franja museum site.


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How Binaural Beats Meditation Work

How Binaural Beats Meditation Work


Kevin Shiffer

What Binaural Beats Are

Binaural Beats are Not a passing fad, but have been researched for over 170 years. The human brain goes through many frequency cycles every day, each frequency producing different effects in the human consciousness. Using this information, it has been discovered that the receiving and operating frequency of the brain can be altered and even controlled through the use of sound waves. Unfortunately, it was originally thought these waves were difficult or impossible to tap through sound waves since they happened beneath the 20 Hz range. Since that time, however, binaural beats have made it possible to hear what was previously thought unhearable.

How Binaural Beats Work

Binaural Beats work by broadcasting two separate frequencies in each ear. For example, if you wanted to tune your brain to a 7 Hz frequency, you could play 200 Hz in your right ear, and 207 Hz in your left ear. The brain will compensate for the difference between the two and produce a third tone that will be exactly 7 Hz. This will result in your brain frequency being raised or lowered, and tuned to the desired operating stage. Headphones are mandatory with Binaurals. Notice the narrow sound wave and it’s lack of uniform. Certainly a good technology, but it has room for improvement.

How Isochronic Tones Work

Isochronic tones are the most powerful type of brainwave entrainment, utilizing equal intensity tones, increasing the pulse speed, and synchronizing your brain with the rhythm. Isochronics use a distinct and clean wave form which is designed to harmonize with the brain much more efficiently. Headphones are optional but recommended.

The Difference Between Recordings


We often receive questions inquiring about the difference between recordings. Many of our descriptions sound alike and people may assume that the recordings are basically the same. This is not the case. Each recording is different, and each recording is tuned for a specific purpose. Example- 4.2 Hz and 6.3 Hz are both within the Theta Range, but exhibit totally different characteristics. The four main frequency classifications are large and vague ranges, and within these classifications are an array of frequency options which all produce different effects. Also, studies show that exact combination of frequencies cause many documented brain reactions. We can not publicly disclose the exact frequencies used in our recordings for product protection reasons, but you can be assured each and every recording is specifically tuned to stimulate certain abilities.

What To Expect

Simply stated, Expect Results. Binaural Beats directly stimulate the brain by altering the operating frequency. Some of the common physical effects are:

The body feeling heavy and the inability to move freely.

Total relaxation of the entire body from head to toe.

Vivid visualizations, colors, and patterns.

Separation of the conscious and subconscious mind.

No Anxiety or Stress. Expect a sensation of all Tension leaving your body.

Feeling of sedation.

Every person’s brain works differently, but on the same basic principles. Some minds are more open to suggestion, while others refuse to let go. Reports of “Wild Experiences” are not uncommon, while others enjoy more mild relaxed effects. While each recording is specifically designed for a purpose, experiences will differ from person to person. Just remember that your mind wants what you want. Don’t be afraid of your own consciousness. You’re not going to be apart any time soon.

Are Binaural Beats Dangerous?

Brainwave Entrainment uses the exact same frequencies that we touch upon everyday in our daily lives. They allow you to reach certain levels of consciousness “On Demand”. You should consult with a doctor before using Binaural Beats if you have heart problems, a history of mental illness, or any other factors that you’re not sure about.

Also, keep in mind that Brainwave Entrainment affect your brain frequencies dramatically while in use. You can go into a state similar to sleep or suddenly find yourself functioning at your most mentally active and creative level while using them. Obviously, you should not drive or operate heavy machinery while using Binaural Beats.

Brain Frequency

Extensive studies have been conducted to determine frequency range and the associated behaviors/mental states. These studies have produced incredible results that link metaphysical abilities to exact frequencies. Below is a chart that shows the four most common brain wave classifications. Each of these can be broken down into frequencies that affect a different part of the conscious and subconscious mind. Each classification has many possible variations, and studies have shown different combinations will produce different effects.

13 to 40 Hz – Beta waves: Active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration

7 to 13 Hz – Alpha waves: Relaxation (while awake)

4 to 7 Hz – Theta waves: Dreams, deep meditation, hypnosis

History Of Binaural Beats

Binaural Beats were discovered by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in 1839, and were considered somewhat of a curiosity in scientific circles. 140 years later, a man named Gerald Oster wrote an article entitled “Auditory Beats in the Brain.” The article tied all previous research regarding Binaural Beats together, and concluded that it would be a powerful tool in neurological and cognitive research. In particular, he noted how animals are able to pick out specific sounds in a sea of noise in much the same way that people can pick up a conversation in the midst of a noisy cocktail party – hence the name “the cocktail party effect.” The technology was later developed by physicist Thomas Campbell and Dennis Menerich with the assistance of Robert Monroe. Together they found the first applications of Binaural Beats, including a program for out of body experiences. Research continues to this day, as new tools come out to assist people in realizing their dreams and leading better, more empowered lives.

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Cadillac unveils Obama’s ‘Beast’, the 2009 Presidential State Car

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The US Secret Service has released the first photos Wednesday of the new presidential limousine that will transport Barack Obama down Pennsylvania Avenue next Tuesday as part of the 56th Presidential inaugural parade after he is sworn in at the Capitol. The First Limo – the 2009 Cadillac Presidential Limousine – will replace President Bush’s Cadillac DTS Presidential Limousine that rolled out in 2004.

Nicknamed “The Beast”, the hulking machine is a new model year 2009, modified limousine. According to General Motors, the new “2009 Cadillac Presidential Limousine” is the first not to carry a specific model name. The Obama Mobile was introduced on January 14 with noticeably different styling borrowed from the Cadillac Escalade and STS, while the suspension is most likely related to the Chevrolet Kodiak medium-duty truck.

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Mr. David Caldwell of General Motors has revealed that the sleek black car would include a hand-crafted interior and “state of the art electronics.” The car’s high-tech security features include five-inch-thick (12.7-centimeter-thick) bombproof glass, tough-as-nails tires, and a sealed interior that’s invulnerable to chemical attack. The armoured limousine has been heavily modified to withstand potential attacks by weapons or bombs. The San Francisco Chronicle puts it in a proper perspective noting, “a half-inch of transparent armor is enough to stop a .44 Magnum round at point-blank range; at a thickness of 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches, the same material can withstand higher-velocity bullets fired from military assault rifles.”

According to spy photographer, Brenda Priddy, and General Motors, the limousine, which has the intricate, dual-textured grille, is also equipped with standard Goodyear Regional RHS truck tires in a 285/70R19.5 size, on 19.5-inch wheels. The rims have a run-flat device (manufactured by Hutchinson Industries). Xenon headlights from the Escalade are installed in the front, while the rear has some STS part. The doors are at least 20 centimeters (8 inches) thick. It carries the US flag on the front fenders and an embroidered Seal of the President of the United States is affixed to several panels in the back.

According to the US Secret Service, the vehicle would be a “valuable asset” in providing the President with the highest level of protection. “Although many of the vehicle’s security enhancements cannot be discussed, it is safe to say that this car’s security and coded communications systems make it the most technologically advanced protection vehicle in the world,” Nicholas Trotta, Assistant Director for the Office of Protective Operations said in a statement. The new limousine is the responsibility of White House Transportation Agency.

One of the specifications is that we don’t talk about the specifications.

The Presidential State Car is the official state car used by the President of the United States. It is informally known as “Cadillac One”. The current Presidential State Car is a 2005 hand-crafted, armored, and stretched DTS (DeVille Touring Sedan) built on a GM four-wheel drive platform. It was first used on the second inauguration parade of George W. Bush in 2005. But the version to be used by President Obama uses a GMC Topkick chassis, while maintaining the Cadillac exterior.

The President of the United States travels in one of two armoured Cadillac limousines based upon the normal sedan, the Cadillac DTS, with heavy customisation. Lincoln cars have also been used in the past, most notably by President John F Kennedy. The current limousines were custom-built by O’Gara, Hess and Eisenhart, founded in Fairfield, Ohio in 1942. It specializes in armouring limousines for presidents and heads of state.

President William McKinley was the first US president to ride in an automobile. However, it was President Theodore Roosevelt who rode on the first government-owned car, a white Stanley Steamer. Roosevelt’s successor, William Howard Taft, was the first president to use a presidential state car that was permanently stored in the White House garage.

Meanwhile, Obama’s 2005 Chrysler 300C Hemi was auctioned on eBay with a starting bid of $100,000 and a buy-it-now price of $1,000,000. It has less than 21,000 miles on it and is in like-new condition. He leased the car in 2004 and traded it for a Ford Escape Hybrid in 2007. The car was sold to Tim O’Boyle.

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Over 250 dead in Haiti cholera outbreak, thousands infected

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Now that cholera has established itself with a strong foothold in Haiti, it’s clear to us that this will not go away for several years

At least 259 people are dead and over 3000 people have been infected in the Haitian cholera outbreak. Officials from the United Nations have said that they fear that the disease will spread across the entire country. As the cholera spreads quickly across the country anxiety levels are high as fears mount that the disease will spread to the earthquake ravaged city of Port-au-Prince. However, so far only a few cases have been reported in the capital which occurred when five people from the Artibonite region traveled to the capital where the disease became symptomatic.

A field hospital has been setup in Saint-Marc to help treat patients while Oxfam has sent specialists to set up sanitation, hygiene and water facilities. The Health minister, Alex Larsen, and the president, Rene Preval, toured the affected areas and Larsen revealed that the government was launching a large anti-cholera campaign, aided by the WHO and US health officials. The UN has set up cholera treatment facilities in the Artibonite region and sent additional doctors. Facilities were also set up in the capital. It is believed that the massive surge of deaths will soon subside, but there will be more cases in the future due to the disease being established in the atmosphere.

A nationwide outbreak with tens of thousands of cases is a real possibility

According to the CDC cholera is “an acute, diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.” The CDC also says, “the infection is often mild or without symptoms, but can sometimes be severe. Approximately one in 20 (5%) infected persons will have severe disease characterized by profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps. In these people, rapid loss of body fluids leads to dehydration and shock. Without treatment, death can occur within hours.” Cholera is contracted from drinking water or eating food contaminated by the Vibrio cholerae bacteria.

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The James Burn Lhermite Docu Punch The Ultimate Punching Machine

By Jeff McRitchie

Punching your documents before you bind them can take a lot of time, especially when you’re working with especially long booklets or a large number of them. In a situation like that, it’s beneficial to have a heavy-duty device that can take care of this task for you. One machine that can do that is the James Burn Lhermite DocuPunch. This product has an astronomical punching capacity and it can produce a number of different hole patterns, so this machine really is the solution to your mid-volume punching needs. Here’s some details about this phenomenal device.

1. Unbelievable punching capacity. The main selling point for the DocuPunch is definitely this feature. It can process approximately 30,000 sheets of paper…in an hour. That’s the equivalent of 60 reams of paper. Plus, it’s simple to operate and features an ergonomically friendly design. Everything you need to control the device is located on the front of the unit.

2. Pick your hole pattern. This device uses die sets (sold separately) to create different hole patterns. Many of the hole patterns needed to do the most popular forms of binding (i.e. spiral coil, VeloBind, plastic comb, Double-O Wire) all have their own die sets. There are also dies available so you can punch paper to store in a three-ring binder. The dies only take seconds to change and the DocuPunch even has a storage space for your collection of dies.


3. Terrific paper-handling capability. One advantage to using this machine is that is will handle many different sizes and types of paper. (The smallest size it can handle is 5″ x 5″. The largest is 13″ x 12″.) Whether you working with regular 20 lb. bond paper or something thicker, the DocuPunch will deal with it. This device can even process tabbed paper, so if you have a document with tabs in it, you don’t need to take them out. Just put the document in the machine and it will take care of it.

4. Integrated, convenient functions. The Docupunch has a number of built-in features for added convenience. For easy operation, there’s an LED display at the front of the unit and an automatic page feeder ensures that your paper will be processed correctly. There’s even a paper jogger so that your sheets are flush.

One thing you should know about the DocuPunch is that it is strictly a machine for putting holes in paper. It will not print your documents nor will it bind them. You will need additional equipment for those tasks.

Overall, the James Burn Lhermite DocuPunch is great for companies and organizations that need a machine that can put holes in a lot of documents in no time at all. The device has a lot of great features and it’s compatible with many of the binding systems today’s companies are using. So if you run a mid to high-volume operation and have a need for a device that can punches thousands of sheets of paper in a small amount of time, this is one product that will no doubt be a welcome addition to your arsenal of office machines.

About the Author: If you’re interested in buying the

James Burn Lhermite DocuPunch

, you should really visit They have this great product as well as a wonderful selection of other

Automated Binding Systems

, and they’re all available at low prices.


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Police report drug haul seizure worth up to £30 million in Brownhills, England

Monday, December 2, 2013

Police in the West Midlands in England today said nearly 200 kilograms worth of drugs with value possibly as great as £30 million (about US$49 million or €36 million) has been seized from a unit in the town of Brownhills. In what an officer described as “one of the largest [seizures] in the force’s 39 year history”, West Midlands Police reported recovering six big cellophane-wrapped cardboard boxes containing cannabis, cocaine, and MDMA (“ecstasy”) in a police raid operation on the Maybrook Industrial Estate in the town on Wednesday.

The impact this seizure will have on drug dealing in the region and the UK as a whole cannot be underestimated

The seized boxes, which had been loaded onto five freight pallets, contained 120 one-kilogram bags of cannabis, 50 one-kilogram bags of MDMA, and five one-kilogram bricks of cocaine. In a press release, West Midlands Police described what happened after officers found the drugs as they were being unloaded in the operation. “When officers opened the boxes they discovered a deep layer of protective foam chips beneath which the drugs were carefully layered”, the force said. “All the drugs were wrapped in thick plastic bags taped closed with the cannabis vacuum packed to prevent its distinctive pungent aroma from drawing unwanted attention.” Police moved the drugs via forklift truck to a flatbed lorry to remove them.

Detective Sergeant Carl Russell of West Midlands Police’s Force CID said the seizure was the largest he had ever made in the 24 years he has been in West Midlands Police and one of the biggest seizures the force has made since its formation in 1974. “The impact this seizure will have on drug dealing in the region and the UK as a whole cannot be underestimated”, he said. “The drugs had almost certainly been packed to order ready for shipping within Britain but possibly even further afield. Our operation will have a national effect and we are working closely with a range of law enforcement agencies to identify those involved in this crime at whatever level.”

Expert testing on the drugs is ongoing. Estimates described as “conservative” suggest the value of the drugs amounts to £10 million (about US$16.4 million or €12 million), although they could be worth as much as £30 million, subject to purity tests, police said.

Police arrested three men at the unit on suspicion of supplying a controlled drug. The men, a 50-year-old from Brownhills, a 51-year-old from the Norton area of Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire, and one aged 53 from Brownhills, have been released on bail as police investigations to “hunt those responsible” continue. West Midlands Police told Wikinews no person has yet been charged in connection with the seizure. Supplying a controlled drug is an imprisonable offence in England, although length of jail sentences vary according to the class and quantity of drugs and the significance of offenders’ roles in committing the crime.

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