Shoulder And Triceps Exercises For Women

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Submitted by: Flavia Del Monte
Fitness routines should contain multiple aspects of muscle training. A good program will include muscle building, endurance training and stretching. To ensure that your upper body develops properly it is important that we create a strong base to work from. This includes developing strong shoulders and triceps.
Fitness routines should contain multiple aspects of muscle training. A good program will include muscle building, endurance training and stretching. To ensure that your upper body develops properly it is important that we create a strong base to work from. This includes developing strong shoulders and triceps.
As one of the most complicated joints in the body, the shoulder plays a large role in upper body strength and stability. Made up of four joints and five linked bone groups, the shoulder has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body. It is also an unstable joint. To achieve this free range of motion it is not locked in to place by the rest of the joint, it is kept together by a complex collection of muscles and ligaments.
The job of the tricep muscle is to both extend the arm and to bring the arm back to the body. It does this by using the bicep heads for the former and the tricep muscle for the later. The tricep also has the honor of being one of the most overlooked muscles in any workout.
Sample Exercise Program for Shoulders and Triceps:
1. Standing Shoulder Push Press – 4 sets of 10 reps
2. Cable Side Lateral Raise – 4 sets of 8 reps (plus a drop set for the last set)
3. Leaning Prone Lateral Side Raise (dumbbells out to the side) – 4 sets to failure or about 10 reps
4. Rear Fly Machine – 1 set of 25 reps
1. Parallel Bar Triceps Dip – 4 sets to failure
2. Cable Press Down – 4 sets of 8 reps with drop set on last set
3. Dumbbell Arm Extension – 4 sets of 12
4. Dumbbell Triceps Kickback – 1 set of 25
Stretching for the Shoulder and Tricep:
Tricep and Shoulder Tension Relief
Stretching your tricep and shoulder muscles can be done with simple exercises and stretches. First, reach high overhead to stretch your shoulder and tricep. raise your right arm and put your open hand behind your head and lightly hold it. Next, place your left hand onto your right elbow and gently pull until you feel a mild stretch in your tricep and shoulder. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then slowly return to the original, upright position. Relax for 10 seconds and repeat this exercise five times. Repeat the process with your other arm.
Wall Stretching
Walls make great stretching and exercise aids, they never move. Facing the wall, raise your right arm and bend your elbow 90 degrees. Place your forearm against the wall, palms touching wall and slowly turn your upper body to the left as you move closer to the wall. Feel the stretch in your shoulder and upper arm. Hold the stretch 20 seconds and then relax for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times, five on each side.
Arm Pulls
Throughout the day you can keep your triceps and shoulder flexible by doing arm pulls. Arm pulls help reduce muscle and joint stiffness when done on a regular basis. An arm pull is done by grasping your opposite elbow with your hand and pulling your elbow across and down your body. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then release and relax for 10 seconds. After doing this 5 times repeat the process with the opposite arm.
Capsule Shoulder and Tricep Stretching
Incorporating triceps and shoulder exercises and stretches in to your fitness program can increase your shoulder capsule flexibility by stretching your chest, arms and shoulders.
Standing with your feet roughly hip width apart tighten your abdominals and pull your shoulder blades togeher. Then slowly turn your head to the right. Hold this stretch for 20 seconds and then relax for 10. Repeat this exercise 10 times, five on each side. You can increase the stretch by moving your right should backward once you have started the stretch.
The more shoulder and tricep exercises that you incorporate in to your workout, the further along the shapely, sculpted shoulders and lean, defined triceps you will be. More importantly, you will also see an increase in range of motion along with more strength and stability in your shoulder helping to keep you free from injury.
About the Author: Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Curvalicious. You can read more about my training programs, nutrition advice and great butt workouts on my fitness training for women blog.Visit
for more information.
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